16 research outputs found

    Toward Sequentializing Overparallelized Protocol Code

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    In our ongoing work, we use constraint automata to compile protocol specifications expressed as Reo connectors into efficient executable code, e.g., in C. We have by now studied this automata based compilation approach rather well, and have devised effective solutions to some of its problems. Because our approach is based on constraint automata, the approach, its problems, and our solutions are in fact useful and relevant well beyond the specific case of compiling Reo. In this short paper, we identify and analyze two such rather unexpected problems.Comment: In Proceedings ICE 2014, arXiv:1410.701

    Runtime Enforcement for Component-Based Systems

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    Runtime enforcement is an increasingly popular and effective dynamic validation technique aiming to ensure the correct runtime behavior (w.r.t. a formal specification) of systems using a so-called enforcement monitor. In this paper we introduce runtime enforcement of specifications on component-based systems (CBS) modeled in the BIP (Behavior, Interaction and Priority) framework. BIP is a powerful and expressive component-based framework for formal construction of heterogeneous systems. However, because of BIP expressiveness, it remains difficult to enforce at design-time complex behavioral properties. First we propose a theoretical runtime enforcement framework for CBS where we delineate a hierarchy of sets of enforceable properties (i.e., properties that can be enforced) according to the number of observational steps a system is allowed to deviate from the property (i.e., the notion of k-step enforceability). To ensure the observational equivalence between the correct executions of the initial system and the monitored system, we show that i) only stutter-invariant properties should be enforced on CBS with our monitors, ii) safety properties are 1-step enforceable. Given an abstract enforcement monitor (as a finite-state machine) for some 1-step enforceable specification, we formally instrument (at relevant locations) a given BIP system to integrate the monitor. At runtime, the monitor observes and automatically avoids any error in the behavior of the system w.r.t. the specification. Our approach is fully implemented in an available tool that we used to i) avoid deadlock occurrences on a dining philosophers benchmark, and ii) ensure the correct placement of robots on a map.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1109.5505 by other author

    Architecture internalisation in BIP

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    International audienceWe consider two approaches for building component-based systems, which we call respectively architecture-based and architecture-agnostic. The former consists in describing coordination constraints in a purely declarative manner through parametrizable glue operators; it provides higher abstraction level and, consequently, stronger correctness by construction. The latter uses simple fixed coordination primitives, which are spread across component behaviour; it is more error-prone, but allows performance optimisation. We study architecture internalisation leading from an architecture-based system to an equivalent architecture-agnostic one, focusing, in particular, on component-based systems described in BIP. BIP uses connectors for hierarchical composition of components. We study connector internalisation in three steps. 1) We introduce and study the properties of interaction expressions, which represent the combined information about all the effects of an interaction. We show that they are a very powerful tool for specifying and analysing structured interaction. 2) We formalize the connector semantics of BIP by using interaction expressions. The formalization proves to be mathematically rigorous and concise. 3) We introduce the T/B component model and provide a semantics preserving translation of BIP into this model. The translation is compositional that is, it preserves the structure of the source models. The results are illustrated by simple examples. A Java implementation is evaluated on two case studies

    Facilitating the Implementation of Distributed Systems with Heterogeneous Interactions

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    International audienceWe introduce HDBIP an extension of the Behavior Interaction Priority (BIP) framework. BIP is a component-based framework with a rigorous operational semantics and high-level and expressive interaction model. HDBIP extends BIP interaction model by allowing heterogeneous interactions targeting distributed systems. HDBIP allows both multiparty and direct send/receive interactions that can be directly mapped to an underlying communication library. Then, we present a correct and efficient code generation from HDBIP to C++ implementation using Message Passing Interface (MPI). We present a non-trivial case study showing the effectiveness of HDBIP

    Correct-by-Construction Web Service Architecture

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    Abstract—Service-Oriented Computing aims to facilitate devel-opment of large-scale applications out of loosely coupled services. The service architecture sets the framework for achieving cohe-rence and interoperability despite service autonomy and the hete-rogeneity in data representation and protocols. Service-Oriented Architectures are based on standardized service contracts, in order to infuse characteristic properties (stateless interactions, atomicity etc). However, contracts cannot ensure correctness of services if essential operational details are overlooked, as is usually the case. We introduce a modeling framework for the specification of Web Service architectures, in terms of formal operational semantics. Our approach aims to enable rigorous design of Web Services, based on the Behaviour Interaction Priorities (BIP) component framework and the principles of correctness-by-construction. We provide executable BIP models for SOAP-based and RESTful Web Services and for a service ar-chitecture with session replication. The architectures are treated as reusable design artifacts that may be composed, such that their characteristic properties are preserved

    Dynamic Input/Output Automata: a Formal and Compositional Model for Dynamic Systems

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    We present dynamic I/O automata (DIOA), a compositional model of dynamic systems, based on I/O automata. In our model, automata can be created and destroyed dynamically, as computation proceeds. In addition, an automaton can dynamically change its signature, that is, the set of actions in which it can participate. This allows us to model mobility, by enforcing the constraint that only automata at the same location may synchronize on common actions. Our model features operators for parallel composition, action hiding, and action renaming. It also features a notion of automaton creation, and a notion of trace inclusion from one dynamic system to another, which can be used to prove that one system implements the other. Our model is hierarchical: a dynamically changing system of interacting automata is itself modeled as a single automaton that is "one level higher." This can be repeated, so that an automaton that represents such a dynamic system can itself be created and destroyed. We can thus model the addition and removal of entire subsystems with a single action. We establish fundamental compositionality results for DIOA: if one component is replaced by another whose traces are a subset of the former, then the set of traces of the system as a whole can only be reduced, and not increased, i.e., no new behaviors are added. That is, parallel composition, action hiding, and action renaming, are all monotonic with respect to trace inclusion. We also show that, under certain technical conditions, automaton creation is monotonic with respect to trace inclusion: if a system creates automaton Ai instead of (previously) creating automaton A'i, and the traces of Ai are a subset of the traces of A'i,then the set of traces of the overall system is possibly reduced, but not increased. Our trace inclusion results imply that trace equivalence is a congruence relation with respect to parallel composition, action hiding, and action renaming. Our trace inclusion results enable a design and refinement methodology based solely on the notion of externally visible behavior, and which is therefore independent of specific methods of establishing trace inclusion. It permits the refinement of components and subsystems in isolation from the entire system, and provides more flexibility in refinement than a methodology which is, for example, based on the monotonicity of forward simulation with respect to parallel composition. In the latter, every automaton must be refined using forward simulation, whereas in our framework different automata can be refined using different methods. The DIOA model was defined to support the analysis of mobile agent systems, in a joint project with researchers at Nippon Telegraph and Telephone. It can also be used for other forms of dynamic systems, such as systems described by means of object-oriented programs, and systems containing services with changing access permissions