780 research outputs found

    A survey on enhancing grid flexibility through bidirectional interactive electric vehicle operations

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    Smart grids (SG) constitute a revolutionary concept within the energy sector, enabling the establishment of a bidirectional communication infrastructure. This infrastructure significantly improves control, efficiency, and overall service quality in power systems. The study provides an in-depth survey on the classification of EVs, including both plug-in and non-plug-in EVs, and the integration process of V2G, including bidirectional power flow analysis. Moreover, various control strategies for EV integration are explored, ranging from centralized and decentralized to hierarchical control structures. Further, the research thoroughly examines the potential benefits of EV integration and addresses associated challenges, such as battery degradation, infrastructure requirements, cybersecurity and communication issues, grid congestion, and consumer behavior. The study goes beyond theoretical exploration and offers a comprehensive simulation analysis. This analysis leverages the storage capabilities of EVs to provide grid support services. A real-time dynamic dispatch strategy is formulated to integrate EVs into the automatic generation control of multi-energy systems. The findings demonstrate that EVs can effectively mitigate forecasting errors in a power network heavily reliant on wind energy sources. Consequently, the storage capabilities of EVs contribute to enhancing grid flexibility in managing the intermittency of renewable energy resources

    An interdisciplinary study to explore impacts from policies for the introduction of low carbon vehicles

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    Driven by concerns of climate change, governments across the world are introducing a number of policies to accelerate the uptake of low carbon vehicles (LCVs), with a specific focus on electric motors. However, there is uncertainty in the effectiveness of such policies and technology pathways, which are inherently interlinked. This article considers the short-term situation to 2020 and focuses on the concern that these policies may bring about some disproportionate impacts in society due to changes in mobility. An ethical framework is established that seeks to balance obligations to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and rights to car ownership, then selected policies are modelled within this framework to assess acceptability of implementation. Although these policies are successful in introducing LCVs and reducing GHG emissions, findings also indicate uneven cost burdens and reduced affordability of car ownership. Following this, recommendations for policy amendments and model improvements are made

    The Spatio-Temporal Analysis of the Use and Usability Problems of EV Workplace Charging Facilities

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    With the worldwide calls to meet greenhouse gas targets and policy objectives by 2030, finding an electric vehicle (EV) on the way to work every day has become less surprising. Adapting to owning an EV is challenging to all potential users. Current users tend to rely on domestic charging for a more certain and less hassle charging opportunity. The demand is shifting towards workplace charging (WPC) as a cheap and convenient solution due to the relatively long time the car is parked there. WPC fills a critical gap in EV charging infrastructure needs by extending electric miles and building range confidence. This chapter reports on the social practice of using one of the WPC facilities in the UK. It investigates the use and usability problems that are faced (n = 12) by EV users at workplace environment in one of the UK public sector employer

    Plug-and-Play Distributed Algorithms for Optimized Power Generation in a Microgrid

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    This paper introduces distributed algorithms that share the power generation task in an optimized fashion among the several Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) within a microgrid. We borrow certain concepts from communication network theory, namely Additive-Increase-Multiplicative-Decrease (AIMD) algorithms, which are known to be convenient in terms of communication requirements and network efficiency.We adapt the synchronized version of AIMD to minimize a cost utility function of interest in the framework of smart grids. We then implement the AIMD utility optimisation strategies in a realistic power network simulation in Matlab-OpenDSS environment, and we show that the performance is very close to the full-communication centralized case

    Paving the way to electrified road transport - Publicly funded research, development and demonstration projects on electric and plug-in vehicles in Europe

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    The electrification of road transport or electro-mobility is seen by many as a potential game-changing technology that could have a significant influence on the future cost and environmental performance of personal individual mobility as well as short distance goods transport. While there is currently a great momentum vis-Ă -vis electro-mobility, it is yet unclear, if its deployment is economically viable in the medium to long term. Electromobility, in its early phase of deployment, still faces significant hurdles that need to be overcome in order to reach a greater market presence. Further progress is needed to overcome some of these hurdles. The importance of regulatory and financial support to emerging environmentally friendly transport technologies has been stressed in multiple occasions. The aim of our study was to collect the information on all on-going or recently concluded research, development and demonstration projects on electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, which received EU or national public funding with a budget >1mln Euro, in order to assess which of the electric drive vehicles (EDV) challenges are addressed by these projects and to identify potential gaps in the research, development, and demonstration (R, D & D) landscape in Europe. The data on R, D & D projects on electric and plug-in vehicles, which receive public funding, has been collected by means of (i) on-line research, (ii) validation of an inventory of projects at member state level through national contacts and (iii) validation of specific project information through distribution of project information templates among project coordinators. The type of information which was gathered for the database included: EDV component(s) targeted for R&D, location and scope of demo projects, short project descriptions, project budget and amount of public co-funding received, funding organisation, project coordinator,number and type of partners (i.e. utilities, OEMs, services, research institutions, local authorities), start and duration of the project. The validation process permitted the identification of additional projects which were not accounted for in the original online search. Statistical elaboration of the collected data was conducted. More than 320 R, D & D projects funded by the EU and Member states are listed and analyzed. Their total budgets add up to approximately 1.9 billion Euros. Collected data allowed also the development of an interactive emobility visualization tool, called EV-Radar, which portrays in an interactive way R&D and demonstration efforts for EDVs in Europe. It can be accessed under http://iet.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ev-radar.JRC.F.6-Energy systems evaluatio

    Real-time simulation of EV grid integration with internet-inspired charging control

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    Analyzing realistic EV-grid integration (EVGI) with available simulation tools is cumbersome due to the software overhead associated with offline simulation. Alternatively, real-time hardware platforms are becoming convenient means for testing and evaluating systems before field implementation. This study presents a digital implementation of an EVGI model in real-time on a multi-core processor based simulation platform. Furthermore, an Interned-inspired EV charging control algorithm is proposed in a decentralized fashion to prevent congestion related problems in a residential distribution grid. The impact of the proposed EV charging control on the IEEE 37-node test system is evaluated through the real-time analysis. The developed controller results show promise for extension to any utility-interfaced power electronics system. Real-time simulation implementation requirements and challenges in the context of EVGI are also discussed
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