35 research outputs found

    Parallel Sort-Based Matching for Data Distribution Management on Shared-Memory Multiprocessors

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    In this paper we consider the problem of identifying intersections between two sets of d-dimensional axis-parallel rectangles. This is a common problem that arises in many agent-based simulation studies, and is of central importance in the context of High Level Architecture (HLA), where it is at the core of the Data Distribution Management (DDM) service. Several realizations of the DDM service have been proposed; however, many of them are either inefficient or inherently sequential. These are serious limitations since multicore processors are now ubiquitous, and DDM algorithms -- being CPU-intensive -- could benefit from additional computing power. We propose a parallel version of the Sort-Based Matching algorithm for shared-memory multiprocessors. Sort-Based Matching is one of the most efficient serial algorithms for the DDM problem, but is quite difficult to parallelize due to data dependencies. We describe the algorithm and compute its asymptotic running time; we complete the analysis by assessing its performance and scalability through extensive experiments on two commodity multicore systems based on a dual socket Intel Xeon processor, and a single socket Intel Core i7 processor.Comment: Proceedings of the 21-th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT 2017). Best Paper Award @DS-RT 201

    Layer Partition-based Matching Algorithm of DDM

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    High Level Architecture (HLA) is architecture for reuse and interoperation of simulations. In HLA paradigm, the Runtime Infrastructure (RTI) provides a set of services. Data Distribution Management (DDM) service reduces message traffic over the network. DDM aims to control and limit the data exchanged between federates during federation. Each federate may inform the RTI about its intention to publish some data or it may subscribe to receive a subset of the published data. DDM services are used to reduce the transmission and receiving of irrelevant data and aimed at reducing the communication over the network. These services rely on the computation of the intersection between “update” and “subscription” regions. When calculating the intersection between update regions and subscription regions, the higher computation overhead can occur. Currently, there are several main DDM filtering algorithms. This paper proposes the layer partition-based matching algorithm for DDM in the HLA-based large-scale distributed simulations. The new algorithm chooses the dynamic pivot based on regions distribution in the routing space. The binary partition-based algorithm is fundamentally based on a divide and conquers approach. This algorithm always chooses the midpoint as the pivot point of routing space. This approach promises low computational overhead, since it does not require unnecessary comparisons within regions in different partitions. The proposed algorithm firstly calculates the regions distribution. Then, the partitioning among regions performs based on the result of choosing pivot based on region detection and defines the matching area that entirely covers all regions which need to match with regions at pivot point. The proposed algorithm provides the more definite matching area between update region and subscription region during matching process. This algorithm guarantees low computational overheads for matching process based on the overlapping degree between the regions and reduce the irrelevant message among federates

    Implementing Distributed Data Management System In Dynamic Objects By Using Improved Sort Based Algorithm

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    In the High Level Architecture (HLA) paradigm, the Runtime Infrastructure (RTI) provides a set of services, such as data distribution and management (DDM) among federates. Each federate may inform the RTI about its intention to publish some data or it may subscri be to receive a subset of the published data. DDM services are used to reduce the transmission and receiving of irrelevant data and aimed at reducing the communication over the network. These services rely on the computation of the intersection between “up date” and “subscription” regions. Currently, there are several main DDM filtering algorithms. Our proposed system describes data management and filtering mechanism on tank simulation in battlefield area. This system intends to detect the movement of the ta nk ob ject s, search overlap between the tank object and every regional regiment (extent). When overlapping information is getting from one of the simulation object (OverlapDetector), another simulation object (Coordinator) connects the relevant extent that conta ining the tank object. That extent continued to send the tank information to other regional regiments according to the predefined list. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of a simulation platform used to implement one of the fil tering algorithms, the improved sort based algorithm, and report the overhead of reducing network traffic and ensuring that the forwarding data receive federates only who need the data

    Design and implementation of a testbed for data distribution management

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    Data Distribution Management (DDM) is a core part of High Level Architecture standard, as its goal is to optimize the resources used by simulation environments to exchange data. It has to filter and match the set of information generated during a simulation, so that each federate, that is a simulation entity, only receives the information it needs. It is important that this is done quickly and to the best in order to get better performances and avoiding the transmission of irrelevant data, otherwise network resources may saturate quickly. The main topic of this thesis is the implementation of a super partes DDM testbed. It evaluates the goodness of DDM approaches, of all kinds. In fact it supports both region and grid based approaches, and it may support other different methods still unknown too. It uses three factors to rank them: execution time, memory and distance from the optimal solution. A prearranged set of instances is already available, but we also allow the creation of instances with user-provided parameters. This is how this thesis is structured. We start introducing what DDM and HLA are and what do they do in details. Then in the first chapter we describe the state of the art, providing an overview of the most well known resolution approaches and the pseudocode of the most interesting ones. The third chapter describes how the testbed we implemented is structured. In the fourth chapter we expose and compare the results we got from the execution of four approaches we have implemented. The result of the work described in this thesis can be downloaded on sourceforge using the following link: https://sourceforge.net/projects/ddmtestbed/. It is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPLv3)

    Resource-constraint And Scalable Data Distribution Management For High Level Architecture

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    In this dissertation, we present an efficient algorithm, called P-Pruning algorithm, for data distribution management problem in High Level Architecture. High Level Architecture (HLA) presents a framework for modeling and simulation within the Department of Defense (DoD) and forms the basis of IEEE 1516 standard. The goal of this architecture is to interoperate multiple simulations and facilitate the reuse of simulation components. Data Distribution Management (DDM) is one of the six components in HLA that is responsible for limiting and controlling the data exchanged in a simulation and reducing the processing requirements of federates. DDM is also an important problem in the parallel and distributed computing domain, especially in large-scale distributed modeling and simulation applications, where control on data exchange among the simulated entities is required. We present a performance-evaluation simulation study of the P-Pruning algorithm against three techniques: region-matching, fixed-grid, and dynamic-grid DDM algorithms. The P-Pruning algorithm is faster than region-matching, fixed-grid, and dynamic-grid DDM algorithms as it avoid the quadratic computation step involved in other algorithms. The simulation results show that the P-Pruning DDM algorithm uses memory at run-time more efficiently and requires less number of multicast groups as compared to the three algorithms. To increase the scalability of P-Pruning algorithm, we develop a resource-efficient enhancement for the P-Pruning algorithm. We also present a performance evaluation study of this resource-efficient algorithm in a memory-constraint environment. The Memory-Constraint P-Pruning algorithm deploys I/O efficient data-structures for optimized memory access at run-time. The simulation results show that the Memory-Constraint P-Pruning DDM algorithm is faster than the P-Pruning algorithm and utilizes memory at run-time more efficiently. It is suitable for high performance distributed simulation applications as it improves the scalability of the P-Pruning algorithm by several order in terms of number of federates. We analyze the computation complexity of the P-Pruning algorithm using average-case analysis. We have also extended the P-Pruning algorithm to three-dimensional routing space. In addition, we present the P-Pruning algorithm for dynamic conditions where the distribution of federated is changing at run-time. The dynamic P-Pruning algorithm investigates the changes among federates regions and rebuilds all the affected multicast groups. We have also integrated the P-Pruning algorithm with FDK, an implementation of the HLA architecture. The integration involves the design and implementation of the communicator module for mapping federate interest regions. We provide a modular overview of P-Pruning algorithm components and describe the functional flow for creating multicast groups during simulation. We investigate the deficiencies in DDM implementation under FDK and suggest an approach to overcome them using P-Pruning algorithm. We have enhanced FDK from its existing HLA 1.3 specification by using IEEE 1516 standard for DDM implementation. We provide the system setup instructions and communication routines for running the integrated on a network of machines. We also describe implementation details involved in integration of P-Pruning algorithm with FDK and provide results of our experiences

    Parallel and Distributed Simulation from Many Cores to the Public Cloud (Extended Version)

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    In this tutorial paper, we will firstly review some basic simulation concepts and then introduce the parallel and distributed simulation techniques in view of some new challenges of today and tomorrow. More in particular, in the last years there has been a wide diffusion of many cores architectures and we can expect this trend to continue. On the other hand, the success of cloud computing is strongly promoting the everything as a service paradigm. Is parallel and distributed simulation ready for these new challenges? The current approaches present many limitations in terms of usability and adaptivity: there is a strong need for new evaluation metrics and for revising the currently implemented mechanisms. In the last part of the paper, we propose a new approach based on multi-agent systems for the simulation of complex systems. It is possible to implement advanced techniques such as the migration of simulated entities in order to build mechanisms that are both adaptive and very easy to use. Adaptive mechanisms are able to significantly reduce the communication cost in the parallel/distributed architectures, to implement load-balance techniques and to cope with execution environments that are both variable and dynamic. Finally, such mechanisms will be used to build simulations on top of unreliable cloud services.Comment: Tutorial paper published in the Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS 2011). Istanbul (Turkey), IEEE, July 2011. ISBN 978-1-61284-382-

    Swarming Reconnaissance Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in a Parallel Discrete Event Simulation

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    Current military affairs indicate that future military warfare requires safer, more accurate, and more fault-tolerant weapons systems. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) are one answer to this military requirement. Technology in the UAV arena is moving toward smaller and more capable systems and is becoming available at a fraction of the cost. Exploiting the advances in these miniaturized flying vehicles is the aim of this research. How are the UAVs employed for the future military? The concept of operations for a micro-UAV system is adopted from nature from the appearance of flocking birds, movement of a school of fish, and swarming bees among others. All of these natural phenomena have a common thread: a global action resulting from many small individual actions. This emergent behavior is the aggregate result of many simple interactions occurring within the flock, school, or swarm. In a similar manner, a more robust weapon system uses emergent behavior resulting in no weakest link because the system itself is made up of simple interactions by hundreds or thousands of homogeneous UAVs. The global system in this research is referred to as a swarm. Losing one or a few individual unmanned vehicles would not dramatically impact the swarms ability to complete the mission or cause harm to any human operator. Swarming reconnaissance is the emergent behavior of swarms to perform a reconnaissance operation. An in-depth look at the design of a reconnaissance swarming mission is studied. A taxonomy of passive reconnaissance applications is developed to address feasibility. Evaluation of algorithms for swarm movement, communication, sensor input/analysis, targeting, and network topology result in priorities of each model\u27s desired features. After a thorough selection process of available implementations, a subset of those models are integrated and built upon resulting in a simulation that explores the innovations of swarming UAVs

    Managing Bandwidth and Traffic via Bundling and Filtration in Large-Scale Distributed Simulations

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    Research has shown that bandwidth can be a limiting factor in the performance of distributed simulations. The Air Force\u27s Distributed Mission Operations Center (DMOC) periodically hosts one of the largest distributed simulation events in the world. The engineers at the DMOC have dealt with the difficult problem of limited bandwidth by implementing application level filters that process all DIS PDUs between the various networks connected to the exercise. This thesis examines their implemented filter and proposes: adaptive range-based filtering and bundling together of PDUs. The goals are to reduce the number of PDUs passed by the adaptive filter and to reduce network overhead and the total amount of data transferred by maximizing packet size up to the MTU. The proposed changes were implemented and logged data from previous events were used on a test network in order to measure the improvement from the base filter to the improved filter. The results showed that the adaptive range based filter was effective, though minimally so, and that the PDU bundling resulted in a reduction of 17% to 20% of the total traffic transmitted across the network