18 research outputs found

    Extending the generalizability and pragmatic contributions to solve privacy paradox

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    Privacy issue has increasingly become an integral part of organizations and businesses that operate within the digital era. However, heretofore, there is a lack of a systematic literature review to help scholars to integrate what has been done in previous studies when privacy issues were addressed especially the privacy paradox that still perplexes both academia and practitioners alike. Furthermore, with the inconsistency of findings regarding the privacy paradox, there is also a need to support researchers in recognizing the substantial constructs to improve the results of their empirical papers. Therefore, this paper aims to serve as an integrated review to congregate constructs that can help scholars to improve the generalizability and pragmatic contributions when addressing privacy paradox issue. Besides the conclusion that there is a lack of empirical papers on privacy paradox published in the business, management and marketing journal publications, we also synthesize constructs such as the population of the study, methodology, cross-cultural aspect and context of the study to improve the extent of the generalizability and practical contributions of empirical paper related to the privacy paradox. The limitations and implications of this study are also discussed at the end of this paper

    Panel on Privacy in the Hyperconnected Digital Age

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    This panel is organized to discuss what is needed to gain a comprehensive understanding of the emerging privacy issues thrust upon by modern technologies, such as AI, and the data collection and usage practices of the companies and the government. The panel will explore possible solutions to ensure that these technologies\u27 benefits outweigh their disadvantages. The panel will be held virtually

    Systematic review of the current state of research on Online Social Networks: Taxonomy on experience of use

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    La generalización del uso de redes sociales en jóvenes ha supuesto un incremento notable de las publicaciones sobre ellas y sobre sus efectos en el desarrollo psicosocial de los usuarios. Las tentativas previas de revisión panorámica sobre redes quedaron desfasadas y no aportan una visión comprehensiva de la complejidad de la experiencia de uso. Los objetivos de esta revisión sistemática actualizada fueron: identificar estudios cuantitativos sobre redes; construir una taxonomía sobre la experiencia de uso; y clasificar las variables estudiadas en temas y subtemas. La búsqueda y revisión de literatura siguiendo la estrategia PICoS identificó 546 estudios que cumplían los criterios de inclusión. La taxonomía incluyó nueve grandes temáticas investigadas: descripción y cuantificación del uso; actividades y tipos de uso; percepción y actitudes influyentes en el uso; red social de contactos; necesidades y motivos de uso; gestión del perfil y privacidad; procesos sociales; procesos identitarios; y procesos cognitivos-emocionales. Los tres temas más estudiados fueron: la descripción y cuantificación del uso; las actividades y tipos de uso; y los procesos sociales relacionados con el uso. Se detalla la clasificación, cuantificación e integración de las diversas variables estudiadas sobre la experiencia de uso. Las diferentes tradiciones de estudio, así como las lagunas, problemas y retos de la investigación sobre redes son discutidas. Dicha taxonomía será de utilidad para que investigadores puedan encuadrar mejor los objetivos de futuros estudios.The widespread use of online social networks (OSN) among young people has been accompanied by an increase of publications about them and their effects on the psychosocial development of users. Previous panoramic reviews on OSN research are now outdated and do not provide a comprehensive view of the complexity of the user experience. The aims of this systematic review were three: to identify quantitative studies on OSN; to build a taxonomy about the user experience; and to classify studied variables in the topics and subtopics. The literature search and review according to PICoS strategy led to 546 identified publications that met the eligibility criteria. The taxonomy included nine major topics: overall use; activities and types of use; perceptions and attitudes OSN; the social network of online contacts; needs and motives for use; profile and privacy management; social processes; identity processes; and cognitive-emotional processes related to use of OSN. The three most studied topics were: overall use; activities and types of use; and social processes related to use of OSN. Classification and quantification of the different variables studied about the users’ experience is detailed. Several theoretical perspectives are discussed, as well as the gaps and challenges in OSN research. The proposed taxonomy could be useful for researchers to better delineate the aims of future studies.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España PSI 2015-64211-

    Emergency Notification on Mobile Devices – A Trade-off between Protection Motivation and Privacy Concern

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    Traditional design methods, based on analytical rationale, often cannot address upcoming challenges e.g., related to the digital business transformation in volatile environments. Analytical rationale assumes a particular result and provides the methods and tools for achieving it. Nowadays, however, the result of a business transformation is often not precisely known nor the ways and means to achieve it. As a result, methods and tools are required that foster creativity while allowing customization to specific requirements or stakeholder needs. This paper proposes customized design thinking processes, realized with a conceptual modelling approach. The approach supports creativity in transformative business design. It shows how numerous design thinking tools can be integrated into a single conceptual modelling approach - supported by a modelling platform. The platform facilitates efficient and flexible design of novel business solutions. The created models moreover serve as a formalized knowledge base that enables knowledge processing and reuse

    Making Decisions about Self-Disclosure in Online Social Networks

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    This paper explores privacy calculus decision making processes for online social networks (OSN). Content analysis method is applied to analyze data obtained from face-to-face interviews and online survey with open-ended questions of 96 OSN users from different countries. The factors users considered before self-disclosing are explored. The perceived benefits and risks of using OSN and their impact on self-disclosure are also identified. We determine that the perceived risks of OSN usage hinder self-disclosure. It is not clear, however, whether the perceived benefits offset the impact of the risks on self-disclosure behavior. The findings as a whole do not support privacy calculus in OSN settings

    Can Privacy and Security Be Friends? A Cultural Framework to Differentiate Security and Privacy Behaviors on Online Social Networks

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    The boundaries between online privacy and security behaviors in the literature seem blurred. Although these two behaviors are conceptually related, we argue that one does not necessarily imply the other. In this study we aimed to (1) explore the subtle differences between online privacy and security behaviors, and (2) examine how users’ cultural characteristics and a group of multi-level factors exert different effects on the two behaviors. To achieve these two goals, we created a framework by coupling the grid-group theory and INDCOL scale to segment individuals into four categories based on autonomy (individualist vs. collectivist) and acceptance of control (hierarchy vs. equality). The results of one-way ANOVA and path analysis partially confirmed that the underlying mechanisms of online privacy and security behaviors were inherently different. This study provides a basis for creating contextualized security trainings and warnings based on individual differences to promote better privacy and security behaviors

    Intention To Disclose Personal Information Via Mobile Applications: A Privacy Calculus Perspective

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    This study aimed to investigate the issue of consumer intention to disclose personal information via mobile applications (apps). Drawing on the literature of privacy calculus theory, this research examined the factors that influence the trade-off decision of receiving perceived benefits and being penalized with perceived risks through the calculus lens. In particular, two paths of the direct effects on perceived benefits and risks that induce the ultimate intention to disclose personal information via mobile apps were proposed and empirically tested. The analysis showed that self-presentation and personalized services positively influence consumers’ perceived benefits, which in turn positively affects the intention to dis- close personal information. Perceived severity and perceived control serve as the direct antecedents of perceived risks that negatively affect the intention of consumers to disclose personal information. Compared with the perceived risks, the perceived benefits more strongly influence the intention to disclose personal information. This study extends the literature on privacy concerns to consumer intention to disclose personal information by theoretically developing and empirically testing four hypotheses in a research model. Results were validated in the mobile context, and implications and discussions were presented

    Systematic review of the current state of research on Online Social Networks: Taxonomy on experience of use

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    The widespread use of online social networks (OSN) among young people has been accompanied by an increase of publications about them and their effects on the psychosocial development of users. Previous panoramic reviews on OSN research are now outdated and do not provide a comprehensive view of the complexity of the user experience. The aims of this systematic review were three: to identify quantitative studies on OSN; to build a taxonomy about the user experience; and to classify studied variables in the topics and subtopics. The literature search and review according to PICoS strategy led to 546 identified publications that met the eligibility criteria. The taxonomy included nine major topics: overall use; activities and types of use; perceptions and attitudes OSN; the social network of online contacts; needs and motives for use; profile and privacy management; social processes; identity processes; and cognitive-emotional processes related to use of OSN. The three most studied topics were: overall use; activities and types of use; and social processes related to use of OSN. Classification and quantification of the different variables studied about the users’ experience is detailed. Several theoretical perspectives are discussed, as well as the gaps and challenges in OSN research. The proposed taxonomy could be useful for researchers to better delineate the aims of future studies

    Opening More Data - A New Privacy Risk Scoring Model for Open Data

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    Systematic review of the current state of research on Online Social Networks: Taxonomy on experience of use

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    The widespread use of online social networks (OSN) among young people has been accompanied by an increase of publications about them and their effects on the psychosocial development of users. Previous panoramic reviews on OSN research are now outdated and do not provide a comprehensive view of the complexity of the user experience. The aims of this systematic review were three: to identify quantitative studies on OSN; to build a taxonomy about the user experience; and to classify studied variables in the topics and subtopics. The literature search and review according to PICoS strategy led to 546 identified publications that met the eligibility criteria. The taxonomy included nine major topics: overall use; activities and types of use; perceptions and attitudes OSN; the social network of online contacts; needs and motives for use; profile and privacy management; social processes; identity processes; and cognitive-emotional processes related to use of OSN. The three most studied topics were: overall use; activities and types of use; and social processes related to use of OSN. Classification and quantification of the different variables studied about the users’ experience is detailed. Several theoretical perspectives are discussed, as well as the gaps and challenges in OSN research. The proposed taxonomy could be useful for researchers to better delineate the aims of future studies