877 research outputs found

    Multivariable Adaptive Harmonic Steady-State Control for Rejection of Sinusoidal Disturbances Acting on an Unknown System

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    This paper presents an adaptive harmonic steady-state (AHSS) controller, which addresses the problem of rejecting sinusoids with known frequencies that act on a completely unknown multi-input multi-output linear time-invariant system. We analyze the stability and closed-loop performance of AHSS for single-input single-output systems. In this case, we show that AHSS asymptotically rejects disturbances.Comment: 6 pages, 2016 American Control Conference (ACC). IEEE, 201

    Active cancellation of electromagnetic emissions of power electronic systems by injecting synthesized and synchronized signals

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    In this thesis, a new method is developed for the active cancellation of predictable EMI by injecting synthesized and synchronized signals. At first, a generic description is derived for the active cancellation of conducted EMI of arbitrary single- and multi-port electronic systems. From the mathematical description, important requirements for the overall system and the cancellation signals are found. Analog active EMI filters as an established method for active EMI cancellation are discussed. These use analog circuitry to generate the cancellation signals from a measured quantity by a feedback or feedforward approach. It is shown that the performance of these structures is systematically limited by the amplifiers' gain-bandwidth products (that can also be interpreted as time constants) and the finite propagation speed of electrical signals. Digital active EMI filters use digital signal processing hardware instead of analog amplifiers in the feedback or feedforward structures. By doing so, restricting gain-bandwidth products are avoided. However, the signal processing causes significant delay times that limit the performance of these systems. Active cancellation methods and systems in the fields of power quality and acoustics are reviewed for their applicability to active EMI cancellation. The most promising approaches are applicable to periodic disturbances. These synthesize artificial cancellation signals and inject them in synchronicity with the disturbances. For quasi-periodic EMI, these systems can use the knowledge of the past for the future. Therefore, time constants and delay times can be compensated by shaping the cancellation signal and injecting it earlier than the EMI occurs. By doing so, the signal generation is no limiting factor for the achievable EMI reduction anymore. The remaining limitations are the capabilities of the digital hardware. These methods are further abstracted to a new active cancellation technique that uses synthesized and synchronized cancellation signals. This method requires the EMI to be predictable so that the cancellation signals can be synthesized and injected at the right time. The predictability is given for quasi-periodic signals (since the past signals allow for an extrapolation into the future), but may also be given for non-periodic signals if there is sufficient knowledge on the upcoming events. Various possibilities for implementation are discussed. The method is realized by an FPGA system with an ADC and a DAC, or a laboratory setup consisting of arbitrary waveform generators, an oscilloscope and a PC. The FPGA system is investigated and applied to one port of a DC-to-DC converter and a PFC. The laboratory setup is first applied to one and afterward to multiple ports of a DC-to-DC converter. After a system identification, the components are purposefully designed to fulfill specific EMI requirements. Measurement results demonstrate the high potential of the method with promising EMI reductions of up to 64 dB for 1 MHz and up to 47 dB for frequencies of up to 30 MHz


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    We present new adaptive control algorithms that address the problem of rejecting sinusoids with known frequencies that act on an unknown asymptotically stable linear time-invariant system. To achieve asymptotic disturbance rejection, adaptive control algorithms of this dissertation rely on limited or no system model information. These algorithms are developed in discrete time, meaning that the control computations use sampled-data measurements. We demonstrate the effectiveness of algorithms via analysis, numerical simulations, and experimental testings. We also present extensions to these algorithms that address systems with decentralized control architecture and systems subject to disturbances with unknown frequencies

    Frequency-Adaptive Multi-Resonant LQG State-Feedback Current Controller for LCL-Filtered VSCs under Distorted Grid Voltages

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    This paper combines the well-known linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) control and frequency-adaptive resonators and presents a frequency-adaptive multiresonant LQG state-feedback current controller for LCLfiltered voltage-source converters connected to a distorted grid. The paper also provides a design guideline and procedure based on robust control criteria which, in combination with the linear quadratic regulator (LQR) technique, offers flexibility in the control structure and automatizes the design of the controller. The frequencyadaptive resonators, based on second-order IIR resonators and on an on-line tuning algorithm, and the robustness criteria considered for the design process offer robustness in the face of grid voltage disturbances.The controller is evaluated and validated in a 9-kVA VSC setup configured as a rectifier.This work was supported in part by the Government of Spain through the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad and Agencia Estatal de Investigación under Grants ENE2014-57760-C2-2-R, RTC-2015-3803-3, DPI2017-88505-C2-2-R and DPI2017-92258-EXP

    Signal Identification In Discrete-Time Based On Internal-Model-Principle

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    This work presents an implementation of a signal identification algorithm which is based on the internal model principle. By using several internal models in feedback with a tuning function, this algorithm can decompose a signal into narrow-band signals and identify the frequencies, amplitudes and relative phases. A desired band-pass filter response can be achieved by selecting appropriate coefficients of the controllers and tuning functions, which can reject the noise and improve the performance. To achieve a result with fast transient characteristics, this system is then modified by adding a low-pass filter. This work is based on the previous work in continuous time. However, a discrete implementation should be much more practical. The simulation result shows a good tracking of the original signal with minimal response to measurement noise

    Adaptive neural control for space structure vibration suppression

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    Despite recent advances in efficiency, current methodologies for space structure control design still engage significant human resources for engineering development and routine maintenance. The adaptive neural control (ANC) program is part of an effort to develop neural network based controllers capable of self-optimization, on-line adaptation and autonomous fault detection and control recovery. This development in addition supports the long-term space exploration objectives for which autonomous spacecraft involving self-reliant control systems are a necessity. The ANC program comprises two phases. The first, basic phase focused on the development of efficient and completely autonomous neural network feedforward control for the case of broadband disturbances. Algorithms were developed that work with no prior modeling information about the system to be controlled and adapt to changing conditions, while minimizing or eliminating the introduction of extraneous training signals. The algorithms were demonstrated experimentally on an optical structure testbed at Harris. The second phase of the program demonstrated a more complex neural controller on the advanced space structures technology research experiments (ASTREX) test facility at the Air Force Research Laboratory capable of the fault-tolerant adaptive control of multiple sensors and actuators. This system used six actuation channels of the existing ACESA struts on the ASTREX structure to simultaneously cancel three independent tonal disturbances in the 10-15 Hz band, measured at non-collocated sensors on the secondary tower of the structure. The system demonstrated impressive fault-recovery performance, maintaining good cancellation performance with successive actuators disabled. Cancellation of individual tones was between 25 and 55 dB, with over 27 dB attenuation realized root mean square. The algorithm required very low computational throughput, operating at a sample rate of 1/20 Hz. The results of the ANC program show that adaptive cancellation systems can reduce vibrations in precision structures without prior modeling information and can adapt successfully to certain failures in actuators or sensors, optimally reconfiguring themselves without human intervention. These capabilities should significantly reduce the expense of designing and maintaining vibration control systems for spacecraft.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/49009/2/sm9605.pd

    Active disturbance cancellation in nonlinear dynamical systems using neural networks

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    A proposal for the use of a time delay CMAC neural network for disturbance cancellation in nonlinear dynamical systems is presented. Appropriate modifications to the CMAC training algorithm are derived which allow convergent adaptation for a variety of secondary signal paths. Analytical bounds on the maximum learning gain are presented which guarantee convergence of the algorithm and provide insight into the necessary reduction in learning gain as a function of the system parameters. Effectiveness of the algorithm is evaluated through mathematical analysis, simulation studies, and experimental application of the technique on an acoustic duct laboratory model

    Contributions to cascade linear control strategies applied to grid-connected Voltage-Source Converters

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    El trabajo desarrollado en esta Tesis se centra en optimizar el comportamiento de Voltage-Source Converters (VSCs) cuando son utilizados como interfaz con la red eléctrica, tanto para absorber como para entregar energía de la red con la mejor calidad posible y cumpliendo con los estándares. Para tal fin, esta Tesis se centra en el control de sistemas lineales conectados en cascada aplicados al control de VSCs conectados en paralelo con la red eléctrica a través de un filtro L, especialmente en conexiones con redes débiles y en dos líneas de trabajo: (i) seguimiento de armónicos de las corrientes de red y rechazo de armónicos de las tensiones de red, y (ii) control de la tensión del PCC en caso de desequilibrio. Para ello, esta Tesis realiza contribuciones en el área del control de corriente y control de la tensión del PCC. De entre las técnicas existentes para implementar el control de corriente para compensación armónica, dos de las más utilizadas son el control resonante y el control repetitivo, tanto en ejes de referencia estacionarios como síncronos. Se ha realizado un exhaustivo estudio de diferentes estructuras para implementar tales controles, mostrando su algoritmo adaptativo en frecuencia para cada una de ellas y analizando su carga computacional. Además, se han facilitado directrices básicas para su programación en un DSP. Se ha analizado también el esquema de control de corriente para establecer una comparación entre las diferentes estructuras. Después de estudiar en profundidad el control de corriente de un VSC conectado a la red eléctrica, el segundo control a analizar es el control de tensión del PCC. La presencia de una tensión desequilibrada en el PCC da lugar a la aparición de una componente de corriente de secuencia negativa, que deteriora el comportamiento del sistema de control cuando se emplean las técnicas de control convencionales. Los STATCOMs son bien conocidos por ser una aplicación de potencia capaz de llevar a cabo la regulación de la tensión en el PCC en líneas de distribución que pueden ser susceptibles de sufrir perturbaciones. Esta Tesis propone el uso de un controlador de tensión en ejes de referencia síncronos para compensar una tensión desequilibrada a través de un STATCOM, permitiendo controlar independientemente tanto la secuencia positiva como la secuencia negativa. Además, este controlador incluye aspectos como un mecanismo de antiwindup y droop control para mejorar su comportamiento. Se han realizado varias pruebas experimentales para analizar las características de los controladores de corriente abordados en esta Tesis. Todas ellas han sido realizadas bajo las mismas condiciones de potencia, tensión y corriente, de modo que se pueden extraer resultados comparativos. Estas pruebas pretenden caracterizar la respuesta transitoria, la respuesta en régimen permanente, el comportamiento frente a saltos de frecuencia y la carga computacional de los controladores de corriente estudiados

    Regulation Theory

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    This paper reviews the design of regulation loops for power converters. Power converter control being a vast domain, it does not aim to be exhaustive. The objective is to give a rapid overview of the main synthesis methods in both continuous- and discrete-time domains.Comment: 23 pages, contribution to the 2014 CAS - CERN Accelerator School: Power Converters, Baden, Switzerland, 7-14 May 201

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThe dissertation is concerned with the development and analysis of adaptive algorithms for the rejection of unknown periodic disturbances acting on an unknown system. The rejection of periodic disturbances is a problem frequently encountered in control engineering, and in active noise and vibration control in particular. A new adaptive algorithm is presented for situations where the plant is unknown and may be time-varying. Known as the adaptive harmonic steady-state or ADHSS algorithm, the approach consists in obtaining on-line estimates of the plant frequency response and of the disturbance parameters. The estimates are used to continuously update control parameters and cancel or minimize the effect of the disturbance. The dynamic behavior of the algorithm is analyzed using averaging theory. Averaging theory allows the nonlinear time-varying closed-loop system to be approximated by a nonlinear time-invariant system. Extensions of the algorithm to systems with multiple inputs/outputs and disturbances consisting of multiple frequency components are provided. After considering the rejection of sinusoidal disturbances of known frequency, the rejection of disturbances of unknown frequency acting on an unknown and time-varying plant is considered. This involves the addition of frequency estimation to the ADHSS algorithm. It is shown that when magnitude phase-locked loop (MPLL) frequency estimation is integrated with the ADHSS algorithm, the two components work together in such a way that the control input does not prevent frequency tracking by the frequency estimator and so that the order of the ADHSS can be reduced. While MPLL frequency estimation can be combined favorably with ADHSS disturbance rejection, stability is limited due to the local convergence properties of the MPLL. Thus, a new frequency estimation algorithm with semiglobal stability properties is introduced. Based on the theory of asynchronous electric machines, the induction motor frequency estimator, or IMFE, is shown to be appropriate for disturbance cancellation and, with modification, is shown to increase stability of the combined ADHSS/MPLL algorithm. Extensive active noise control experiments demonstrate the performance of the algorithms presented in the dissertation when disturbance and plant parameters are changing