48 research outputs found

    SMC based bilateral control

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    Design of a motion control system should take into account (a) unconstrained motion performed without interaction with environment or other system, and (b) constrained motion with system in contact with environment or another system or has certain functional interaction with another system. Control in both cases can be formulated in terms of maintaining desired system configuration what makes essentially the same structure for common tasks: trajectory tracking, interaction force control, compliance control etc. It will be shown that the same design approach can be used for systems that maintain some functional relation – like bilateral or multilateral systems, relation among mobile robots or control of haptic systems.

    SMC framework in motion control systems

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    Design of a motion control system should take into account both the unconstrained motion performed without interaction with environment or other system, and the constrained motion where system is in contact with environment or has certain functional interaction with another system. In this paper control systems design approach, based on siding mode methods, that allows selection of control for generic tasks as trajectory and/or force tracking as well as for systems that require maintain some functional relation like bilateral or multilateral systems, establisment of virtual relation among mobile robots or control of haptic systems is presented. It is shown that all basic motion control problems - trajectory tracking, force control, hybrid position/force control scheme and the impedance control - can be treated in the same way while avoiding the structural change of the controller and guarantying stable behavior of the system In order to show applicability of the proposed techniques simulation and experimental results for high precision systems in microsystems assembly tasks and bilateral control systems are presente

    Bilateralno upravljanje gibanjem za apstrakciju i reprodukciju stvarne sile

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    In recent years, skill preservation of an expert and skill education for young technical workers have been serious issues in medical and production fields. The best way which young technical workers learn the ripe skill is that an expert teaches them. However, unfortunately, experts have lessened in these years. So, if digital skill preservation like a haptic database is attained, it may become an innovative solution of the above problem. Thus, as the fundamental technology for development of the haptic database, this paper proposes abstraction and reproduction methods on bilateral control of real world force sensation, and reconstruction of real world environment as well. In the abstraction mode, a master-slave system is composed, and the action-reaction law is attained through bilateral control. Later, based on acceleration information, the force, position and velocity of both master and slave systems are estimated and obtained. In the reconstruction mode, an environmental model is reconstructed based on the obtained data from real-world. Next, by using reproduction mode on master side, the operator would feel the force sensation from the obtained environmental model. Here, the proposed system is able to store the bilateral real-world force sensation to a sensation database. Finally, the experimental results show the validity of the proposed method.Održavanje sposobnosti iskusnih operatera i uvježbavanje novih operatera postaje sve važnijim zadatkom u medicinskim i proizvodnim primjenama. Nove operatere najbolje uvježbavaju iskusni operateri, ali njih sve više nedostaje. Inovativno rješenje toga problema može biti pohranjivanje vještina iskusnih operatera u tzv. haptičku bazu podataka. U ovome se članku za razvoj haptičke baze podataka predlažu metode apstrakcije i reprodukcije stvarne sile u bilateralnom upravljanju te metoda rekonstrukcije udaljenoga stvarnoga prostora u kojemu djeluje prateći sustav. U apstrakcijskom načinu rada uspostavlja se bilateralno upravljanje između vodećeg i pratećeg sustava uz održavanje zakona akcije i reakcije između njih. Nakon toga estimiraju se sila, brzina i pozicija vodećeg i pratećeg sustava na temelju informacije o ubrzanju. U rekonstrukcijskom načinu rada rekonstruira se model udaljenoga stvarnoga prostora na osnovi podataka iz stvarnoga udaljenoga prostora. Na koncu, primjenom reprodukcijskog načina rada na strani vodećeg sustava operater bi trebao osjećati silu iz modela udaljenog prostora izgrađenog u rekonstrukcijskom načinu rada. Predloženi sustav omogućuje spremanje bilateralno prenošene sile u bazu podataka, što je potkrijepljeno eksperimentalnim rezultatima

    Bridging the gap between passivity and transparency

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    In this paper a structure will be given which in a remarkably simple way offers a solution to the implementation of different telemanipulation schemes for discrete time varying delays by preserving passivity and allowing the highest trans- parency possible. This is achieved by splitting the communication channel in two separate ones, one for the energy balance which will ensure passivity and one for the haptic information between master and slave and which will address transparency. The authors believe that this structure is the most general up to date which preserves passivity under discrete time varying delays allowing different control schemes to address transparency

    Enhancing Transparency of a Position-Exchange Teleoperator

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    Bayesian online changepoint detection to improve transparency in human-machine interaction systems

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    金沢大学理工研究域電子情報学系This paper discusses a way to improve transparency in human-machine interaction systems when no force sensors are available for both the human and the machine. In most cases, position-error based control with fixed proportional-derivative (PD) controllers provides poor transparency. We resolve this issue by utilizing a gain switching method, switching them to be high or low values in response to estimated force changes at the slave environment. Since the slave-environment forces change abruptly in real time, it is difficult to set the precise value of the threshold for these gain switching decisions. Moreover, the threshold value has to be observed and tuned in advance to utilize the gain switching approach. Thus, we adopt Bayesian online changepoint detection to detect the abrupt slave environment change. This changepoint detection is based on the Bayes\u27 theorem which is typically used in probability and statistics applications to generate the posterior distribution of unknown parameters given both data and prior distribution. We then show experimental results which demonstrate the Bayesian online changepoint detection has the ability to discriminate both free motion and hard contact. Additionally, we incorporate the online changepoint detection in our proposed gain switching controller and show the superiority of our proposed controller via experiment. ©2010 IEEE