6 research outputs found

    The Elderly Fall Detection Algorithm Based on Human Joint Extraction and Object Detection

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    Nowadays, the care of the elderly has become a social concern. The fall of the elderly has become one of the main factors threatening the health of the elderly. In this paper, we designed a fall detection algorithm based on human joint extraction and object detection.First,yolov4 was used to identify and detect the elderly. Then openpose was used to detect the human joint. Based on the human joint, this paper using Random Forest to classify the status of the elderly, there are three states of the elderly: falling down, lying down and other states. In the detection of a single old man, the accuracy of the model reached 99.3%, the sensitivity and specificity of the model reached 79.3% and 72.1%

    Deep Learning for Vision-Based Fall Detection System: Enhanced Optical Dynamic Flow

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    Accurate fall detection for the assistance of older people is crucial to reduce incidents of deaths or injuries due to falls. Meanwhile, a vision-based fall detection system has shown some significant results to detect falls. Still, numerous challenges need to be resolved. The impact of deep learning has changed the landscape of the vision-based system, such as action recognition. The deep learning technique has not been successfully implemented in vision-based fall detection systems due to the requirement of a large amount of computation power and the requirement of a large amount of sample training data. This research aims to propose a vision-based fall detection system that improves the accuracy of fall detection in some complex environments such as the change of light condition in the room. Also, this research aims to increase the performance of the pre-processing of video images. The proposed system consists of the Enhanced Dynamic Optical Flow technique that encodes the temporal data of optical flow videos by the method of rank pooling, which thereby improves the processing time of fall detection and improves the classification accuracy in dynamic lighting conditions. The experimental results showed that the classification accuracy of the fall detection improved by around 3% and the processing time by 40 to 50ms. The proposed system concentrates on decreasing the processing time of fall detection and improving classification accuracy. Meanwhile, it provides a mechanism for summarizing a video into a single image by using a dynamic optical flow technique, which helps to increase the performance of image pre-processing steps.Comment: 16 page

    Reconocimiento de actividades humanas por medio de extracción de características y técnicas de inteligencia artificial: una revisión

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    Context: In recent years, the recognition of human activities has become an area of constant exploration in different fields. This article presents a literature review focused on the different types of human activities and information acquisition devices for the recognition of activities. It also delves into elderly fall detection via computer vision using feature extraction methods and artificial intelligence techniques. Methodology: This manuscript was elaborated following the criteria of the document review and analysis methodology (RAD), dividing the research process into the heuristics and hermeneutics of the information sources. Finally, 102 research works were referenced, which made it possible to provide information on current state of the recognition of human activities. Results: The analysis of the proposed techniques for the recognition of human activities shows the importance of efficient fall detection. Although it is true that, at present, positive results are obtained with the techniques described in this article, their study environments are controlled, which does not contribute to the real advancement of research. Conclusions: It would be of great impact to present the results of studies in environments similar to reality, which is why it is essential to focus research on the development of databases with real falls of adults or in uncontrolled environments.Contexto: En los últimos años, el reconocimiento de actividades humanas se ha convertido en un área de constante exploración en diferentes campos. Este artículo presenta una revisión de la literatura enfocada en diferentes tipos de actividades humanas y dispositivos de adquisición de información para el reconocimiento de actividades, y profundiza en la detección de caídas de personas de tercera edad por medio de visión computacional, utilizando métodos de extracción de características y técnicas de inteligencia artificial. Metodología: Este manuscrito se elaboró con criterios de la metodología de revisión y análisis documental (RAD), dividiendo el proceso de investigación en heurística y hermenéutica de las fuentes de información. Finalmente, se referenciaron 102 investigaciones que permitieron dar a conocer la actualidad del reconocimiento de actividades humanas. Resultados: El análisis de las técnicas propuestas para el reconocimiento de actividades humanas muestra la importancia de la detección eficiente de caídas. Si bien es cierto en la actualidad se obtienen resultados positivos con las técnicas descritas en este artículo, sus entornos de estudio son controlados, lo cual no contribuye al verdadero avance de las investigaciones. Conclusiones: Sería de gran impacto presentar resultados de estudios en entornos semejantes a la realidad, por lo que es primordial centrar el trabajo de investigación en la elaboración de bases de datos con caídas reales de personas adultas o en entornos no controlados

    A review of abnormal behavior detection in activities of daily living

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    Abnormal behavior detection (ABD) systems are built to automatically identify and recognize abnormal behavior from various input data types, such as sensor-based and vision-based input. As much as the attention received for ABD systems, the number of studies on ABD in activities of daily living (ADL) is limited. Owing to the increasing rate of elderly accidents in the home compound, ABD in ADL research should be given as much attention to preventing accidents by sending out signals when abnormal behavior such as falling is detected. In this study, we compare and contrast the formation of the ABD system in ADL from input data types (sensor-based input and vision-based input) to modeling techniques (conventional and deep learning approaches). We scrutinize the public datasets available and provide solutions for one of the significant issues: the lack of datasets in ABD in ADL. This work aims to guide new research to understand the field of ABD in ADL better and serve as a reference for future study of better Ambient Assisted Living with the growing smart home trend

    Comprehensive review of vision-based fall detection systems

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    Vision-based fall detection systems have experienced fast development over the last years. To determine the course of its evolution and help new researchers, the main audience of this paper, a comprehensive revision of all published articles in the main scientific databases regarding this area during the last five years has been made. After a selection process, detailed in the Materials and Methods Section, eighty-one systems were thoroughly reviewed. Their characterization and classification techniques were analyzed and categorized. Their performance data were also studied, and comparisons were made to determine which classifying methods best work in this field. The evolution of artificial vision technology, very positively influenced by the incorporation of artificial neural networks, has allowed fall characterization to become more resistant to noise resultant from illumination phenomena or occlusion. The classification has also taken advantage of these networks, and the field starts using robots to make these systems mobile. However, datasets used to train them lack real-world data, raising doubts about their performances facing real elderly falls. In addition, there is no evidence of strong connections between the elderly and the communities of researchers

    Fall detection system for elderly people using IoT and ensemble machine learning algorithm

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    [EN] Falls represent a major public health risk worldwide for the elderly people. A fall not assisted in time can cause functional impairment in an elderly and a significant decrease in his mobility, independence, and life quality. In this sense, we propose IoTE-Fall system, an intelligent system for detecting falls of elderly people in indoor environments that takes advantages of the Internet of Thing and the ensemble machine learning algorithm. IoTE-Fall system employs a 3D-axis accelerometer embedded into a 6LowPAN wearable device capable of capturing in real time the data of the movements of elderly volunteers. To provide high efficiency in fall detection, in this paper, four machine learning algorithms (classifiers): decision trees, ensemble, logistic regression, and Deepnets are evaluated in terms of AUC ROC, training time and testing time. The acceleration readings are processed and analyzed at the edge of the network using an ensemble-based predictor model that is identified as the most suitable predictor for fall detection. The experiment results from collection data, interoperability services, data processing, data analysis, alert emergency service, and cloud services show that our system achieves accuracy, precision, sensitivity, and specificity above 94%.Research presented in this article has been partially funded by Horizon 2020 European Project grant INTER-IoT no. 687283, ACTIVAGE project under grant agreement no. 732679, the Escuela Politecnica Nacional, Ecuador, and Secretaria de Educacion Superior Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovacion (SENESCYT), Ecuador.Yacchirema, D.; Suárez De Puga, J.; Palau Salvador, CE.; Esteve Domingo, M. (2019). Fall detection system for elderly people using IoT and ensemble machine learning algorithm. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 23(5-6):801-817. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00779-018-01196-8S801817235-6He W, Goodkind D, Kowal P (2016) U.S. Census Bureau, International Population Reports, P95/16-1, An Aging World: 2015. 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