8 research outputs found


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    Today, use of the Web 2.0 technologies and applications (e.g. text messaging, wikis, personal web pages, social networks, blogs) in many different areas of education have been increasing, and this can be seen as an important development. However, teaching candidates from specific subject matters, such as physical education, still appear unaware of the potential benefits of such tools in a teaching and learning environment. The purpose of this study was to assess pre-service teachers’ perceptions about Web 2.0 technologies and to explore the awareness of this technology among students using the Technology Acceptance Modal (TAM). In this context, the descriptive survey method was used and a questionnaire was applied to 79 pre-service students (53 male and 26 female) enrolled in the physical education department in Dokuz Eylul University. The data for this study was collected by the researcher through a questionnaire after 2017-2018 fall semester of the course including weekly web 2.0 activities based on the lesson topic. The results of the study indicate that gender was an important factor that affected the implementation or use of this technology. Accordingly, male students had higher levels of awareness about web 2.0 applications than female students had. The study also showed that usefulness and ease-of-use are two significant factors that affect students’ attitude towards this technology.  Article visualizations

    Are primary education teachers trained for the use of the technology with disabled students?

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    Incorporating information and communication technology (ICT) in inclusive class‑ rooms requires competent teachers, both technological and pedagogical. To contrast these theoretical assumptions, this study aims to identify the level of training and technical knowledge of primary school teachers in Spain regarding the use of ICTs for supporting students with special needs. The research methodology used was a mixed research design (quantitative and qualitative method), analysing 777 questionnaires supplied to primary school teachers and 723 interviews conducted with key inform‑ ants (members of management teams, ICT coordinators, directors and technological advisors of teacher training centres). The results informed teachers’ knowledge about ICT and disability and barriers or obstacles to their training. Among the conclusions, teachers’ inadequate training regarding ICTs for students with special needs stands out and the lack of training experiences in this feld

    A dataset of factors that influence preservice teachers' intentions to use Web 2.0 technologies in future teaching practices

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    In recent years, researchers have focused on investigating factors that influence preservice teachers' utilization of Web 2.0 technologies in their classrooms. Findings indicate that preservice teachers' intentions, beliefs and attitudes toward technology are important determinants of the success of future technology integration. However, studies tracking the impact of Web 2.0 training on preservice teachers' intentions are still lacking. Moreover, publicly available datasets on the topic are still very limited. This paper presents a dataset of various independent and dependent variables that may influence preservice teachers' intentions to use Web 2.0 technologies in their future teaching practices. A questionnaire modified to conform to the theory of planned behavior (TPB) was distributed to 100 preservice teachers at a public university in Malaysia. The resulting dataset should be beneficial to preservice teacher educators in designing effective training that best nurtures future preservice teachers' familiarity and intentions to utilize Web 2.0 technologies. Interested researchers sharing similar sample characteristics may also utilize this dataset to conduct more rigorous statistical analyses

    Teacher Technology Efficacy: The Relationship Among Generation, Gender, and Subject Area of Secondary Teachers

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    This predictive, correlational study is designed to examine the relationship between the technology efficacy of gender, generation (baby boomers, millennials, and generation X), and subject area using teachers who use 21st century technology tools and devices in a high school setting. In this non-experimental study, participants submitted their online responses to the 34-item survey, Technology Proficiency Self-Assessment Questionnaire for 21st Century Learning (TPSA C-21), as well as their demographic information via Google Forms. The researcher used multiple regression to analyze participants’ anonymous responses. In using a multiple linear regression analysis, the researcher examined results of the TPSA C-21 and concluded that the gender and generation predictor variables showed a statistically significant ability to predict teacher technology, namely on the Total Scale, WWW, Integrated Applications, and Emerging Technologies Skills scales of the TPSA C-21. The subject area variable did not display an ability to predict teacher technology efficacy scores on any scale of the TPSA C-21

    Estudio comparativo de las actitudes hacia la enseñanza de competencias digitales en profesores de ciencias naturales y ciencias sociales de colegios de la Región Metropolitana de Chile

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    Tesis de Maestría en Educación en Ciencias Experimentales y Tecnología, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Año 2019.La actitud de los profesores es uno de los factores que inciden en la integración de las nuevas tecnologías y la enseñanza de las competencias digitales. El presente estudio tuvo como finalidad analizar las actitudes hacia la enseñanza de competencias digitales en profesores de ciencias naturales y ciencias sociales de nivel primario que ejercen en colegios de la Región Metropolitana de Chile, siguiendo las orientaciones teóricas y metodológicas del proyecto CONICYT AKA EDU 03. Para esta finalidad 33 profesores pertenecientes a 18 colegios de la Región Metropolitana de Santiago de Chile, contestaron un cuestionario de un valor de confiabilidad del 81% y que midió actitudes, comportamiento y habilidades para la enseñanza de competencias digitales a través de una escala ordinal tipo Likert. Todo esto mediante un análisis de correspondencia múltiple, encontrando que la edad es un factor asociado a las actitudes que tienen los profesores de ciencias naturales y ciencias sociales hacia la enseñanza de competencias digitales. De lo que se concluyó que los profesores sobre los 42 años poseen una actitud no tan positiva hacia la enseñanza de competencias de digitales, lo que se explicaría en parte por la falta de conocimientos informáticos lo que contribuye a disminuir la frecuencia de uso de las TIC en el aula.Fil: Rodríguez Malebrán, Mariano. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Chile

    Technology Integration with Teacher Educators

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    abstract: Preservice teachers are faced with many challenges as they enter their first year of teaching. This is particularly true when dealing with future-ready skills, such as technology integration in K-12 classrooms, an area where many higher education or teaching faculty may not feel comfortable or fluent enough to support preservice teachers or to model in their own instruction. This action research study aimed to understand how faculty develop Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) in ways that will help them to enhance their instruction and model technology integration for preservice teachers. An online community was created that allowed teacher educators to interact synchronously or asynchronously to collaborate, learn, and practice new technological skills. This community served as a place for teacher educators to play with new technology and to share their ideas and practices with their peers—ideally to begin the process of developing the knowledge and fluency with technology that would allow them to better support teacher education students. Both qualitative and quantitative data were used to explore faculty’s development of TPACK. A pre-survey, retrospective pre-survey, and post-survey were administered and analyzed. Also, interviews of participants and observations of the online community were used to collect qualitative data. The results of the study showed an increase in participants’ confidence for selecting technologies to enhance their instruction after they participated in the online community. Also, the participants felt more confident using strategies that combine content, technologies, and teaching approaches in their classrooms or other learning environments. In Chapter 5, a discussion of the findings was presented, in which several main implications are shared for researchers who might be engaged in similar work. Also, the lessons learned from this action research are explained, as well as the limitations experienced in this study.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Educational Leadership and Policy Studies 201

    Factors influencing Jordanian teachers technology integration in social studies teaching

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    This qualitative case study explored the factors affecting Jordanian teachers‘ technology integration in teaching social studies using the TPACK model. In this study, data were analysed using a thematic analysis approach. Interviews, observation, and documentation were used as tools for data collection. Nine social studies teachers from four different schools in Jordan participated in this study. A teacher‘s technological level is measured based on the annual teacher performance evaluation report issued by the Ministry of Education. The current study attempted to answer two main research questions: How do internal and external factors affect Jordanian teachers' integration of technology in teaching social studies? How do females and males differ in the level of technology integration among Jordanian social studies teachers who participated in this study? The study results revealed many factors preventing or motivating teachers to integrate technology into their teaching. These include teacher beliefs and attitudes, technological resources, financial and moral support, time, gender, teacher readiness, technological competence, knowledge, skills, technological expertise, teaching method and lesson plan. Most teachers also showed that they knew the basic components of the TPACK model. Some teachers were limited in their actual integration of the available tools. This study contributes to literature by focusing on both internal and external factors affecting technology integration, technology in teaching and using the TPACK model. This makes this study a pioneering effort in the field of social studies. Future studies should employ mixed studies on technological integration (quantitative and qualitative methods) to obtain clearer and more in-depth evidence about discovering more factors affecting technological integration within the Jordanian classroom. This study will be of interest to all social studies teachers, school administrators, policymakers and future researchers