238 research outputs found

    BxDF material acquisition, representation, and rendering for VR and design

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    Photorealistic and physically-based rendering of real-world environments with high fidelity materials is important to a range of applications, including special effects, architectural modelling, cultural heritage, computer games, automotive design, and virtual reality (VR). Our perception of the world depends on lighting and surface material characteristics, which determine how the light is reflected, scattered, and absorbed. In order to reproduce appearance, we must therefore understand all the ways objects interact with light, and the acquisition and representation of materials has thus been an important part of computer graphics from early days. Nevertheless, no material model nor acquisition setup is without limitations in terms of the variety of materials represented, and different approaches vary widely in terms of compatibility and ease of use. In this course, we describe the state of the art in material appearance acquisition and modelling, ranging from mathematical BSDFs to data-driven capture and representation of anisotropic materials, and volumetric/thread models for patterned fabrics. We further address the problem of material appearance constancy across different rendering platforms. We present two case studies in architectural and interior design. The first study demonstrates Yulio, a new platform for the creation, delivery, and visualization of acquired material models and reverse engineered cloth models in immersive VR experiences. The second study shows an end-to-end process of capture and data-driven BSDF representation using the physically-based Radiance system for lighting simulation and rendering

    A custom designed density estimation method for light transport

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    We present a new Monte Carlo method for solving the global illumination problem in environments with general geometry descriptions and light emission and scattering properties. Current Monte Carlo global illumination algorithms are based on generic density estimation techniques that do not take into account any knowledge about the nature of the data points --- light and potential particle hit points --- from which a global illumination solution is to be reconstructed. We propose a novel estimator, especially designed for solving linear integral equations such as the rendering equation. The resulting single-pass global illumination algorithm promises to combine the flexibility and robustness of bi-directional path tracing with the efficiency of algorithms such as photon mapping

    Online Neural Path Guiding with Normalized Anisotropic Spherical Gaussians

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    The variance reduction speed of physically-based rendering is heavily affected by the adopted importance sampling technique. In this paper we propose a novel online framework to learn the spatial-varying density model with a single small neural network using stochastic ray samples. To achieve this task, we propose a novel closed-form density model called the normalized anisotropic spherical gaussian mixture, that can express complex irradiance fields with a small number of parameters. Our framework learns the distribution in a progressive manner and does not need any warm-up phases. Due to the compact and expressive representation of our density model, our framework can be implemented entirely on the GPU, allowing it produce high quality images with limited computational resources

    GenPluSSS: A Genetic Algorithm Based Plugin for Measured Subsurface Scattering Representation

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    This paper presents a plugin that adds a representation of homogeneous and heterogeneous, optically thick, translucent materials on the Blender 3D modeling tool. The working principle of this plugin is based on a combination of Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)-based subsurface scattering method (GenSSS). The proposed plugin has been implemented using Mitsuba renderer, which is an open source rendering software. The proposed plugin has been validated on measured subsurface scattering data. It's shown that the proposed plugin visualizes homogeneous and heterogeneous subsurface scattering effects, accurately, compactly and computationally efficiently

    BSDF Importance Baking: A Lightweight Neural Solution to Importance Sampling General Parametric BSDFs

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    Parametric Bidirectional Scattering Distribution Functions (BSDFs) are pervasively used because of their flexibility to represent a large variety of material appearances by simply tuning the parameters. While efficient evaluation of parametric BSDFs has been well-studied, high-quality importance sampling techniques for parametric BSDFs are still scarce. Existing sampling strategies either heavily rely on approximations, resulting in high variance, or solely perform sampling on a portion of the whole BSDF slice. Moreover, many of the sampling approaches are specifically paired with certain types of BSDFs. In this paper, we seek an efficient and general way for importance sampling parametric BSDFs. We notice that the nature of importance sampling is the mapping between a uniform distribution and the target distribution. Specifically, when BSDF parameters are given, the mapping that performs importance sampling on a BSDF slice can be simply recorded as a 2D image that we name as importance map. Following this observation, we accurately precompute the importance maps using a mathematical tool named optimal transport. Then we propose a lightweight neural network to efficiently compress the precomputed importance maps. In this way, we have brought parametric BSDF important sampling to the precomputation stage, avoiding heavy runtime computation. Since this process is similar to light baking where a set of images are precomputed, we name our method importance baking. Together with a BSDF evaluation network and a PDF (probability density function) query network, our method enables full multiple importance sampling (MIS) without any revision to the rendering pipeline. Our method essentially performs perfect importance sampling. Compared with previous methods, we demonstrate reduced noise levels on rendering results with a rich set of appearances
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