212 research outputs found

    Satellite-based internet: A tutorial

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    In a satellite-based Internet system, satellites are used to interconnect heterogeneous network segments and to provide ubiquitous direct Internet access to homes and businesses. This article presents satellite-based Internet architectures and discusses multiple access control, routing, satellite transport, and integrating satellite networks into the global Internet.published_or_final_versio

    Satellite-based internet: A tutorial

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    In a satellite-based Internet system, satellites are used to interconnect heterogeneous network segments and to provide ubiquitous direct Internet access to homes and businesses. This article presents satellite-based Internet architectures and discusses multiple access control, routing, satellite transport, and integrating satellite networks into the global Internet.published_or_final_versio

    Middleware for the SUNSAT field station

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    Thesis (MEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: SRMA currently used on the SUNSAT field station is an effective MAC layer protocol but lacks several features. Sufficient support for flexible communication, acknowledgement of individual data packets, simultaneous communication of multiple instances from a higher layer over a single underlying layer, and a robust FTP procedure to transfer large amounts of data are some of the features that the SUNSA T field station should cater for. ORBCOMM, GSM and WAP implementations are discussed. Some features from these implementations that are useful in the LEO communication environment are designed into an additional layer of software. This additional layer, called middleware, is proposed and uses SRMA services to deliver store-and-forward services. It supports high volumes of short transactions and session suspend and resume facilities between the SUNSA T satellite and field station. Keywords: SUNSAT, Communication, Field station, WAP, GSM, ORBCOMMAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die SRMA pakketkommunikasie-protokol op SUNSA T se prototipe grondterminaal is voldoende om die oordrag van boodskappe oor die kommunikasieverbinding te reguleer. Dit is onvoldoende om fasiliteite soos kommunikasie van 'n aantal instansies in 'n hoër kommunikasie laag oor 'n enkele laer laag en om 'n robuuste data oordrag protokol vir groot hoeveelhede data van 'n grondterminaal te ondersteun. ORBCOMM, GSM en WAP stelsel toepassings word bespreek. Resultate wat spruit uit die drie toepassings word gebruik om kommunikasie in 'n lae wentelbaan kommunikasie omgewing te bevorder. 'n Bykomende sagteware laag, bekend as middle-ware, word aanbeveel om voorafgenoemde funksionaliteit mee te implimenteer. Die middle-ware gebruik die beskikbare dienste van die SRMA pakketkommunikasie-protokol om toegang te verkry na die kommunikasie kanaal. Sodoende kan hoë volumes kort transaksies, en sessie-stop en hervat fasiliteite 'n werklikheid gemaak word. Sleutelwoord: SUNS AT, Kommunikasie, grondterminaal, WAP, GSM, ORBCOM


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    Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) have evolved to a level where it is feasible for digital modems with relatively low data rates to be implemented entirely with software algorithms. With current technology it is still necessary for analogue processing between the RF input and a low frequency IF but, as DSP technology advances, it will become possible to shift the interface between analogue and digital domains ever closer towards the RF input. The software radio concept is a long-term goal which aims to realise software-based digital modems which are completely flexible in terms of operating frequency, bandwidth, modulation format and source coding. The ideal software radio cannot be realised until DSP, Analogue to Digital (A/D) and Digital to Analogue (D/A) technology has advanced sufficiently. Until these advances have been made, it is often necessary to sacrifice optimum performance in order to achieve real-time operation. This Thesis investigates practical real-time algorithms for carrier frequency synchronisation, symbol timing synchronisation, modulation, demodulation and FEC. Included in this work are novel software-based transceivers for continuous-mode transmission, burst-mode transmission, frequency modulation, phase modulation and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). Ideal applications for this work combine the requirement for flexible baseband signal processing and a relatively low data rate. Suitable applications for this work were identified in low-cost satellite return links, and specifically in asymmetric satellite Internet delivery systems. These systems employ a high-speed (>>2Mbps) DVB channel from service provider to customer and a low-cost, low-speed (32-128 kbps) return channel. This Thesis also discusses asymmetric satellite Internet delivery systems, practical considerations for their implementation and the techniques that are required to map TCP/IP traffic to low-cost satellite return links

    Traffic Control and Distributed Optimization Routing Problems in ATM Networks

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    Aggressive research as gigabit network has led to dramatic improvements in network transmission speeds. One result of these improvements has been to put pressure on router technology to keep peace. This paper describes a router nearly completed. This is more than fast enough to keep up with the latest transmission technology. This router has a back place speed of 50 gigabit and can forward tens of millions packet.Scheduling algorithm can be implemented on CVAR applications but in this research scheduling is implemented on CBR applications and the performance on WLAN network is enclosed by delivering different traffic load. QOS parameters [5] will be considered as the performance metrics on this study. The comparative study of various algorithms can show the best scheduling algorithm in WLAN with CBR applications.ATM was the focus of action research and significant investment in the early to mid 1990’s. This paper discuss several visions for ATM prevalent at the time and analyses how ATM evolved during this period this paper also consider the amplifications of this history for current connection oriented technologies such as optical transport network and MPLS

    Performance Analysis of Protocol Independent Multicasting-Dense Mode in Low Earth Orbit Satellite Networks

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    This research explored the implementation of Protocol Independent Multicasting - Dense Mode (PIM-DM) in a LEO satellite constellation. PIM-DM is a terrestrial protocol for distributing traffic efficiently between subscriber nodes by combining data streams into a tree-based structure, spreading from the root of the tree to the branches. Using this structure, a minimum number of connections are required to transfer data, decreasing the load on intermediate satellite routers. The PIM-DM protocol was developed for terrestrial systems and this research implemented an adaptation of this protocol in a satellite system. This research examined the PIM-DM performance characteristics which were compared to earlier work for On- Demand Multicast Routing Protocol (ODMRP) and Distance Vector Multicasting Routing Protocol (DVMRP) - all in a LEO satellite network environment. Experimental results show that PIM-DM is extremely scalable and has equivalent performance across diverse workloads. Three performance metrics are used to determine protocol performance in the dynamic LEO satellite environment, including Data-to- Overhead ratio, Received-to-Sent ratio, and End-to-End Delay. The OPNET® simulations show that the PIM-DM Data-to-Overhead ratio is approximately 80% and the protocol reliability is extremely high, achieving a Receive-to-Sent ratio of 99.98% across all loading levels. Finally, the PIM-DM protocol introduces minimal delay, exhibiting an average End-to-End Delay of approximately 76 ms; this is well within the time necessary to support real-time communications. Though fundamental differences between the DVMRP, ODMRP, and PIM-DM implementations precluded a direct comparison for each experiment, by comparing average values, PIM-DM generally provides equivalent or better performance

    ULE Robust Header Compression For Ip-Based Communication Over Digital Video Broadcasting-Satellite (DVB-S) [TK5104. T261 2008 f rb].

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    Untuk selama 35 tahun, Internet telah berkembang dan bertumbuh dengan pesat. Disebabkan pembangunan yang mendadak, permintaan capaian Internet menjadi kian popular di mana-mana saja melalui pelbagai jenis media, Over a span of thirty five years, the Internet has developed and grown rapidly. Due to its rapid growth, the demand for Internet access today is everywhere and over every possible medium such as satellite communications

    A Brief Survey of Media Access Control, Data Link Layer, and Protocol Technologies for Lunar Surface Communications

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    This paper surveys and describes some of the existing media access control and data link layer technologies for possible application in lunar surface communications and the advanced wideband Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access (DSCDMA) conceptual systems utilizing phased-array technology that will evolve in the next decade. Time Domain Multiple Access (TDMA) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) are standard Media Access Control (MAC) techniques that can be incorporated into lunar surface communications architectures. Another novel hybrid technique that is recently being developed for use with smart antenna technology combines the advantages of CDMA with those of TDMA. The relatively new and sundry wireless LAN data link layer protocols that are continually under development offer distinct advantages for lunar surface applications over the legacy protocols which are not wireless. Also several communication transport and routing protocols can be chosen with characteristics commensurate with smart antenna systems to provide spacecraft communications for links exhibiting high capacity on the surface of the Moon. The proper choices depend on the specific communication requirements

    Integrating LEO Satellite Constellations into Internet Backbone

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    Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite constellations have been used for ubiquitous and flexible Internet access services. However, a number of problems related to the integration of terrestrial with satellite hosts should be resolved for the effective exploitation of LEO constellations. LEO constellations are different from terrestrial Internet because of its special properties, which result in a lot of problems. A key issue is how to route Internet packets to the LEO constellation. In the thesis (1) the background of LEO constellations was introduced; (2) the obstacles of routing between the satellites and Internet were outlined; (3) The particular problem, which must be solved, is the routing burst stream traffic in LEO satellite constellations. Two novel routing algorithmsCControl Route Transmission (CRT) and CRT with bandwidth allocation (BCRT)Cwere utilized to address the bursts routing problem. CRT is an adaptive protocol which is able to minimize the congestion in the constellations. BCRT is a CRT extension which is allowed to class the traffic (e.g. video) with different QoS requirements and guarantees. Both of CRT and BCRT work in time epochs. Routes are computed on the basis of a directed weighted graph representing the global traffic traveling in the constellations. Both CRT and BCRT were evaluated via simulation and compared with other proposals in the literatures. The results showed that CRT is a simple algorithm, but the strategy produced by CRT could avoid the congestion and enhance the global resource usage in different traffic conditions. Moreover, the explicit reservation and reroute of BCRT greatly improve the performance of CRT. In particular, the dropping rate of BCRT is very low and the average delivery time is comparable with other proposals in the literatures.Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite constellations have been used for ubiquitous and flexible Internet access services. However, a number of problems related to the integration of terrestrial with satellite hosts should be resolved for the effective exploitation of LEO constellations. LEO constellations are different from terrestrial Internet because of its special properties, which result in a lot of problems. A key issue is how to route Internet packets to the LEO constellation. In the thesis (1) the background of LEO constellations was introduced; (2) the obstacles of routing between the satellites and Internet were outlined; (3) The particular problem, which must be solved, is the routing burst stream traffic in LEO satellite constellations. Two novel routing algorithmsCControl Route Transmission (CRT) and CRT with bandwidth allocation (BCRT)Cwere utilized to address the bursts routing problem. CRT is an adaptive protocol which is able to minimize the congestion in the constellations. BCRT is a CRT extension which is allowed to class the traffic (e.g. video) with different QoS requirements and guarantees. Both of CRT and BCRT work in time epochs. Routes are computed on the basis of a directed weighted graph representing the global traffic traveling in the constellations. Both CRT and BCRT were evaluated via simulation and compared with other proposals in the literatures. The results showed that CRT is a simple algorithm, but the strategy produced by CRT could avoid the congestion and enhance the global resource usage in different traffic conditions. Moreover, the explicit reservation and reroute of BCRT greatly improve the performance of CRT. In particular, the dropping rate of BCRT is very low and the average delivery time is comparable with other proposals in the literatures