6,712 research outputs found

    Research on Spillover Effect of Paid Search Advertising Channels

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    With the diversification of paid search advertising channels, e-commerce enterprises are paying more and more attention on how to evaluate the effectiveness of different paid search advertising channels correctly and accurately to choose the optimal advertising channel or channels. We develop a multivariate time series model to investigate the spillover effect of paid search advertising channels based on the ad click-through rate and conversion rate, and calibrate the model using an e-commerce site\u27s web log data. We determine the long-term equilibrium relationship between each channel\u27s advertisement clicks through the co-integration test and evaluate the effect of short-term fluctuations in the interaction between each channel advertisement clicks through the vector error correction model. Based on the empirical results, this paper puts forward suggestions on the advertising strategy of this e-commerce website

    Do Multinational enterprises push up wages of domestic firms in the Italian Manufacturing sector?

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    This paper analyzes the effects of foreign direct investment on wages paid by domestic firms in the Italian manufacturing sector over the period 2002–2007. In particular, the authors investigate the im-pact of multinational enterprises on wages paid by local firms which operate in the same industry, known and horizontal wage spillovers, or have linkages with multinational enterprises in both downstream and upstream industries, known as vertical wage spillovers. By using a large panel dataset, consisting of 551,000 observations, the authors find evidence of wage spillovers only at inter-industry level and, more specifically, for those firms who supply their goods to multinational enterprises, described as backward wage spillovers. Moreover, findings suggest that the wage spillover effect is strongly affected by the technological gap between local and foreign firms: only workers employed in domestic firms with a low-medium technological absorptive capacity seem to benefit from the presence of multinational enterprises in terms of higher wages

    The Economic Effectiveness of the Cotton Checkoff Program

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    This report is an empirical analysis of the effectiveness of the marketing/promotion, nonagricultural research, and agricultural research activities associated with the cotton checkoff program over the period of 1986/87 through 2004/05. The analysis is based on a multi-equation, econometric, non-spatial, price equilibrium simulation model of U.S. and foreign fiber markets using annual data. The key average annual impacts of the cotton checkoff program on U.S. and foreign cotton and man-made fiber markets and their associated textile markets are reported. The results show that the returns to cotton producers as well as to cotton importers from the cotton checkoff program are positive. The average discounted benefit-cost ratios (BCR) for the cotton checkoff program were found to be 5.7 for domestic cotton producers and 14.4 for importers. The higher BCR for importers reflects revenue gains not only from additional sales of cotton fiber textiles but also from additional “spillover” sales of man-made fiber textiles prompted by the cotton checkoff program. The results also show that U.S. taxpayers are better off because the cotton checkoff program has tended to reduce government outlays directed to cotton farmers. The analysis also finds that neither U.S. producers nor importers pay the full cost of the checkoff assessments. Finally, cotton checkoff expenditures on agricultural research were found to have positively and significantly affected U.S. cotton yields with no discernible effects on cotton harvested acreage.Cotton, Cotton Checkoff, Checkoff Program, Cotton Program, Crop Production/Industries, Demand and Price Analysis, Marketing,

    Spillover Effects of Management Companies in the Vtuber Market

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    학위논문(석사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 경영대학 경영학과, 2021.8. 윤혜리.Increasing usage of social media has given subsequent birth to micro-celebrities, or social media influencers (SMIs). Despite the fact that SMIs function as key opinion-leaders in society and the market, little is known about what traits make an SMI popular in the first place. While SMIs are generally considered to gain popularity from rock-bottom through individual endeavors alone, we find an exceptional media sector consisting of virtual YouTubers (vtubers). A vtuber, unlike the usual human YouTuber, is an artificially created figure strictly managed by sponsoring companies from the beginning of his/her debut. Finding a similarity between sponsor-vtuber relationships and parent-child relationships within brand extensions, we ran a random effects model against 560 company-owned vtubers to check whether similar spillover effects can be observed in a social media context as well. Our research yielded positive results, suggesting the existence of persistent spillover effects based on parent-brand popularity. An additional time series analysis was conducted against the weekly changes in the size of management agency influence on their affiliated vtubers. An ARIMA(1,2,0) model demonstrates a high fit with our data, and we find that the model confirms a constantly decreasing size of influence along with the passage of time.소셜미디어의 확산은 마이크로셀레브리티와 소셜미디어 인플루언서(SMI)의 등장을 초래했다. 이미 사회적, 경제적으로 SMI들이 오피니언 리더로서 큰 영향력을 행사하고 있음에도 불구하고 이들이 정확히 어떤 근본적 요인으로 인해 대중적 인기를 얻게 되었는지에 대해 알려진 바는 많지 않다. 많은 경우에 SMI들이 순수하게 자력으로만 팬덤을 구축하는 것으로 간주되는 것에 반해, 필자들은 버츄얼 유튜버(vtuber) 업계로부터 예외적인 상황을 목격했다. 일반적인 인간 유튜버와 달리, vtuber는 데뷔 이전부터 소속사로부터 엄격하게 관리당하고 통제 받는 가상의 디지털 캐릭터들이다. 본 연구에서는 소속사 대 vtuber의 관계가 브랜드 확장 상태의 모브랜드 대 신규 브랜드의 관계와 유사하다는 점에 착안하여, 후자의 경우에 관찰되는 스필오버 효과가 전자에서도 발현되는지 검증하기 위해 소속사와 계약을 맺고 있는 총 560 명의 vtuber에 대해 임의효과 모형을 적용시킨다. 그 결과, 소속사의 영향력이 vtuber의 인기에 대해 긍정적 스필오버 효과가 있음이 확인되었다. 또, 주차별 스필오버 효과 크기의 변화에 대한 시계열 분석을 통해 추세를 예측하는 데 적합한 모형으로 ARIMA(1,2,0) 모델을 특정해내어 시간이 지남에 따라 스필오버 효과가 감소하는 경향성을 지님을 검증했다.Chapter 1. Introduction 1 Chapter 2. Literature Review 3 Chapter 3. Research Model and Hypotheses 14 Chapter 4. Data Analysis and Methodology 18 Chapter 5. Results 21 Chapter 6. Discussion and Conclusion 29 Bibliography 32 Abstract in Korean 41 Appendices 42석

    Differential Effects of Keyword Selection in Search Engine Advertising on Direct and Indirect Sales

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    Product sales via sponsored keyword advertising on search engines rely on an effective selection of keywords that describe the offerings. In this study, we consider both the direct sales of the advertised products and indirect sales (i.e., cross-selling) of other products, and examine how specific keywords and general keywords influence these two types of sales differently. We also examine how the cross-selling effects may vary across different types of products (main products and accessories). Our results suggest that the use of specific keywords leans toward improving the direct sales of advertised products, while the use of general keywords leans toward improving the indirect sales of other products. The contribution of keywords to indirect sales is influenced by product type. For main products, the use of specific keywords generates a higher marginal contribution to indirect sales than that of general keywords. For accessory products, the use of general keywords generates a higher marginal contribution to indirect sales than that of specific keywords. The key implication of this study is that sellers focusing on different types of sales (direct or indirect sales) or products (main or accessory products) should consider using different types of keywords in search engine advertising to drive sales

    Three Essays in Brand Management. A Multi-Method Approach

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    This three-essay dissertation is centered on brand management. The first essay applies a bibliometric approach and analyzes 761 brand extension articles published between 1990 and 2022 using data from Scopus and Web of Science databases and citations from Google Scholar. Systematically exploring key themes, contributions, and citation patterns, the results demonstrate the evolution of research themes for the last three decades by examining central and emerging themes as well as their transformation. Based on the performance analysis and science mapping, the study identifies several gaps in brand extension research and suggests future research opportunities. The second essay employs an event study to investigate the spillover effect of the product recall at one U.S. food retailer on the shareholder value of other U.S. rival food retailers. Using the AMC framework, the essay examines how rival firms’ following motivational factors: awareness of the crisis (media coverage), a rival firm’s capability to respond (organizational slack), and motivation to respond (hazard severity, prior recalls history) influence the direction and magnitude of the rival firm’s shareholder value after a product recall. My results show a negative and significant effect of a product recall on rival food retailers. The results of cross-sectional regression demonstrate that product recall’s high media coverage can mitigate the negative effect of a product recall for rival food retailers. Furthermore, rivals with high resource slack have more opportunities to absorb the negative consequences of a product recall. Finally, recalls with high hazards result in greater investors’ disapproval. The essay has theoretical and managerial implications by demonstrating that a product recall at one food retailer can result in a negative spillover effect, managers of rival retailers should take steps to ensure product safety as early as possible, pay attention to the rivals’ product recall announcements, and use resource slack to mitigate this negative effect. The third essay examines the impact of extension similarity, individuals self- regulatory focus, and brand logo symmetry on brand extension evaluation. The results of an experimental study have confirmed prior findings that near extensions are evaluated more positively than distant extensions. In addition, the essay has revealed that promotion-focused individuals have a more favorable attitude toward distant brand extensions than prevention-focused individuals, whereas they are equally responsive to near brand extensions. The essay concludes with theoretical and managerial implications as well as recommendations for future research. Keywords: brand extensions, bibliometric, product recall, spillover effect, shareholder value, regulatory focu

    The attribution problem: an analysis for a focal company

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    In today’s digital world, companies use a multitude of online marketing channels to communicate with potential consumers. The online customer journey is also more complex than it has ever been. Consequently, firms face an attribution problem: how to allocate the credit of a conversion to the consumers’ touchpoints with the brand? Focusing on a focal company, by studying user’s characteristics, analyzing the online customer journey and exploring the results given by different attribution models, it was discovered that the customer journey for this firm was both short in terms of length and time. As the main output, the present work appoints an attribution model as the one best reflecting the customer journey and the focal firm’s advertising goals - the Position Based model. The implications of a switch in attribution model are many fold and means to improve budget allocation were suggeste

    Public Economics and Startup Entrepreneurs

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    This paper surveys the various forms of market failure that can arise when innovating entrepreneurs consider entering an industry, and outlines possible implications for public policy. Externalities can arise from entrepreneurial activities such as spillover benefits from new innovations and spillover costs on incumbent firms. New entrepreneurs can also face various barriers to entry, either natural ones or those created by incumbent firms or government policy. They may also face problems in obtaining credit at efficient terms if there are information asymmetries in markets for either loan or equity finance. Finally, asymmetric information may also plague new firms in the hiring of workers. These various inefficiencies are of contradictory sign, some calling for an incentive to startup firms and other for the opposite. Thus, public policy is ambiguous and depends on the circumstances at hand.