34 research outputs found

    Criteria Catalog for Industrial IoT Platforms from the Perspective of the Machine Tool Industry

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    Through providing digital services, machine tool manufacturing companies can address the customer demands for individual solutions and the increasing cost pressure. Applications are one way to provide these digital services, running on smart machine tools connected to software systems, known as industrial Internet of Things (iIoT) platforms. Despite the growing potential of iIoT platforms in the provision of industrial digital services and the increasing awareness of the platform approach among manufacturing companies, lack of requirements makes the platform challengeable for machine tool companies. Moreover, the domain specific industrial application of platforms has been limitedly researched, indicating a possible research gap. This paper presents a literature-based research on requirements for iIoT platforms, followed by the solution-oriented metrics, to fulfill each requirement. Together, the requirements and metrics form a structured criteria catalog for iIoT platforms, which can be used as a decision support tool for the machine tool industry


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    This research analyses sustainability practices involving the economic, environmental and social pillars, on two supply chains of perfumes and moisturizers. A literature review was carried out on topics supply chain, supply chain management, sustainable supply chain management and the indicators proposed by Global Reporting Initiatives. The research adopted a multiple case study methodology, with qualitative approach and exploratory nature, and interviews were used as data collection technique. The units of analysis were two supply chains of the personal hygiene sector, perfumes and cosmetics, and the focal company and upstream companies were analyzed. There was a difference in the implementation of practices between supply chains even considering the same focal company. There is disagreement between what the focal company and the suppliers understand as a requirement. As practical contribution, sustainability practices along productive chains are proposed, in order to help companies reach their economic, social and environmental goals

    BPMS for management: a systematic literature review

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    The aim of this paper is to carry out a systematic analysis of the literature to show the state of the art of Business Processes Management Systems (BPMS). BPMS represents a technology that automates business processes connecting users with their tasks. For this, a systematic review of the literature of the last ten years was carried out, using scientific papers indexed in the main databases of the knowledge area. The papers generated by the search were later analysed and filtered. Among the findings of this study, the academic interest and the multidisciplinary nature of the subject, as this type of studies have been identified in different areas of knowledge. Our research is a starting point for future research eager to develop a more robust theory and broaden the interest of the subject due its economic impact on process management

    Data supply chain (DSC): Research synthesis and future directions

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    In the digital economy, the volume, variety and availability of data produced in myriad forms from a diversity of sources has become an important resource for competitive advantage, innovation opportunity as well as source of new management challenges. Building on the theoretical and empirical foundations of the traditional manufacturing Supply Chain (SC), which describes the flow of physical artefacts as raw materials through to consumption, we propose the Data Supply Chain (DSC) along which data are the primary artefact flowing. The purpose of this paper is to outline the characteristics and bring conceptual distinctiveness to the context around DSC as well as to explore the associated and emergent management challenges and innovation opportunities. To achieve this, we adopt the systematic review methodology drawing on the operations management and supply chain literature and, in particular, taking a framework synthetic approach which allows us to build the DSC concept from the preexisting SC template. We conclude the paper by developing a set of propositions and outlining an agenda for future research that the DSC concept implies

    A framework for collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment (CPFR): state of the art

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    Purpose– Although many papers purport the significant value attributable to supply chain performance from the use of Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR), the question of ‘what are the main constructs and efficient framework for successful implementation of CPFR?’ remains largely unanswered. This question will be addressed by identifying and analysing the main constructs for successful implementation of CPFR. This paper attempts first to seek answers to this question. Second, to review the scope and value of CPFR using a devised state-of-the-art taxonomy for the classification of selected bibliographical references and third, to develop a conceptual framework by identifying areas which need more research. Design/methodology/approach– The method underlying this paper followed the steps of a systematic literature review process outlined by Soni and Kodali (2011). The review is based on a total of 93 papers published from 1998 to 2013 on CPFR. Findings– Four main constructs for successful implementation of CPFR have been identified: CPFR enablers, CPFR barriers, trading partner selection and incentive alignment. The findings indicate that there is a need for better understanding of the amount and level of information sharing as an important function of CPFR implementation. The paper also illustrates a number of shortcomings in the current literature and provides suggestions to guide future research on implementing CPFR in different industries. Practical implications– This paper is of interest to both academicians and practitioners as it helps to better understand the concept and role of CPFR in supply chain integration and its implementation results, enablers and inhibitors. The proposed framework in this paper can be used to give insight for future research and practice. Originality/value– The paper offers a framework for the review of previous research on CPFR and identifies the most important shortcomings that need to be addressed in future research. In addition, this review is both greater in scope than previous reviews and is broader in its subject focus


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    O objetivo deste texto é mapear e analisar, em termos de artigos científicos, a produção desenvolvida pelo campo da Educação Física brasileira no que diz respeito às (re)configurações do debate epistemológico da área. A partir do debate travado no fim do século XX que polarizou as teorias entre a “vertente científica” e a “vertente pedagógica”, foi realizada uma revisão sistemática de literatura nos principais periódicos da área a fim de analisar aqueles artigos que atualmente se interessam em discutir a relação entre a Educação Física e a ciência. Indica, por fim, que o debate epistemológico atual é acalorado no que tange aos giros epistemológicos, mas também vê emergir uma atividade epistemológica que visa defender a pluralidade de teorias e ideias na área. This text maps and analyzes, in terms of scientific articles, the work developed by the field of Brazilian Physical Education regarding the (re) configurations of the area’s epistemological debate. Based on the debate at the end of the 20th century that polarized theories between the ‘scientific strand’ and the ‘pedagogical strand’, a bibliographic survey was carried out in the field’s main journals in order to analyze those articles that are currently focused on the relationship between Physical Education and Science. Finally, it indicates that the current epistemological debate is heated in terms of epistemological turns, but it also sees an emerging epistemological activity advocating the plurality of theories and ideas in the area. El objetivo de este texto es mapear y analizar, en términos de artículos científicos, la producción desarrollada por el campo de la Educación Física brasileña en lo que se refiere a las (re)configuraciones del debate epistemológico del área. Basado en el debate desarrollado a fines del siglo XX, que polarizó las teorías entre la "vertiente científica" y la "vertiente pedagógica", se realizó una revisión sistemática de literatura en las principales revistas y periódicos del área para analizar aquellos artículos que actualmente se interesan en discutir la relación entre la Educación Física y la ciencia. Finalmente, indica que el debate epistemológico actual es acalorado en lo que atañe a los aspectos epistemológicos, pero también ve emerger una actividad epistemológica que tiene como objetivo defender la pluralidad de teorías e ideas en el área. 

    Marketing 4.0 – A systematic review

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    Industry 4.0 and the Fourth Industrial Revolution are buzzwords which frequently appear in the discussion about the economy of the future. From the extensions of their principles to the field of marketing the term Marketing 4.0 originated. According to its inventor, Marketing 4.0 should by characterized by the connection of real and virtual world. Nevertheless, unlike Industry 4.0, Marketing 4.0 appears in the current discussion much rarely. The systematic review of professional literature based on the Web of Science and Scopus databases was therefore conducted so as to assess the current state of Marketing 4.0 and to find out how it is understood by the relevant professionals. Relevant papers were analyzed both from the time and geographical perspective and from the perspective of their content. Based on this analysis we can conclude that the use of Marketing 4.0, even if not very frequent, has been slightly growing lately, mostly in the European countries. On the other hand, most of the papers dealing with Marketing 4.0 concentrate mainly on the e-commerce and virtual world, and therefore do not fully implement the definition of Marketing 4.0

    The integrated framework for analysis of electricity supply chain using an integrated SWOT-fuzzy TOPSIS methodology combined with AHP: The case of Turkey

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    a b s t r a c t This paper proposes an integrated framework for analysis of an electricity supply chain using an integrated SWOT-fuzzy TOPSIS methodology combined with Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The paper is divided into two main sections. In the first main section, the integrated framework comprising a qualitative framework and a quantitative framework is presented. In the qualitative framework, a general structure and socalled advanced planning framework are developed for an electricity supply chain based on the literature review in supply chain management (SCM). Then, a quantitative Strengths-Weaknesses-OpportunitiesThreats (SWOT) framework is used to formulate a strategy plan based on the elements from the proposed qualitative framework. Since a qualitative SWOT analysis can be insufficient to formulate an action plan, an integrated SWOT-fuzzy TOPSIS methodology combined with AHP is proposed to prioritize the defined SWOT factors and to formulate a strategy plan with top priorities. In the second main section, the integrated framework is illustrated with the case of electricity supply chain in Turkey