29,371 research outputs found

    A core language for fuzzy answer set programming

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    A number of different Fuzzy Answer Set Programming (FASP) formalisms have been proposed in the last years, which all differ in the language extensions they support. In this paperwe investigate the expressivity of these frameworks. Specificallywe showhowa variety of constructs in these languages can be implemented using a considerably simpler core language. These simulations are important as a compact and simple language is easier to implement and to reason about, while an expressive language offers more options when modeling problems

    Relating Multi-Adjoint Normal Logic Programs to Core Fuzzy Answer Set Programs from a Semantical Approach

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    This paper relates two interesting paradigms in fuzzy logic programming from a semantical approach: core fuzzy answer set programming and multi-adjoint normal logic programming. Specifically, it is shown how core fuzzy answer set programs can be translated into multi-adjoint normal logic programs and vice versa, preserving the semantics of the starting program. This translation allows us to combine the expressiveness of multi-adjoint normal logic programming with the compactness and simplicity of the core fuzzy answer set programming language. As a consequence, theoretical properties and results which relate the answer sets to the stable models of the respective logic programming frameworks are obtained. Among others, this study enables the application of the existence theorem of stable models developed for multi-adjoint normal logic programs to ensure the existence of answer sets in core fuzzy answer set programs

    Foundations of fuzzy answer set programming

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    Answer set programming (ASP) is a declarative language that is tailored towards combinatorial search problems. Although ASP has been applied to many problems, such as planning, configuration and verification of software, and database repair, it is less suitable for describing continuous problems. In this thesis we therefore studied fuzzy answer set programming (FASP). FASP is a language that combines ASP with ideas from fuzzy logic -- a class of many-valued logics that are able to describe continuous problems. We study the following topics: 1. An important issue when modeling continuous optimization problems is how to cope with overconstrained problems. In many cases we can opt to allow imperfect solutions, i.e. solutions that do not satisfy all constraints, but are sufficiently acceptable. However, the question which one of these imperfect solutions is most suitable then arises. Current approaches to fuzzy answer set programming solve this problem by attaching weights to the rules of the program. However, it is often not clear how these weights should be chosen and moreover weights do not allow to order different solutions. We improve upon this technique by using aggregators, which eliminate the aforementioned problems. This allows a richer modeling language and bridges the gap between FASP and other techniques such as valued constraint satisfaction problems. 2. The wishes of users and implementers of a programming language are often in direct conflict with each other. Users prefer a rich language that is easy to model in, whereas implementers prefer a small language that is easy to implement. We reconcile these differences by identifying a core language for FASP, called core FASP (CFASP), that only consists of non-constraint rules with monotonically increasing functions and negators in the body. We show that CFASP is capable of simulating constraint rules, monotonically decreasing functions, aggregators, S-implicators and classical negation. Moreover we remark that the simulations of constraints and classical negation bear a great resemblance to their simulations in classical ASP, which provides further insight into the relationship between ASP and FASP. 3. As a first step towards the creation of an implementation method for FASP we research whether it is possible to translate a FASP program to a fuzzy SAT problem. We introduce the concept of the completion of a FASP program and show that for programs without loops the models of the completion coincide with the answer sets. Furthermore we show that if a program has loops, we can translate the program to a fuzzy SAT problem by generalizing the concept of loop formulas. We illustrate this on a continuous version of the k-center problem. Such a translation is important because it allows us to solve FASP programs by means of solvers for fuzzy SAT. Under the appropriate conditions it is for example possible to solve FASP programs by means of off-the-shelf solvers for mixed integer programming (MIP)

    A finite-valued solver for disjunctive fuzzy answer set programs

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    Fuzzy Answer Set Programming (FASP) is a declarative programming paradigm which extends the flexibility and expressiveness of classical Answer Set Programming (ASP), with the aim of modeling continuous application domains. In contrast to the availability of efficient ASP solvers, there have been few attempts at implementing FASP solvers. In this paper, we propose an implementation of FASP based on a reduction to classical ASP. We also develop a prototype implementation of this method. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first solver for disjunctive FASP programs. Moreover, we experimentally show that our solver performs well in comparison to an existing solver (under reasonable assumptions) for the more restrictive class of normal FASP programs

    The PITA System: Tabling and Answer Subsumption for Reasoning under Uncertainty

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    Many real world domains require the representation of a measure of uncertainty. The most common such representation is probability, and the combination of probability with logic programs has given rise to the field of Probabilistic Logic Programming (PLP), leading to languages such as the Independent Choice Logic, Logic Programs with Annotated Disjunctions (LPADs), Problog, PRISM and others. These languages share a similar distribution semantics, and methods have been devised to translate programs between these languages. The complexity of computing the probability of queries to these general PLP programs is very high due to the need to combine the probabilities of explanations that may not be exclusive. As one alternative, the PRISM system reduces the complexity of query answering by restricting the form of programs it can evaluate. As an entirely different alternative, Possibilistic Logic Programs adopt a simpler metric of uncertainty than probability. Each of these approaches -- general PLP, restricted PLP, and Possibilistic Logic Programming -- can be useful in different domains depending on the form of uncertainty to be represented, on the form of programs needed to model problems, and on the scale of the problems to be solved. In this paper, we show how the PITA system, which originally supported the general PLP language of LPADs, can also efficiently support restricted PLP and Possibilistic Logic Programs. PITA relies on tabling with answer subsumption and consists of a transformation along with an API for library functions that interface with answer subsumption

    Teaching machine translation and translation technology: a contrastive study

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    The Machine Translation course at Dublin City University is taught to undergraduate students in Applied Computational Linguistics, while Computer-Assisted Translation is taught on two translator-training programmes, one undergraduate and one postgraduate. Given the differing backgrounds of these sets of students, the course material, methods of teaching and assessment all differ. We report here on our experiences of teaching these courses over a number of years, which we hope will be of interest to lecturers of similar existing courses, as well as providing a reference point for others who may be considering the introduction of such material

    A General Framework for Representing, Reasoning and Querying with Annotated Semantic Web Data

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    We describe a generic framework for representing and reasoning with annotated Semantic Web data, a task becoming more important with the recent increased amount of inconsistent and non-reliable meta-data on the web. We formalise the annotated language, the corresponding deductive system and address the query answering problem. Previous contributions on specific RDF annotation domains are encompassed by our unified reasoning formalism as we show by instantiating it on (i) temporal, (ii) fuzzy, and (iii) provenance annotations. Moreover, we provide a generic method for combining multiple annotation domains allowing to represent, e.g. temporally-annotated fuzzy RDF. Furthermore, we address the development of a query language -- AnQL -- that is inspired by SPARQL, including several features of SPARQL 1.1 (subqueries, aggregates, assignment, solution modifiers) along with the formal definitions of their semantics