9 research outputs found

    A convergent relaxation of the Douglas-Rachford algorithm

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    This paper proposes an algorithm for solving structured optimization problems, which covers both the backward-backward and the Douglas-Rachford algorithms as special cases, and analyzes its convergence. The set of fixed points of the algorithm is characterized in several cases. Convergence criteria of the algorithm in terms of general fixed point operators are established. When applying to nonconvex feasibility including the inconsistent case, we prove local linear convergence results under mild assumptions on regularity of individual sets and of the collection of sets which need not intersect. In this special case, we refine known linear convergence criteria for the Douglas-Rachford algorithm (DR). As a consequence, for feasibility with one of the sets being affine, we establish criteria for linear and sublinear convergence of convex combinations of the alternating projection and the DR methods. These results seem to be new. We also demonstrate the seemingly improved numerical performance of this algorithm compared to the RAAR algorithm for both consistent and inconsistent sparse feasibility problems

    Set projection algorithms for blind ptychographic phase retrieval

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    Set projection algorithms are a class of algorithms used in ptychography to help improve the quality of the reconstructed images. The set projection step is important because it helps to ensure that the reconstructed image satisfies the physical constraints, which can improve the quality of the final result. A new projection algorithm that combines the advantages of the existing algorithms is proposed and offers the possibility of a parallel algorithm for iterative algorithms.Comment: Presented in ISCS2

    The Douglas–Rachford algorithm for convex and nonconvex feasibility problems

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    The Douglas–Rachford algorithm is an optimization method that can be used for solving feasibility problems. To apply the method, it is necessary that the problem at hand is prescribed in terms of constraint sets having efficiently computable nearest points. Although the convergence of the algorithm is guaranteed in the convex setting, the scheme has demonstrated to be a successful heuristic for solving combinatorial problems of different type. In this self-contained tutorial, we develop the convergence theory of projection algorithms within the framework of fixed point iterations, explain how to devise useful feasibility problem formulations, and demonstrate the application of the Douglas–Rachford method to said formulations. The paradigm is then illustrated on two concrete problems: a generalization of the “eight queens puzzle” known as the “(m, n)-queens problem”, and the problem of constructing a probability distribution with prescribed moments.FJAA and RC were partially supported by Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO) and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), grant MTM2014-59179-C2-1-P. FJAA was supported by the Ramón y Cajal program by MINECO and ERDF (RYC-2013-13327) and by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades and ERDF, grant PGC2018-097960-B-C22. RC was supported by MINECO and European Social Fund (BES-2015-073360) under the program “Ayudas para contratos predoctorales para la formación de doctores 2015”

    Extremality and stationarity of collections of sets : metric, slope and normal cone characterisations

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    Variational analysis, a relatively new area of research in mathematics, has become one of the most powerful tools in nonsmooth optimisation and neighbouring areas. The extremal principle, a tool to substitute the conventional separation theorem in the general nonconvex environment, is a fundamental result in variational analysis. There have seen many attempts to generalise the conventional extremal principle in order to tackle certain optimisation models. Models involving collections of sets, initiated by the extremal principle, have proved their usefulness in analysis and optimisation, with non-intersection properties (or their absence) being at the core of many applications: recall the ubiquitous convex separation theorem, extremal principle, Dubovitskii Milyutin formalism and various transversality/regularity properties. We study elementary nonintersection properties of collections of sets, making the core of the conventional definitions of extremality and stationarity. In the setting of general Banach/Asplund spaces, we establish nonlinear primal (slope) and linear/nonlinear dual (generalised separation) characterisations of these non-intersection properties. We establish a series of consequences of our main results covering all known formulations of extremality/ stationarity and generalised separability properties. This research develops a universal theory, unifying all the current extensions of the extremal principle, providing new results and better understanding for the exquisite theory of variational analysis. This new study also results in direct solutions for many open questions and new future research directions in the fields of variational analysis and optimisation. Some new nonlinear characterisations of the conventional extremality/stationarity properties are obtained. For the first time, the intrinsic transversality property is characterised in primal space without involving normal cones. This characterisation brings a new perspective on intrinsic transversality. In the process, we thoroughly expose and classify all quantitative geometric and metric characterisations of transversality properties of collections of sets and regularity properties of set-valued mappings.Doctor of Philosoph

    A convergent relaxation of the Douglas–Rachford algorithm

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    This paper proposes an algorithm for solving structured optimization problems, which covers both the backward–backward and the Douglas–Rachford algorithms as special cases, and analyzes its convergence. The set of fixed points of the corresponding operator is characterized in several cases. Convergence criteria of the algorithm in terms of general fixed point iterations are established. When applied to nonconvex feasibility including potentially inconsistent problems, we prove local linear convergence results under mild assumptions on regularity of individual sets and of the collection of sets. In this special case, we refine known linear convergence criteria for the Douglas–Rachford (DR) algorithm. As a consequence, for feasibility problem with one of the sets being affine, we establish criteria for linear and sublinear convergence of convex combinations of the alternating projection and the DR methods. These results seem to be new. We also demonstrate the seemingly improved numerical performance of this algorithm compared to the RAAR algorithm for both consistent and inconsistent sparse feasibility problems.Team Raf Van de Pla