60 research outputs found

    Fast Local Computation Algorithms

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    For input xx, let F(x)F(x) denote the set of outputs that are the "legal" answers for a computational problem FF. Suppose xx and members of F(x)F(x) are so large that there is not time to read them in their entirety. We propose a model of {\em local computation algorithms} which for a given input xx, support queries by a user to values of specified locations yiy_i in a legal output y∈F(x)y \in F(x). When more than one legal output yy exists for a given xx, the local computation algorithm should output in a way that is consistent with at least one such yy. Local computation algorithms are intended to distill the common features of several concepts that have appeared in various algorithmic subfields, including local distributed computation, local algorithms, locally decodable codes, and local reconstruction. We develop a technique, based on known constructions of small sample spaces of kk-wise independent random variables and Beck's analysis in his algorithmic approach to the Lov{\'{a}}sz Local Lemma, which under certain conditions can be applied to construct local computation algorithms that run in {\em polylogarithmic} time and space. We apply this technique to maximal independent set computations, scheduling radio network broadcasts, hypergraph coloring and satisfying kk-SAT formulas.Comment: A preliminary version of this paper appeared in ICS 2011, pp. 223-23

    Pathwidth and nonrepetitive list coloring

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    A vertex coloring of a graph is nonrepetitive if there is no path in the graph whose first half receives the same sequence of colors as the second half. While every tree can be nonrepetitively colored with a bounded number of colors (4 colors is enough), Fiorenzi, Ochem, Ossona de Mendez, and Zhu recently showed that this does not extend to the list version of the problem, that is, for every ℓ≥1\ell \geq 1 there is a tree that is not nonrepetitively ℓ\ell-choosable. In this paper we prove the following positive result, which complements the result of Fiorenzi et al.: There exists a function ff such that every tree of pathwidth kk is nonrepetitively f(k)f(k)-choosable. We also show that such a property is specific to trees by constructing a family of pathwidth-2 graphs that are not nonrepetitively ℓ\ell-choosable for any fixed ℓ\ell.Comment: v2: Minor changes made following helpful comments by the referee

    Another approach to non-repetitive colorings of graphs of bounded degree

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    We propose a new proof technique that aims to be applied to the same problems as the Lov\'asz Local Lemma or the entropy-compression method. We present this approach in the context of non-repetitive colorings and we use it to improve upper-bounds relating different non-repetitive numbers to the maximal degree of a graph. It seems that there should be other interesting applications to the presented approach. In terms of upper-bound our approach seems to be as strong as entropy-compression, but the proofs are more elementary and shorter. The application we provide in this paper are upper bounds for graphs of maximal degree at most Δ\Delta: a minor improvement on the upper-bound of the non-repetitive number, a 4.25Δ+o(Δ)4.25\Delta +o(\Delta) upper-bound on the weak total non-repetitive number and a Δ2+3213Δ53+o(Δ53) \Delta^2+\frac{3}{2^\frac{1}{3}}\Delta^{\frac{5}{3}}+ o(\Delta^{\frac{5}{3}}) upper-bound on the total non-repetitive number of graphs. This last result implies the same upper-bound for the non-repetitive index of graphs, which improves the best known bound
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