68 research outputs found

    Network Interdiction under Uncertainty

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    We consider variants to one of the most common network interdiction formulations: the shortest path interdiction problem. This problem involves leader and a follower playing a zero-sum game over a directed network. The leader interdicts a set of arcs, and arc costs increase each time they are interdicted. The follower observes the leader\u27s actions and selects a shortest path in response. The leader\u27s optimal interdiction strategy maximizes the follower\u27s minimum-cost path. Our first variant allows the follower to improve the network after the interdiction by lowering the costs of some arcs, and the leader is uncertain regarding the follower\u27s cardinality budget restricting the arc improvements. We propose a multiobjective approach for this problem, with each objective corresponding to a different possible improvement budget value. To this end, we also present the modified augmented weighted Tchebychev norm, which can be used to generate a complete efficient set of solutions to a discrete multi-objective optimization problem, and which tends to scale better than competing methods as the number of objectives grows. In our second variant, the leader selects a policy of randomized interdiction actions, and the follower uses the probability of where interdictions are deployed on the network to select a path having the minimum expected cost. We show that this continuous non-convex problem becomes strongly NP-hard when the cost functions are convex or when they are concave. After formally describing each variant, we present various algorithms for solving them, and we examine the efficacy of all our algorithms on test beds of randomly generated instances

    Facility Location Planning Under Disruption

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    Facility Location Problems (FLPs) such as the Uncapacitated Facility Location (UFL) and the Capacitated Facility Location (CFL) along with the k-Shortest Path Problem (k-SPP) are important research problems in managing supply chain networks (SCNs) and related operations. In UFL, there is no limit on the facility serving capacity while in CFL such limit is imposed. FLPs aim to find the best facility locations to meet the customer demands within the available capacity with minimized facility establishment and transportation costs. The objective of the (k-SPP) is to find the k minimal length and partial overlapping paths between two nodes in a transport network graph. In the literature, many approaches are proposed to solve these problems. However, most of these approaches assume totally reliable facilities and do not consider the failure probability of the facilities, which can lead to notably higher cost. In this thesis, we investigate the reliable uncapacitated facility location (RUFL)and the reliable capacitated facility location (RCFL) problems, and the k-SPP where potential facilities are exposed to disruption then propose corresponding solution approaches to efficiently handle these problems. An evolutionary learning technique is elaborated to solve RUFL. Then, a non-linear integer programming model is introduced for the RCFL along with a solution approach involving the linearization of the model and its use as part of an iterative procedure leveraging CPLEX for facility establishment and customer assignment along with a knapsack implementation aiming at deriving the best facility fortification. In RUFL and RCFL, we assume heterogeneous disruption with respect to the facilities, each customer is assigned to primary and backup facilities and a fixed fortification budget allows to make a subset of the facilities totally reliable. Finally, we propose a hybrid approach based on graph partitioning and modified Dijkstra algorithm to find k partial overlapping shortest paths between two nodes on a transport network that is exposed to heterogeneous connected node failures. The approaches are illustrated via individual case studies along with corresponding key insights. The performance of each approach is assessed using benchmark results. For the k-SPP, the effect of preferred establishment locations is analyzed with respect to disruption scenarios, failure probability, computation time, transport costs, network size and partitioning parameters

    Models and algorithms for decomposition problems

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    This thesis deals with the decomposition both as a solution method and as a problem itself. A decomposition approach can be very effective for mathematical problems presenting a specific structure in which the associated matrix of coefficients is sparse and it is diagonalizable in blocks. But, this kind of structure may not be evident from the most natural formulation of the problem. Thus, its coefficient matrix may be preprocessed by solving a structure detection problem in order to understand if a decomposition method can successfully be applied. So, this thesis deals with the k-Vertex Cut problem, that is the problem of finding the minimum subset of nodes whose removal disconnects a graph into at least k components, and it models relevant applications in matrix decomposition for solving systems of equations by parallel computing. The capacitated k-Vertex Separator problem, instead, asks to find a subset of vertices of minimum cardinality the deletion of which disconnects a given graph in at most k shores and the size of each shore must not be larger than a given capacity value. Also this problem is of great importance for matrix decomposition algorithms. This thesis also addresses the Chance-Constrained Mathematical Program that represents a significant example in which decomposition techniques can be successfully applied. This is a class of stochastic optimization problems in which the feasible region depends on the realization of a random variable and the solution must optimize a given objective function while belonging to the feasible region with a probability that must be above a given value. In this thesis, a decomposition approach for this problem is introduced. The thesis also addresses the Fractional Knapsack Problem with Penalties, a variant of the knapsack problem in which items can be split at the expense of a penalty depending on the fractional quantity
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