10,727 research outputs found

    Parallel Discrete Event Simulation with Erlang

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    Discrete Event Simulation (DES) is a widely used technique in which the state of the simulator is updated by events happening at discrete points in time (hence the name). DES is used to model and analyze many kinds of systems, including computer architectures, communication networks, street traffic, and others. Parallel and Distributed Simulation (PADS) aims at improving the efficiency of DES by partitioning the simulation model across multiple processing elements, in order to enabling larger and/or more detailed studies to be carried out. The interest on PADS is increasing since the widespread availability of multicore processors and affordable high performance computing clusters. However, designing parallel simulation models requires considerable expertise, the result being that PADS techniques are not as widespread as they could be. In this paper we describe ErlangTW, a parallel simulation middleware based on the Time Warp synchronization protocol. ErlangTW is entirely written in Erlang, a concurrent, functional programming language specifically targeted at building distributed systems. We argue that writing parallel simulation models in Erlang is considerably easier than using conventional programming languages. Moreover, ErlangTW allows simulation models to be executed either on single-core, multicore and distributed computing architectures. We describe the design and prototype implementation of ErlangTW, and report some preliminary performance results on multicore and distributed architectures using the well known PHOLD benchmark.Comment: Proceedings of ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Functional High-Performance Computing (FHPC 2012) in conjunction with ICFP 2012. ISBN: 978-1-4503-1577-

    Infrastructure for distributed enterprise simulation

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    Developing An Object-oriented Approach For Operations Simulation In Speedes

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    Using simulation techniques, performance of any proposed system can be tested for different scenarios with a generated model. However, it is difficult to rapidly create simulation models that will accurately represent the complexity of the system. In recent years, Object-Oriented Discrete-Event Simulation has emerged as the potential technology to implement rapid simulation schemes. A number of software based on programming languages like C++ and Java are available for carrying out Object Oriented Discrete-Event Simulation. These software packages establish a general framework for simulation in computer programs, but need to be further customized for desired end-use applications. In this thesis, a generic simulation library is created for the distributed Synchronous Parallel Environment for Emulation and Discrete-Event Simulation (SPEEDES). This library offers classes to model the functionality of servers, processes, resources, transporters, and decisions. The library is expected to produce efficient simulation models in less time and with a lesser amount of coding. The class hierarchy is modeled using the Unified Modeling Language (UML). To test the library, the existing SPEEDES Space Shuttle Model is enhanced and recreated. This enhanced model is successfully validated against the original Arena model

    Economic-based Distributed Resource Management and Scheduling for Grid Computing

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    Computational Grids, emerging as an infrastructure for next generation computing, enable the sharing, selection, and aggregation of geographically distributed resources for solving large-scale problems in science, engineering, and commerce. As the resources in the Grid are heterogeneous and geographically distributed with varying availability and a variety of usage and cost policies for diverse users at different times and, priorities as well as goals that vary with time. The management of resources and application scheduling in such a large and distributed environment is a complex task. This thesis proposes a distributed computational economy as an effective metaphor for the management of resources and application scheduling. It proposes an architectural framework that supports resource trading and quality of services based scheduling. It enables the regulation of supply and demand for resources and provides an incentive for resource owners for participating in the Grid and motives the users to trade-off between the deadline, budget, and the required level of quality of service. The thesis demonstrates the capability of economic-based systems for peer-to-peer distributed computing by developing users' quality-of-service requirements driven scheduling strategies and algorithms. It demonstrates their effectiveness by performing scheduling experiments on the World-Wide Grid for solving parameter sweep applications

    Multi-threaded Simulation of 4G Cellular Systems within the LTE-Sim Framework

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    Nowadays, an always increasing number of researchers and industries are putting a large effort in the design and the implementation of protocols, algorithms, and network architectures targeted at the the emerging 4G cellular technology. In this context, multi-core/multi-processor simulation tools can accelerate their activities by drastically reducing the time required to simulate complex scenarios. Unfortunately, today's available tools are mostly single-threaded and they cannot exploit the performance gain offered by parallel programming approaches. To bridge this gap, we have significantly upgraded the LTE-Sim framework by implementing a concurrent scheduling algorithm, namely the Multi-Master Scheduler, aimed at efficiently handling events in a parallel manner, while guaranteeing the correct execution of the simulation itself. Experimental results will demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposal and the performance gain that can be achieved with respect to other classical event scheduling algorithms

    The Distributed Independent-Platform Event-Driven Simulation Engine Library (DIESEL)

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    The Distributed, Independent-Platform, Event-Driven Simulation Engine Library (DIESEL) is a simulation executive, capable of supporting both sequential and distributed discrete-event simulations. A system level specification is provided along with the expected behavior of each component within DIESEL. This behavioral specification of each component, along with the interconnection and interaction between the different components, provides a complete description of the DIESEL behavioral model. The model provides a considerable amount of freedom for an application developer to partition the simulation model, when building sequential and distributed applications with respect to balancing the number of events generated across different components. It also allows a developer to modify underlying algorithms in the simulation executive, while causing no changes to the overall system behavior so long as the algorithms meet the behavioral specifications. The behavioral model is object-oriented and developed using a hierarchical approach. The model is not targeted towards any programming language or hardware platform for implementation. The behavioral specification provides no specifics about how the model should be implemented. A complete and stable implementation of the behavioral model is provided as a proof-of-concept, and can be used to develop commercial applications. New and independent implementations of the complete model can be developed to support specific commercial and research efforts. Specific components of the model can also be implemented by students in an educational environment, using strategies different from the ones used within the current implementation. DIESEL provides a research environment for studying different aspects of Parallel Discrete-Event Simulation, such as event management strategies, synchronization algorithms, communication mechanisms, and simulation state capture capabilities

    Simulator adaptation at runtime for component-based simulation software

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    Component-based simulation software can provide many opportunities to compose and configure simulators, resulting in an algorithm selection problem for the user of this software. This thesis aims to automate the selection and adaptation of simulators at runtime in an application-independent manner. Further, it explores the potential of tailored and approximate simulators - in this thesis concretely developed for the modeling language ML-Rules - supporting the effectiveness of the adaptation scheme.Komponenten-basierte Simulationssoftware kann viele Möglichkeiten zur Komposition und Konfiguration von Simulatoren bieten und damit zu einem Konfigurationsproblem fĂŒr Nutzer dieser Software fĂŒhren. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung einer generischen und automatisierten Auswahl- und Adaptionsmethode fĂŒr Simulatoren. DarĂŒber hinaus wird das Potential von spezifischen und approximativen Simulatoren anhand der Modellierungssprache ML-Rules untersucht, welche die EffektivitĂ€t des entwickelten Adaptionsmechanismus erhöhen können

    The Simulation Model Partitioning Problem: an Adaptive Solution Based on Self-Clustering (Extended Version)

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    This paper is about partitioning in parallel and distributed simulation. That means decomposing the simulation model into a numberof components and to properly allocate them on the execution units. An adaptive solution based on self-clustering, that considers both communication reduction and computational load-balancing, is proposed. The implementation of the proposed mechanism is tested using a simulation model that is challenging both in terms of structure and dynamicity. Various configurations of the simulation model and the execution environment have been considered. The obtained performance results are analyzed using a reference cost model. The results demonstrate that the proposed approach is promising and that it can reduce the simulation execution time in both parallel and distributed architectures

    Use of a Low-Mach Model On a CFD&HT Solver for the Elements of An Object Oriented Program to Numerically Simulate Hermetic Refrigeration Compressors

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    A powerful object oriented approach for the simulation of generic thermal systems (Damle et al., 2008) is used as a framework to numerically simulate the thermal and fluid behavior of hermetic reciprocating compressors. A physical abstraction of the compressor system provides a vertex-edge graph, defining the elements and the neighborhood relations of the system to be solved. Each one of these resulting elements is modeled in order to be solved by itself by giving their respective boundary conditions. Since each element provides its own solver tool, the coupled system can be solved in an integrated form. Into previous works, an unstructured and parallel object oriented Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer code (from now on CFD&HT) for accurate and reliable solving of turbulent industrial flow, called TermoFluids (Lehmkuhl et al., 2007), was used to provide with CFD&HT capability the system elements (LĂłpez et al., 2010). In this work, a Low-Mach based CFD&HT module (Chiva et al., 2011) implemented within the TermoFluids software has been used solve the fluid domain existing inside the shell of a reciprocating compressor, which is identified as one of the compressor elements in the abstraction stage. This improvement allows us to numerically simulate the recirculation flow inside the shell of a reciprocating compressor, providing detailed information about suction area of the compressor and allowing study of new geometric configurations of such part. Furthermore, in comparison with previously tested CFD&HT modules, the Low-Mach model allows better treatment of the compressibility effects generated at the inner elements of the compressor such as chambers, tubes and undoubtedly the compression chamber
