60 research outputs found

    Simulation and robotics studies of salamander locomotion: Applying neurobiological principles to the control of locomotion in robots

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    This article presents a project that aims at understanding the neural circuitry controlling salamander locomotion, and developing an amphibious salamander-like robot capable of replicating its bimodal locomotion, namely swimming and terrestrial walking. The controllers of the robot are central pattern generator models inspired by the salamander's locomotion control network. The goal of the project is twofold: (1) to use robots as tools for gaining a better understanding of locomotion control in vertebrates and (2) to develop new robot and control technologies for developing agile and adaptive outdoor robots. The article has four parts. We first describe the motivations behind the project. We then present neuromechanical simulation studies of locomotion control in salamanders. This is followed by a description of the current stage of the robotic developments. We conclude the article with a discussion on the usefulness of robots in neuroscience research with a special focus on locomotion contro

    Vertebrate locomotion

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    Sensory Feedback Plays a Significant Role in Generating Walking Gait and in Gait Transition in Salamanders: A Simulation Study

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    Here, we investigate the role of sensory feedback in gait generation and transition by using a three-dimensional, neuro-musculo-mechanical model of a salamander with realistic physical parameters. Activation of limb and axial muscles were driven by neural output patterns obtained from a central pattern generator (CPG) which is composed of simulated spiking neurons with adaptation. The CPG consists of a body-CPG and four limb-CPGs that are interconnected via synapses both ipsilaterally and contralaterally. We use the model both with and without sensory modulation and four different combinations of ipsilateral and contralateral coupling between the limb-CPGs. We found that the proprioceptive sensory inputs are essential in obtaining a coordinated lateral sequence walking gait (walking). The sensory feedback includes the signals coming from the stretch receptor like intraspinal neurons located in the girdle regions and the limb stretch receptors residing in the hip and scapula regions of the salamander. On the other hand, walking trot gait (trotting) is more under central (CPG) influence compared to that of the peripheral or sensory feedback. We found that the gait transition from walking to trotting can be induced by increased activity of the descending drive coming from the mesencephalic locomotor region and is helped by the sensory inputs at the hip and scapula regions detecting the late stance phase. More neurophysiological experiments are required to identify the precise type of mechanoreceptors in the salamander and the neural mechanisms mediating the sensory modulation

    Design of artificial neural oscillatory circuits for the control of lamprey- and salamander-like locomotion using evolutionary algorithms

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    This dissertation investigates the evolutionary design of oscillatory artificial neural networks for the control of animal-like locomotion. It is inspired by the neural organ¬ isation of locomotor circuitries in vertebrates, and explores in particular the control of undulatory swimming and walking. The difficulty with designing such controllers is to find mechanisms which can transform commands concerning the direction and the speed of motion into the multiple rhythmic signals sent to the multiple actuators typically involved in animal-like locomotion. In vertebrates, such control mechanisms are provided by central pattern generators which are neural circuits capable of pro¬ ducing the patterns of oscillations necessary for locomotion without oscillatory input from higher control centres or from sensory feedback. This thesis explores the space of possible neural configurations for the control of undulatory locomotion, and addresses the problem of how biologically plausible neural controllers can be automatically generated.Evolutionary algorithms are used to design connectionist models of central pattern generators for the motion of simulated lampreys and salamanders. This work is inspired by Ekeberg's neuronal and mechanical simulation of the lamprey [Ekeberg 93]. The first part of the thesis consists of developing alternative neural controllers for a similar mechanical simulation. Using a genetic algorithm and an incremental approach, a variety of controllers other than the biological configuration are successfully developed which can control swimming with at least the same efficiency. The same method is then used to generate synaptic weights for a controller which has the observed biological connectivity in order to illustrate how the genetic algorithm could be used for developing neurobiological models. Biologically plausible controllers are evolved which better fit physiological observations than Ekeberg's hand-crafted model. Finally, in collaboration with Jerome Kodjabachian, swimming controllers are designed using a developmental encoding scheme, in which developmental programs are evolved which determine how neurons divide and get connected to each other on a two-dimensional substrate.The second part of this dissertation examines the control of salamander-like swimming and trotting. Salamanders swim like lampreys but, on the ground, they switch to a trotting gait in which the trunk performs a standing wave with the nodes at the girdles. Little is known about the locomotion circuitry of the salamander, but neurobiologists have hypothesised that it is based on a lamprey-like organisation. A mechanical sim¬ ulation of a salamander-like animat is developed, and neural controllers capable of exhibiting the two types of gaits are evolved. The controllers are made of two neural oscillators projecting to the limb motoneurons and to lamprey-like trunk circuitry. By modulating the tonic input applied to the networks, the type of gait, the speed and the direction of motion can be varied.By developing neural controllers for lamprey- and salamander-like locomotion, this thesis provides insights into the biological control of undulatory swimming and walking, and shows how evolutionary algorithms can be used for developing neurobiological models and for generating neural controllers for locomotion. Such a method could potentially be used for designing controllers for swimming or walking robots, for instance

    Spinal Cord of Lamprey

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    Learning Robot Control using a Hierarchical SOM-based Encoding

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    Hierarchical representations and modeling of sensorimotor observations is a fundamental approach for the development of scalable robot control strategies. Previously, we introduced the novel Hierarchical Self-Organizing Map-based Encoding algorithm (HSOME) that is based on a computational model of infant cognition. Each layer is a temporally augmented SOM and every node updates a decaying activation value. The bottom level encodes sensori-motor instances while their temporal associations are hierarchically built on the layers above. In the past, HSOME has shown to support hierarchical encoding of sequential sensor-actuator observations both in abstract domains and real humanoid robots. Two novel features are presented here starting with the novel skill acquisition in the complex domain of learning a double tap tactile gesture between two humanoid robots. During reproduction, the robot can either perform a double tap or prioritize to receive a higher reward by performing a single tap instead. Secondly, HSOME has been extended to recall past observations and reproduce rhythmic patterns in the absence of input relevant to the joints by priming initially the reproduction of specific skills with an input. We also demonstrate in simulation how a complex behavior emerges from the automatic reuse of distinct oscillatory swimming demonstrations of a robotic salamander

    Decoding the mechanisms of gait generation in salamanders by combining neurobiology, modeling and robotics

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    Vertebrate animals exhibit impressive locomotor skills. These locomotor skills are due to the complex interactions between the environment, the musculo-skeletal system and the central nervous system, in particular the spinal locomotor circuits. We are interested in decoding these interactions in the salamander, a key animal from an evolutionary point of view. It exhibits both swimming and stepping gaits and is faced with the problem of producing efficient propulsive forces using the same musculo-skeletal system in two environments with significant physical differences in density, viscosity and gravitational load. Yet its nervous system remains comparatively simple. Our approach is based on a combination of neurophysiological experiments, numerical modeling at different levels of abstraction, and robotic validation using an amphibious salamander-like robot. This article reviews the current state of our knowledge on salamander locomotion control, and presents how our approach has allowed us to obtain a first conceptual model of the salamander spinal locomotor networks. The model suggests that the salamander locomotor circuit can be seen as a lamprey-like circuit controlling axial movements of the trunk and tail, extended by specialized oscillatory centers controlling limb movements. The interplay between the two types of circuits determines the mode of locomotion under the influence of sensory feedback and descending drive, with stepping gaits at low drive, and swimming at high driv

    Reproducing Five Motor Behaviors in a Salamander Robot With Virtual Muscles and a Distributed CPG Controller Regulated by Drive Signals and Proprioceptive Feedback

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    Diverse locomotor behaviors emerge from the interactions between the spinal central pattern generator (CPG), descending brain signals and sensory feedback. Salamander motor behaviors include swimming, struggling, forward underwater stepping, and forward and backward terrestrial stepping. Electromyographic and kinematic recordings of the trunk show that each of these five behaviors is characterized by specific patterns of muscle activation and body curvature. Electrophysiological recordings in isolated spinal cords show even more diverse patterns of activity. Using numerical modeling and robotics, we explored the mechanisms through which descending brain signals and proprioceptive feedback could take advantage of the flexibility of the spinal CPG to generate different motor patterns. Adapting a previous CPG model based on abstract oscillators, we propose a model that reproduces the features of spinal cord recordings: the diversity of motor patterns, the correlation between phase lags and cycle frequencies, and the spontaneous switches between slow and fast rhythms. The five salamander behaviors were reproduced by connecting the CPG model to a mechanical simulation of the salamander with virtual muscles and local proprioceptive feedback. The main results were validated on a robot. A distributed controller was used to obtain the fast control loops necessary for implementing the virtual muscles. The distributed control is demonstrated in an experiment where the robot splits into multiple functional parts. The five salamander behaviors were emulated by regulating the CPG with two descending drives. Reproducing the kinematics of backward stepping and struggling however required stronger muscle contractions. The passive oscillations observed in the salamander's tail during forward underwater stepping could be reproduced using a third descending drive of zero to the tail oscillators. This reduced the drag on the body in our hydrodynamic simulation. We explored the effect of local proprioceptive feedback during swimming and forward terrestrial stepping. We found that feedback could replace or reduce the need for different drives in both cases. It also reduced the variability of intersegmental phase lags toward values appropriate for locomotion. Our work suggests that different motor behaviors do not require different CPG circuits: a single circuit can produce various behaviors when modulated by descending drive and sensory feedback