13 research outputs found

    A Framework for Assessing the Social and Economic Impact of Sustainable Investments

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    Investments towards sustainable development are vital for the future and they must be carefully planned to deliver immediate and long-term benefits. Hence, the ability to communicate the forms of impact of sustainable investments to local societies, people, investors and other stakeholders can provide a competitive advantage. However, the assessments are often under pressure to demonstrate short-term effects rather than emphasise the long-term impact. In addition, indirect and intangible forms of impacts should not be measured solely in economic terms. This paper proposes an assessment framework to support the integrated economic and social impact assessment of sustainable investments aimed at improving physical and socio-economic wellbeing. The framework is demonstrated in two case studies: new construction and renovation investments in affordable housing and social impact investment in sustainable development. The investments in the case studies are evaluated, selected and prioritized not only in terms of money but also with regard to sustainability, social acceptability and their overall impact on society, as a whole. The results indicate that a systematic integrated assessment of monetary and non-monetary factors can be successfully combined with the sustainable development decisions.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Assessment of sustainable collaboration in collaborative business ecosystems

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    Advances in information and communication technologies and, more specifically, in artificial intelligence resulted in more intelligent systems, which, in the business world, particularly in collaborative business ecosystems, can lead to a more streamlined, effective, and sustainable processes. Following the design science research method, this article presents a simulation model, which includes a performance assessment and influence mechanism to evaluate and influence the collaboration of the organisations in a business ecosystem. The establishment of adequate performance indicators to assess the organisations can act as an influencing factor of their behaviour, contributing to enhancing their performance and improving the ecosystem collaboration sustainability. As such, several scenarios are presented shaping the simulation model with actual data gathered from three IT industry organisations running in the same business ecosystem, assessed by a set of proposed performance indicators. The resulting outcomes show that the collaboration can be measured, and the organisations' behaviour can be influenced by varying the weights of the performance indicators adopted by the CBE manager.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analysis of the Disparity between Recurring and Temporary Collaborative Performance: A Literature Review between 1994 and 2021

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    Performance frameworks are common ways to guarantee the success of a collaboration by assessment/improvement of the organisations. However, collaborative performance in recurring collaborations (RC) and temporary ones (TC) are being measured differently due to their inherent characteristics. A systematic review of 282 existing studies, from 2000 onwards, into collaborative networks divided between RC and TC based on the duration of collaboration and the application of the studies was performed. The result gave rise to the thematic analysis of the textual narratives, as well as a quantitative meta-summary of the synthesis. The review shows two different approaches to guarantee the performance of the collaboration. The first group provide a recipe for success by recognizing the causal relationship between nine collaborative measures, including information and risk sharing, trust, commitment, agility, power balance, leadership, prior-experience, and alignment. The second group ensures the success of collaboration by selecting suitable partners based on their previous performance emerging through synergy, readiness, agility and internal–external factors. The reasoning behind these differences are discussed and the current gaps in research are outlined

    A typology of the situations of cooperation in supply chains

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    Pushed by globalization and its consequent increased competition, supply chain managers have understood the importance of information sharing, joint decision-making and cooperation across supply chains. Therefore, how to synchronize local activities through global processes and how to establish a collaborative supply chain relationship are actual difficulties that supply chain members have to address. In this context, this paper suggests a model of the situations of cooperation in supply chains for coping with real industrial situations, based on an analysis of the limitations of previous models. It is shown how the suggested model may allow to identify dysfunctions in the cooperation process, especially when both large and small companies are involved, and can also be used to describe and monitor the possible evolution of the cooperation process. Finally, the model may help to specify the way information should be efficiently processed all along a supply chain, depending on the situation of cooperation

    A proposal of performance indicators for collaborative business ecosystems

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    Business ecosystems enabled by the increasing use and improvement of communication networks, offer nowadays a powerful competitive advantage to business players and entrepreneurs. They form a collaborative new mean of economic and social value creation, addressing customers' needs, overcoming constraints of individual firms, increasing capabilities for new business opportunities, and accelerating learning and innovation. This paper proposes a set of performance indicators to measure some of these collaboration benefits, therefore motivating the sustainability and resilience of the business ecosystem. The presented results are based on simulation models, which intend to characterize the roles and interactions of a real life collaborative business ecosystem.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Capital Social e o Desenvolvimento de Redes Colaborativas: um Estudo de Caso sobre o Grupo Gestor do Turismo Rural do Rio Grande do Sul - RS, Brasil

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    This research aims to contribute to the inter-organizational network analysis perspective discussion, subsidized by the theories of collaborative networks and social capital. Elements based on social capital notions are recognized as greatly influencing collaboration and the actors’ predisposition to collaborate. The qualitative method was adopted, using as techniques the documental research, the direct observation and interviews applied to the members of the Grupo Gestor do Turismo Rural do Rio Grande do Sul (the Rural Tourism Steering Group). The validity of these techniques application was considered to enrich the analysis and to better understand the relationship among the participant actors. Results show that in purposeful and operational terms the group can be characterized as a collaborative inter-organizational network, alternating moments of intense collaboration and independent work. Also relationships based on trust, norms of reciprocity, identification, elements related to social capital theory may be decisive for the group strengthening and continuity, as it is facing a period of transformation.Este estudio tiene como objetivo contribuir a los debates sobre el análisis de redes inter-organizacionales, apoyado por las teorías de redes de colaboración y capital social. Elementos basados en las teorías de capital social se reconocen como factores de gran influencia para la colaboración y la buena disposición de los agentes en cooperar. El método cualitativo fue adoptado, utilizando las técnicas de investigación documental, observación directa y entrevistas aplicadas a los miembros del Grupo Gestor do Turismo Rural do Rio Grande do Sul (Grupo de Gestión del Turismo Rural). La validez de la aplicación de estas técnicas fue considerada con el fin de enriquecer el análisis y mejor comprender la dinámica de las relaciones entre los miembros del grupo. Los resultados mostraron que, en términos proposicionales y operativos, el Grupo Gestor se caracteriza como una red de colaboración inter-organizacional, alternando momentos de intensa colaboración y el trabajo independiente. Además, las relaciones guiadas por elementos de confianza, reciprocidad e identificación, que se relacionan con las teorías del capital social, pueden ser cruciales para el fortalecimiento y la continuidad del grupo, que se encuentra en un momento de transformación.Este estudo tem por objetivo contribuir para as discussões sobre análise de redes interorganizacionais, subsidiado pelas teorias de redes colaborativas e capital social. Elementos fundamentados nas noções de capital social são reconhecidos como grandes influenciadores da colaboração e da predisposição dos atores em colaborar. O método qualitativo foi adotado, utilizando as técnicas de pesquisa documental, observação direta e entrevistas aplicadas junto aos membros do Grupo Gestor do Turismo Rural do Rio Grande do Sul. A validade da aplicação dessas técnicas foi considerada de forma a enriquecer a análise e melhor compreender a dinâmica de relacionamentos entre os participantes do grupo. Os resultados apontaram que, em termos propositivos e operacionais, o Grupo Gestor se caracteriza como uma rede colaborativa interorganizacional, alternando momentos de colaboração intensa e de trabalhos independentes. Também, que os relacionamentos pautados pela confiança, reciprocidade e identificação, elementos estes relacionados às teorias de capital social, podem ser determinantes para o fortalecimento e para a continuidade do grupo, que enfrenta um momento de transformação

    Identificação das dimensões mais importantes utilizadas para avaliação dos membros de redes colaborativas: um estudo das redes no setor de eventos do Grande ABC

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    Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul como requisito para a obtenção do título de Mestre em AdministraçãoRedes colaborativas de organizações (CNO) são grupos de pessoas ou entidades, diferentes ou não, distribuídas geograficamente, com interesse em trabalharem colaborativamente a fim de atender a um objetivo comum de maneira mais vantajosa às partes envolvidas. Quando uma oportunidade de trabalho é mapeada por um membro de uma CNO atuando como corretor de negócios (broker), alguns membros são selecionados, formando uma configuração de empresas, para melhor atender a oportunidade. Cada entidade de uma CNO tem um conjunto de prioridades, características que julgam mais importantes e pensamentos diferentes, seus valores. Os valores guiam a seleção e avaliação de ações, objetivos, pessoas e situações. Ter consciência explícita dos próprios valores aumenta a capacidade de tomada de decisões. Um Sistema de Valores é a coleção de coisas valiosas para as organizações e um conjunto de funções usadas para avaliá-las. Na seleção de empresas parceiras, é importante se avaliar, além das competências necessárias, o alinhamento entre seus Sistemas de Valores, como forma de aumentar as chances de sucesso. Este trabalho teve como cenário pesquisado assessores de festas de casamentos e bailes debutantes da região do Grande ABC, que buscam oportunidades de realização de eventos, utilizando parceiros para fornecerem os serviços e produtos necessários à realização. O assessor seleciona os parceiros de modo a configurar, segundo seus próprios valores, um conjunto de organizações específicas para melhor atender às especificidades da demanda. Tal modo de trabalho remete às descrições e pesquisas de Camarinha-Matos e coautores (principal base teórica deste trabalho) para CNO e brokers, trabalhando colaborativamente. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi identificar, descrever e analisar quais são as dimensões e respectivos pesos, são considerados importantes pelos assessores de eventos da região do Grande ABC pesquisados, quando escolhem seus parceiros para formar uma nova configuração de empresas para atender a uma demanda. Obter as dimensões é relevante, pois é base para obtenção do sistema de valores adotado na rede, sob ponto de vista do assessor, e este conhecimento pode contribuir para compreensão do modo de operação das redes colaborativas. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória que se utilizou de entrevista com os assessores. Como principais resultados foram obtidos as dimensões mais relevantes: Qualidade dos serviços (Na perspectiva de Negócios); Compromisso, Pontualidade e Honestidade (Na perspectiva Social/Pessoal); e Facilidade/sinergia de parceria e Confiabilidade (na perspectiva Colaboração). A dimensão Qualidade de serviços foi citada por todas as assessorias pesquisadas e detentora do maior peso

    A QFD-Based Evaluation Method for Business Models of Product Service Systems

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    Organizations have been approaching Product Service Systems (PSS) in unoptimized business model fashions. This is partially because there is ineffective evaluation of PSS business models. Therefore, a more sufficient evaluation method might advance the evaluation of PSS business models and assist organizations that are considering a servitisation strategy. In this paper, we develop a value oriented method by using the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) technique to employ correlations derived from the design information of PSS business models to evaluate these PSS business models. We describe the method applying steps and its practical application in a real life case study. This method improves the formulation of an evaluation step within a design process of PSS business models based on correlations of different dimensions of the PSS value and PSS business models; it allows a balance between the customer value and organization value that are delivered by PSS business models to be made quantitatively. Finally, it fosters the effective utilization of the design information accumulated in the earlier part of the design process to quantitatively evaluate whether a PSS business model is optimized for providing appropriate values for customers and organizations

    Proactive services ecosystem framework

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    Dissertation presented to obtain the degree of Doctor in Electrical and Computer Engineering, specialization on Collaborative Enterprise NetworksCollaborative-Networks (CN) have experienced a fast evolution in the last two decades. The collaboration among independent entities or professionals supported by Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has attracted the research community to establish the conceptual basis for this scientific discipline. Service Orientation has been one of the key selected paradigms for that conceptual basis. Nevertheless, the service concept itself does not have a common understanding in the Business and ICT worlds. In the former, client satisfaction, resources management and business process models are some example concerns, whilst the later deals with interoperability, remote function calling or communication protocols. If for example an enterprise provides some service, it may hire specialists to wrap such service into web-services, expecting to reach worldwide potential new clients. In fact, nowadays Web Services and Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) are the technological elements most commonly used. However, these are passive elements in the sense they do not perform any action towards pursuing business interests, which constitute a limiting factor from a business perspective. Another approach for the above mentioned enterprise is to follow the Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) approach, as the pro-activity is a keyword in such contexts. Nevertheless, as MAS approaches are not so commonly used and not so robust yet, the worldwide potential set of new clients is reduced; which also constitutes an inhibitor factor from the business perspective. This dissertation proposes a Pro-Active Services Ecosystem Framework, gathering inspiration from both the SOA and MAS research areas, trying to bridge the business and ICT worlds through the base concepts for the creation of a Services’ Ecosystem where business services are represented in a pro-active manner towards pursuing business interests, like finding collaboration opportunities or improving the chances each CN member has to see its services selected among competitors, for example. This work also includes a prototype system applied / validated in the area of a Professional Virtual Community of Senior Professionals