516,675 research outputs found


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    The Trusted Government Leadership Model: Public Policy Perspectives in Indonesia is the subject of this study's description and analysis. This paper is based on several ideas and earlier research findings that illustrate the dynamics and issues with government leadership specific to regional heads of state. A literature review, including a conceptual analysis of textbooks and earlier research findings pertinent to this study, is the methodology employed. The results demonstrated that competence, goodness, integrity, and policy are the four (four) factors that impact a trustworthy government leadership model. Government leaders must possess the following qualities: (1) competence, which includes knowledge, skills, personality, and managerial abilities; (2) kindness and compassion; (3) integrity, which includes ethics and adherence to the law; and (4) policy, which consists of ten main principles, including the following: (a) public interest; (b) planning; (c) qualified; (d) management; (e) morality; (f) integrated; (g) impact; (h) honour; (i) glorify; and (j) learning.The Trusted Government Leadership Model: Public Policy Perspectives in Indonesia is the subject of this study's description and analysis. This paper is based on several ideas and earlier research findings that illustrate the dynamics and issues with government leadership specific to regional heads of state. A literature review, including a conceptual analysis of textbooks and earlier research findings pertinent to this study, is the methodology employed. The results demonstrated that competence, goodness, integrity, and policy are the four (four) factors that impact a trustworthy government leadership model. Government leaders must possess the following qualities: (1) competence, which includes knowledge, skills, personality, and managerial abilities; (2) kindness and compassion; (3) integrity, which includes ethics and adherence to the law; and (4) policy, which consists of ten main principles, including the following: (a) public interest; (b) planning; (c) qualified; (d) management; (e) morality; (f) integrated; (g) impact; (h) honour; (i) glorify; and (j) learning

    A Theoretical Framework of Knowledge Management in M-Government

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    M-government is one of the new and important developments in e-government. The promise of mgovernment to provide greater access to government information is progressing in many developed and developing countries. Current m-government does not exploit the full potential of available technology. M-government presents some challenges such as technical challenges, usability challenges, handset-limitations, social and legal issues, and so on. Also, knowledge management (KM) has changed from one generation to the next through constant improvements and perspectives. In this paper, we deal with the security issues in different forms of government using some technology-based KM and propose some ways to eradicate using latest technologies. In this context, this paper aims to present a conceptual analysis of process-based KM approach in m-government to which researchers must pay attention and describe a suitable knowledge model to achieve real-time, ubiquitous government

    Determinants of electronic commerce adoption: Case study among Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) in Klang Valley / Nur Atiqah Zainuddin 
 [et al.]

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    Nowdays, electronic commerce or e-commerce is the most important tool in business market especially in digital online marketing. It‘s create more competitive marketing among the business around the world and focusing on Small Medium Enterprise formerly SME. In Malaysia, e-commerce is among the tool use by SME with the role to expand their business that can be reachable by customers. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors affecting adoption of e-commerce by SME in Klang Valley and to identify the most influential factor on e-commerce adoption. A conceptual framework comprises of five factors that are relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, top management support and knowledge and resources constraint is being taken as variables for research. Multiple regression analysis generated is being carried out to test hypothesis and to establish the causal effect of relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, top management support and knowledge and resources constraint towards adoption of e-commerce. The result shows that relative advantage, compatibility, and top management support and knowledge have significant and positive impact on adoption of e-commerce. Therefore this study concluded that relative advantage, compatibility, and top management support and knowledge would increase adoption of e-commerce among SME. Therefore, the government should take initiatives and pay more attention to promote e-commerce among SME because SME has potential market growth and high contribution for economic development in Malaysia

    Determinants of electronic commerce adoption: Case study among Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) in Klang Valley / Nur Atiqah Zainuddin

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    The purpose of this study to determine the factors effect adoption of e-commerce by Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) in Klang Valley. A conceptual framework comprises of five (5) factors (relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, top management support and knowledge and resources constraint). A multivariate likert-scale questionnaire (scale from 1 - 5) has been developed. A sample of 103 respondents has been used from SME in Klang Valley to collect data using SPSS 20. Multiple regression generated to test hypothesis and to establish the causal effect of relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, top management support and knowledge and resources constraint on adoption of e-commerce. Regression analysis was conducted to establish the relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, top management support and knowledge and resources constraint on adoption of e-commerce. The result of the research shows that relative advantage, compatibility, and top management support and knowledge has significant and positive impact on adoption of e-commerce. Therefore this duty concluded that relative advantage, compatibility, and top management support and knowledge would increase adoption of e-commerce among SME in Klang Valley. Therefore, the government should take initiatives and pay more attention to promote e-commerce among SME because SME is economic backbone for the country

    Exploring Ethnic Diversity on Managerial Choices in Nigeria.

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    In Nigeria, most citizens between the ages of 20-60 believe that ethnicity is the leading cause of discrimination. The central problem addressed in this study was how ethnic diversity influenced managerial choices in Nigeria. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore the role of ethnicity in managerial choices in a Nigerian federal traffic management agency to gain an understanding of how ethnicity influenced managers\u27 recruitment, placement, and promotion of employees. Complexity theory and a consideration of African management practices constituted the conceptual framework. Participants were 11 managers who were recruited from a Nigerian government agency using a combination of purposive and snowball sampling. Data collection occurred through interviews, observation, and government document reviews. Through use of Yin\u27s 5-step process for data analysis, data triangulation, and member checking, 10 themes emerged regarding managers\u27 decisions: (a) federal character principle, (b) merit, (c) ethnicity, (d) influence of godfathers, (e) favoritism, (f) promotion, (g) productivity, (h) morale, (i) frustration, and (j) health challenges. A conclusion was that ethnicity played a role in managerial choices. However, the execution of the current Nigerian law to manage ethnic diversity allowed the alleged discriminatory actions of managers in government agencies. Recommendations included a change in the implementation strategy of the federal character principle to reduce incidences of discriminatory actions in government agencies. This study may contribute to positive social change by providing public service managers the knowledge to create an enlightened and fair public service, free of ethnically induced barriers that have underpinned Nigeria\u27s underdevelopment

    Pengembangan Model Penilaian Kematangan Citizen Relationship Management (CiRM) Oriented E-government

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    Di dalam pemerintah digital, masyarakat merupakan pemegang kepentingan utama. Sebuah strategi yang disokong oleh teknologi untuk membuat dan mengoptimalkan hubungan pemerintah dengan masyarakat dengan mengikutsertakan pendapat mereka ke seluruh pengelolaan publik dikenal dengan nama CiRM (Citizen Relationship Management). Namun demikian, dalam konteks penelitian e-government, orientasi terhadap masyarakat masih belum banyak dieksploitasi karena sebagian besar proyek e-government hanya mentransformasi layanan dan informasi yang semula masih tradisional menjadi menggunakan teknologi. Model-model penilaian kematangan e-government yang sudah ada pun sebagian besar hanya mengukur kemampuan teknologi egovernment. Berdasarkan permasalahan di atas, peneliti mencoba menjawab permasalahan yang ada dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dalam perspektif kajian sistem informasi. Jenis pendekatan kualitatif yang digunakan adalah grounded theory. Sebuah model konseptual dikembangkan oleh peneliti berdasarkan literatur yang dikaji. Model konseptual tersebut berisi faktor-faktor penentu kematangan dan skala penilaian yang digunakan. Selanjutnya dilakukan penggalian data dengan teknik purposive sampling untuk mengetahui pendapat masyarakat terkait model penilaian kematangan e-government. Lokasi penelitian adalah di Surabaya dengan jumlah informan sebanyak enam orang. Hasil penggalian data dibandingkan dengan model konseptual untuk kemudian dilakukan perbaikan pada model konseptual tersebut. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah model penilaian kematangan untuk menilai apakah e-government yang diimplementasikan telah berorientasi kepada masyarakat atau tidak. Faktor-faktor yang diukur untuk menentukan kematangan CiRM oriented e-government adalah budaya (citizen oriented culture), dukungan manajemen, kebijakan, saluran komunikasi, partisipasi pegawai pemerintah, partisipasi masyarakat, kemudahan penggunaan, fungsionalitas sistem, reliability, integrasi sistem, analisis kebutuhan pengguna, knowledge sharing, segmentasi dan personalisasi, serta pengukuran kinerja. Model ini diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif alat penilaian implementasi e-government yang lebih komprehensif karena mengukur dari tiga sisi, yaitu organisasi, interaksi pemerintah dengan masyarakat dan layanan e-government itu sendiri. ======================================================================================================== In the digital government, citizen is the key stakeholders. A strategy that is supported by technology to create and optimize the government's relationship with the citizen by engaging their opinions to the whole public management known as CIRM (Citizen Relationship Management). However, in the context of e-government research, orientation to the public is still not widely exploited because most e-government projects only transform services and information which was originally traditional into using technology. Most of existing egovernment maturity models only measure the ability of e-government technology. Based on the above problems, the researcher tried to answer the existing problems using a qualitative approach in the perspective of information systems study. The type of qualitative approach used is grounded theory. A conceptual model developed by the researcher based on the literature studied. The conceptual model contained the factor affecting maturity and assessment scale. Then, data were gathered by using purposive sampling to determine public opinion related to the e-government maturity model. This research is located in Surabaya by the number of informants are six people. The results of data gathering then used to revise the conceptual model. This research developed a maturity assessment model to assess whether the implemented e-government have been oriented to the public or not. The factors measured to determine the maturity of CIRM oriented e-government is citizen oriented culture, top management support, policy, communication channels, public officials participation, community participation, ease of use, system functionality, reliability, system integration, user requirement analysis , knowledge sharing, segmentation and personalization, as well as performance measurement. This model is expected to be used as an alternative tool to assess the implementation of e-government. This model is more comprehensive as it measures CiRM oriented e-government from three aspects, organization, government interaction with their citizen and e-government service

    Information Technology Management Strategies to Implement Knowledge Management Systems

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    More than 38% of the U.S. public workforce will likely retire by 2030, which may result in a labor shortage. Business leaders may adopt strategies to mitigate knowledge loss within their organizations by capturing knowledge in a knowledge management system (KMS). The purpose of this single case study was to explore strategies that information technology (IT) managers use to develop and implement a KMS. The target population consisted of IT managers in a small-sized organization located in northwestern Florida who had implemented a KMS successfully. The conceptual framework for this study was organizational knowledge creation theory. The collection of public documents, execution of semistructured interviews with 5 qualified participants, literature on the topic, and member checking formed the determination of the findings of the study. Using triangulation and coding the data for emergent themes, 6 themes emerged from the data analysis: (a) training, (b) customer focus, (c) policy and governance, (d) leadership and management support, (e) communication and marketing, and (f) business process management. The application of the findings may contribute to social change by identifying strategies that leaders and IT managers from communities and government agencies use in implementing a KMS that may facilitate transparency and open flow of information to citizens, and allow access to timely, civic, and potentially life-enhancing information

    What are the Factors Affecting the Adoption of Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce by Ready-Made Garments export SMEs in Bangladesh?

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    Main Focus: This study aimed to investigate the factors that affect B2B e-commerce adoption by the RMG export SMEs in the developing country context of Bangladesh. All over the world, e-commerce has considerably transformed ways of conducting business. A great deal of evidence shows, however, that SMEs in developing countries are lagging behind their counterparts in developed countries. This research will guide manufacturing SMEs in developing countries, such as Bangladeshi RMG export SMEs, in the adoption of B2B e-commerce. Data Collection Techniques: This research undertaken, using an interpretive paradigm for collecting data from the selected RMG export SMEs, large RMG export organisations and experts associated with the RMG export business. The principal data collection tools and techniques used were open-ended semi-structured questions through face-to-face interviews, as well as document analysis. Conceptual Framework: A conceptual framework developed to gather different factors associated with e-commerce adoption as defined in the research question: "What are the factors affecting the adoption of Business-to-Business (B2B) Electronic Commerce (E-commerce) by Ready-Made Garments (RMG) export SMEs in Bangladesh?". Data collected from the interviews were analysed to gather deeper insights into the findings based on the elements of the TOE framework and CATWOE analysis. The elements of data include: 1) The nature and characteristics of the business; 2) The use of ICT and web applications by the company; 3) Senior management’s perceptions of B2B e-commerce adoption; 4) The factors that affect and influence B2B e-commerce adoption; 5) Identification of government initiatives for the adoption of B2B e-commerce, and 6) Suggestions to ease the adoption of B2B e-commerce by the RMG export SMEs in Bangladesh. Principal Findings: Several factors have been identified that have a negative impact on the adoption of B2B e-commerce by the RMG export SMEs in Bangladesh. These mentioned below- A lack of senior management knowledge about the global scope and benefits of B2B e-commerce for organisations; a lack of financial ability in the organisations and more comprehensive investment for adopting technology; a lack of financial support from financial institutions; a lack of quality B2B e-commerce software; a lack of combination of IT skilled human resources with RMG business knowledge; a lack of support from business partners and their readiness to take part in B2B e-commerce; a lack of support from government and BGMEA to improve ICT infrastructure in the RMG sector; the complexity of legal issues related to online transactions; political instability and uncertainty; language and communication problems when using the internet. Also, there are some of the other factors identified in this research that will influence the adoption decision of B2B e-commerce by the RMG export SMEs in Bangladesh. These are as follows, access to new markets; the sourcing of raw materials; improving communication with clients and better marketing opportunities; the availability of a third-party website for B2B e-commerce; support from the government and BGMEA. Contribution to Knowledge: This study makes a theoretical contribution to this research area by combining the TOE framework with a CATWOE analysis of the factors identified for a broader perspective of B2B e-commerce adoption. That has, until now, been absent from the current literature of B2B e-commerce adoption in the context of SMEs. Also, this study provides a conceptual framework to guide government of Bangladesh, BGMEA, RMG export SMEs, software developer and other associated stakeholders in creating a system so that RMG export SMEs can efficiently adopt B2B e-commerce without massive changes to their businesses. This conceptual framework can potentially be used in the context of manufacturing industries of different developing countries

    The non-use and influence of UK energy sector indicators

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    This paper presents the results from a case study on the role in policymaking of UK Energy Sector Indicators (ESIs), introduced by the government in 2003. The findings show that the ESIs constituted a very minor element within the broader evidence-base used by policymakers, and that this indicator set and its objectives were poorly known even to central players in the sector. The findings of this research provide further evidence for the observation that scientific knowledge (including evaluations, assessments and indicators) seldom play an instrumental role in policymaking, and are more likely to produce indirect, conceptual and political impacts. The analysis provides a number of tentative conclusions concerning such potential indirect impacts that accrue mainly through processes of dialogue and argumentation both during the preparation of the indicators and after their publication as part of the annual reporting by the UK energy department. The ESIs have played various conceptual and political roles, yet the concrete outcomes in terms of policy change remain to be explored. The conclusions highlight the limitations of rationalist notions of direct, instrumental use in the efforts to understand the role of indicators in policymaking. The paper concludes by three tentative propositions concerning the explanations to the absence of instrumental role of the ESIs, which could be usefully explored in future research: the characteristics of the energy sector; the characteristics of the UK policy culture; and the exceptionality of the ESIs in the general evidence-base of UK energy sector
