48,717 research outputs found

    Parallel numerical modeling of hybrid-dimensional compositional non-isothermal Darcy flows in fractured porous media

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    This paper introduces a new discrete fracture model accounting for non-isothermal compositional multiphase Darcy flows and complex networks of fractures with intersecting, immersed and non immersed fractures. The so called hybrid-dimensional model using a 2D model in the fractures coupled with a 3D model in the matrix is first derived rigorously starting from the equi-dimensional matrix fracture model. Then, it is dis-cretized using a fully implicit time integration combined with the Vertex Approximate Gradient (VAG) finite volume scheme which is adapted to polyhedral meshes and anisotropic heterogeneous media. The fully coupled systems are assembled and solved in parallel using the Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD) paradigm with one layer of ghost cells. This strategy allows for a local assembly of the discrete systems. An efficient preconditioner is implemented to solve the linear systems at each time step and each Newton type iteration of the simulation. The numerical efficiency of our approach is assessed on different meshes, fracture networks, and physical settings in terms of parallel scalability, nonlinear convergence and linear convergence

    Discontinuous Galerkin approximations in computational mechanics: hybridization, exact geometry and degree adaptivity

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    Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) discretizations with exact representation of the geometry and local polynomial degree adaptivity are revisited. Hybridization techniques are employed to reduce the computational cost of DG approximations and devise the hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) method. Exact geometry described by non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS) is integrated into HDG using the framework of the NURBS-enhanced finite element method (NEFEM). Moreover, optimal convergence and superconvergence properties of HDG-Voigt formulation in presence of symmetric second-order tensors are exploited to construct inexpensive error indicators and drive degree adaptive procedures. Applications involving the numerical simulation of problems in electrostatics, linear elasticity and incompressible viscous flows are presented. Moreover, this is done for both high-order HDG approximations and the lowest-order framework of face-centered finite volumes (FCFV).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Bridging the computational gap between mesoscopic and continuum modeling of red blood cells for fully resolved blood flow

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    We present a computational framework for the simulation of blood flow with fully resolved red blood cells (RBCs) using a modular approach that consists of a lattice Boltzmann solver for the blood plasma, a novel finite element based solver for the deformable bodies and an immersed boundary method for the fluid-solid interaction. For the RBCs, we propose a nodal projective FEM (npFEM) solver which has theoretical advantages over the more commonly used mass-spring systems (mesoscopic modeling), such as an unconditional stability, versatile material expressivity, and one set of parameters to fully describe the behavior of the body at any mesh resolution. At the same time, the method is substantially faster than other FEM solvers proposed in this field, and has an efficiency that is comparable to the one of mesoscopic models. At its core, the solver uses specially defined potential energies, and builds upon them a fast iterative procedure based on quasi-Newton techniques. For a known material, our solver has only one free parameter that demands tuning, related to the body viscoelasticity. In contrast, state-of-the-art solvers for deformable bodies have more free parameters, and the calibration of the models demands special assumptions regarding the mesh topology, which restrict their generality and mesh independence. We propose as well a modification to the potential energy proposed by Skalak et al. 1973 for the red blood cell membrane, which enhances the strain hardening behavior at higher deformations. Our viscoelastic model for the red blood cell, while simple enough and applicable to any kind of solver as a post-convergence step, can capture accurately the characteristic recovery time and tank-treading frequencies. The framework is validated using experimental data, and it proves to be scalable for multiple deformable bodies
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