48,144 research outputs found

    Proofs Without Syntax

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    "[M]athematicians care no more for logic than logicians for mathematics." Augustus de Morgan, 1868. Proofs are traditionally syntactic, inductively generated objects. This paper presents an abstract mathematical formulation of propositional calculus (propositional logic) in which proofs are combinatorial (graph-theoretic), rather than syntactic. It defines a *combinatorial proof* of a proposition P as a graph homomorphism h : C -> G(P), where G(P) is a graph associated with P and C is a coloured graph. The main theorem is soundness and completeness: P is true iff there exists a combinatorial proof h : C -> G(P).Comment: Appears in Annals of Mathematics, 2006. 5 pages + references. Version 1 is submitted version; v3 is final published version (in two-column format rather than Annals style). Changes for v2: dualised definition of combinatorial truth, thereby shortening some subsequent proofs; added references; corrected typos; minor reworking of some sentences/paragraphs; added comments on polynomial-time correctness (referee request). Changes for v3: corrected two typos, reworded one sentence, repeated a citation in Notes sectio

    A Provably Correct Translation of the λ-Calculus into a Mathematical Model of C++

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    We introduce a translation of the simply typed λ-calculus into C++, and give a mathematical proof of the correctness of this translation. For this purpose we develop a suitable fragment of C++ together with a denotational semantics. We introduce a formal translation of the λ-calculus into this fragment, and show that this translation is correct with respect to the denotational semantics. We show as well a completeness result, namely that by translating λ-terms we obtain essentially all C++ terms in this fragment. We introduce a mathematical model for the evaluation of programs of this fragment, and show that the evaluation computes the correct result with respect to this semantics.

    On the Completeness of Interpolation Algorithms

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    Craig interpolation is a fundamental property of classical and non-classic logics with a plethora of applications from philosophical logic to computer-aided verification. The question of which interpolants can be obtained from an interpolation algorithm is of profound importance. Motivated by this question, we initiate the study of completeness properties of interpolation algorithms. An interpolation algorithm I\mathcal{I} is \emph{complete} if, for every semantically possible interpolant CC of an implication ABA \to B, there is a proof PP of ABA \to B such that CC is logically equivalent to I(P)\mathcal{I}(P). We establish incompleteness and different kinds of completeness results for several standard algorithms for resolution and the sequent calculus for propositional, modal, and first-order logic

    On the equivalence between MV-algebras and ll-groups with strong unit

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    In "A new proof of the completeness of the Lukasiewicz axioms"} (Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 88) C.C. Chang proved that any totally ordered MVMV-algebra AA was isomorphic to the segment AΓ(A,u)A \cong \Gamma(A^*, u) of a totally ordered ll-group with strong unit AA^*. This was done by the simple intuitive idea of putting denumerable copies of AA on top of each other (indexed by the integers). Moreover, he also show that any such group GG can be recovered from its segment since GΓ(G,u)G \cong \Gamma(G, u)^*, establishing an equivalence of categories. In "Interpretation of AF CC^*-algebras in Lukasiewicz sentential calculus" (J. Funct. Anal. Vol. 65) D. Mundici extended this result to arbitrary MVMV-algebras and ll-groups with strong unit. He takes the representation of AA as a sub-direct product of chains AiA_i, and observes that AiGiA \overset {} {\hookrightarrow} \prod_i G_i where Gi=AiG_i = A_i^*. Then he let AA^* be the ll-subgroup generated by AA inside iGi\prod_i G_i. He proves that this idea works, and establish an equivalence of categories in a rather elaborate way by means of his concept of good sequences and its complicated arithmetics. In this note, essentially self-contained except for Chang's result, we give a simple proof of this equivalence taking advantage directly of the arithmetics of the the product ll-group iGi\prod_i G_i, avoiding entirely the notion of good sequence.Comment: 6 page

    Completeness of the ZX-Calculus

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    The ZX-Calculus is a graphical language for diagrammatic reasoning in quantum mechanics and quantum information theory. It comes equipped with an equational presentation. We focus here on a very important property of the language: completeness, which roughly ensures the equational theory captures all of quantum mechanics. We first improve on the known-to-be-complete presentation for the so-called Clifford fragment of the language - a restriction that is not universal - by adding some axioms. Thanks to a system of back-and-forth translation between the ZX-Calculus and a third-party complete graphical language, we prove that the provided axiomatisation is complete for the first approximately universal fragment of the language, namely Clifford+T. We then prove that the expressive power of this presentation, though aimed at achieving completeness for the aforementioned restriction, extends beyond Clifford+T, to a class of diagrams that we call linear with Clifford+T constants. We use another version of the third-party language - and an adapted system of back-and-forth translation - to complete the language for the ZX-Calculus as a whole, that is, with no restriction. We briefly discuss the added axioms, and finally, we provide a complete axiomatisation for an altered version of the language which involves an additional generator, making the presentation simpler

    Kripke Models for Classical Logic

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    We introduce a notion of Kripke model for classical logic for which we constructively prove soundness and cut-free completeness. We discuss the novelty of the notion and its potential applications