8 research outputs found


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    A secure additive protocol for card players

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    Consider three players Alice, Bob and Cath who hold a, b and c cards, respectively, from a deck of d=a+b+c cards. The cards are all different and players only know their own cards. Suppose Alice and Bob wish to communicate their cards to each other without Cath learning whether Alice or Bob holds a specific card. Considering the cards as consecutive natural numbers 0,1,..., we investigate general conditions for when Alice or Bob can safely announce the sum of the cards they hold modulo an appropriately chosen integer. We demonstrate that this holds whenever a,b>2 and c=1. Because Cath holds a single card, this also implies that Alice and Bob will learn the card deal from the other player's announcement

    A geometric protocol for cryptography with cards

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    In the generalized Russian cards problem, the three players Alice, Bob and Cath draw a,b and c cards, respectively, from a deck of a+b+c cards. Players only know their own cards and what the deck of cards is. Alice and Bob are then required to communicate their hand of cards to each other by way of public messages. The communication is said to be safe if Cath does not learn the ownership of any specific card; in this paper we consider a strengthened notion of safety introduced by Swanson and Stinson which we call k-safety. An elegant solution by Atkinson views the cards as points in a finite projective plane. We propose a general solution in the spirit of Atkinson's, although based on finite vector spaces rather than projective planes, and call it the `geometric protocol'. Given arbitrary c,k>0, this protocol gives an informative and k-safe solution to the generalized Russian cards problem for infinitely many values of (a,b,c) with b=O(ac). This improves on the collection of parameters for which solutions are known. In particular, it is the first solution which guarantees kk-safety when Cath has more than one card

    Combinatorial Solutions Providing Improved Security for the Generalized Russian Cards Problem

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    We present the first formal mathematical presentation of the generalized Russian cards problem, and provide rigorous security definitions that capture both basic and extended versions of weak and perfect security notions. In the generalized Russian cards problem, three players, Alice, Bob, and Cathy, are dealt a deck of nn cards, each given aa, bb, and cc cards, respectively. The goal is for Alice and Bob to learn each other's hands via public communication, without Cathy learning the fate of any particular card. The basic idea is that Alice announces a set of possible hands she might hold, and Bob, using knowledge of his own hand, should be able to learn Alice's cards from this announcement, but Cathy should not. Using a combinatorial approach, we are able to give a nice characterization of informative strategies (i.e., strategies allowing Bob to learn Alice's hand), having optimal communication complexity, namely the set of possible hands Alice announces must be equivalent to a large set of t(n,a,1)t-(n, a, 1)-designs, where t=act=a-c. We also provide some interesting necessary conditions for certain types of deals to be simultaneously informative and secure. That is, for deals satisfying c=adc = a-d for some d2d \geq 2, where bd1b \geq d-1 and the strategy is assumed to satisfy a strong version of security (namely perfect (d1)(d-1)-security), we show that a=d+1a = d+1 and hence c=1c=1. We also give a precise characterization of informative and perfectly (d1)(d-1)-secure deals of the form (d+1,b,1)(d+1, b, 1) satisfying bd1b \geq d-1 involving d(n,d+1,1)d-(n, d+1, 1)-designs

    A secure additive protocol for card players

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    Abstract Consider three players Alice, Bob and Cath who hold a, b and c cards, respectively, from a deck of d = a + b + c cards. The cards are all different and players only know their own cards. Suppose Alice and Bob wish to communicate their cards to each other without Cath learning whether Alice or Bob holds a specific card. Considering the cards as consecutive natural numbers 0, 1, . . . , we investigate general conditions for when Alice or Bob can safely announce the sum of the cards they hold modulo an appropriately chosen integer. We demonstrate that this holds whenever a, b > 2 and c = 1. Because Cath holds a single card, this also implies that Alice and Bob will learn the card deal from the other player's announcement

    Unconditionally Secure Cryptography: Signature Schemes, User-Private Information Retrieval, and the Generalized Russian Cards Problem

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    We focus on three different types of multi-party cryptographic protocols. The first is in the area of unconditionally secure signature schemes, the goal of which is to provide users the ability to electronically sign documents without the reliance on computational assumptions needed in traditional digital signatures. The second is on cooperative protocols in which users help each other maintain privacy while querying a database, called user-private information retrieval protocols. The third is concerned with the generalized Russian cards problem, in which two card players wish to communicate their hands to each other via public announcements without the third player learning the card deal. The latter two problems have close ties to the field of combinatorial designs, and properly fit within the field of combinatorial cryptography. All of these problems have a common thread, in that they are grounded in the information-theoretically secure or unconditionally secure setting