14,170 research outputs found

    The List Coloring Reconfiguration Problem for Bounded Pathwidth Graphs

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    We study the problem of transforming one list (vertex) coloring of a graph into another list coloring by changing only one vertex color assignment at a time, while at all times maintaining a list coloring, given a list of allowed colors for each vertex. This problem is known to be PSPACE-complete for bipartite planar graphs. In this paper, we first show that the problem remains PSPACE-complete even for bipartite series-parallel graphs, which form a proper subclass of bipartite planar graphs. We note that our reduction indeed shows the PSPACE-completeness for graphs with pathwidth two, and it can be extended for threshold graphs. In contrast, we give a polynomial-time algorithm to solve the problem for graphs with pathwidth one. Thus, this paper gives precise analyses of the problem with respect to pathwidth

    Bumblebees: a multiagent combinatorial optimization algorithm inspired by social insect behaviour

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    This paper introduces a multiagent optimization algorithm inspired by the collective behavior of social insects. In our method, each agent encodes a possible solution of the problem to solve, and evolves in a way similar to real life insects. We test the algorithm on a classical difficult problem, the kk-coloring of a graph, and we compare its performance in relation to a standard genetic algorithm and another multiagent system. The results show that this algorithm is faster and outperforms the other methods for a range of random graphs with different orders and densities. Moreover, the method is easy to adapt to solve different NP-complete problems

    On the Complexity of Local Distributed Graph Problems

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    This paper is centered on the complexity of graph problems in the well-studied LOCAL model of distributed computing, introduced by Linial [FOCS '87]. It is widely known that for many of the classic distributed graph problems (including maximal independent set (MIS) and (Δ+1)(\Delta+1)-vertex coloring), the randomized complexity is at most polylogarithmic in the size nn of the network, while the best deterministic complexity is typically 2O(logn)2^{O(\sqrt{\log n})}. Understanding and narrowing down this exponential gap is considered to be one of the central long-standing open questions in the area of distributed graph algorithms. We investigate the problem by introducing a complexity-theoretic framework that allows us to shed some light on the role of randomness in the LOCAL model. We define the SLOCAL model as a sequential version of the LOCAL model. Our framework allows us to prove completeness results with respect to the class of problems which can be solved efficiently in the SLOCAL model, implying that if any of the complete problems can be solved deterministically in logO(1)n\log^{O(1)} n rounds in the LOCAL model, we can deterministically solve all efficient SLOCAL-problems (including MIS and (Δ+1)(\Delta+1)-coloring) in logO(1)n\log^{O(1)} n rounds in the LOCAL model. We show that a rather rudimentary looking graph coloring problem is complete in the above sense: Color the nodes of a graph with colors red and blue such that each node of sufficiently large polylogarithmic degree has at least one neighbor of each color. The problem admits a trivial zero-round randomized solution. The result can be viewed as showing that the only obstacle to getting efficient determinstic algorithms in the LOCAL model is an efficient algorithm to approximately round fractional values into integer values

    Notes on complexity of packing coloring

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    A packing kk-coloring for some integer kk of a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) is a mapping φ:V{1,,k}\varphi:V\to\{1,\ldots,k\} such that any two vertices u,vu, v of color φ(u)=φ(v)\varphi(u)=\varphi(v) are in distance at least φ(u)+1\varphi(u)+1. This concept is motivated by frequency assignment problems. The \emph{packing chromatic number} of GG is the smallest kk such that there exists a packing kk-coloring of GG. Fiala and Golovach showed that determining the packing chromatic number for chordal graphs is \NP-complete for diameter exactly 5. While the problem is easy to solve for diameter 2, we show \NP-completeness for any diameter at least 3. Our reduction also shows that the packing chromatic number is hard to approximate within n1/2εn^{{1/2}-\varepsilon} for any ε>0\varepsilon > 0. In addition, we design an \FPT algorithm for interval graphs of bounded diameter. This leads us to exploring the problem of finding a partial coloring that maximizes the number of colored vertices.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Global Optimization Using Local Search Approach for Course Scheduling Problem

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    Course scheduling problem is a combinatorial optimization problem which is defined over a finite discrete problem whose candidate solution structure is expressed as a finite sequence of course events scheduled in available time and space resources. This problem is considered as non-deterministic polynomial complete problem which is hard to solve. Many solution methods have been studied in the past for solving the course scheduling problem, namely from the most traditional approach such as graph coloring technique; the local search family such as hill-climbing search, taboo search, and simulated annealing technique; and various population-based metaheuristic methods such as evolutionary algorithm, genetic algorithm, and swarm optimization. This article will discuss these various probabilistic optimization methods in order to gain the global optimal solution. Furthermore, inclusion of a local search in the population-based algorithm to improve the global solution will be explained rigorously

    Solving Hard Computational Problems Efficiently: Asymptotic Parametric Complexity 3-Coloring Algorithm

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    Many practical problems in almost all scientific and technological disciplines have been classified as computationally hard (NP-hard or even NP-complete). In life sciences, combinatorial optimization problems frequently arise in molecular biology, e.g., genome sequencing; global alignment of multiple genomes; identifying siblings or discovery of dysregulated pathways.In almost all of these problems, there is the need for proving a hypothesis about certain property of an object that can be present only when it adopts some particular admissible structure (an NP-certificate) or be absent (no admissible structure), however, none of the standard approaches can discard the hypothesis when no solution can be found, since none can provide a proof that there is no admissible structure. This article presents an algorithm that introduces a novel type of solution method to "efficiently" solve the graph 3-coloring problem; an NP-complete problem. The proposed method provides certificates (proofs) in both cases: present or absent, so it is possible to accept or reject the hypothesis on the basis of a rigorous proof. It provides exact solutions and is polynomial-time (i.e., efficient) however parametric. The only requirement is sufficient computational power, which is controlled by the parameter αN\alpha\in\mathbb{N}. Nevertheless, here it is proved that the probability of requiring a value of α>k\alpha>k to obtain a solution for a random graph decreases exponentially: P(α>k)2(k+1)P(\alpha>k) \leq 2^{-(k+1)}, making tractable almost all problem instances. Thorough experimental analyses were performed. The algorithm was tested on random graphs, planar graphs and 4-regular planar graphs. The obtained experimental results are in accordance with the theoretical expected results.Comment: Working pape

    Vertex colorings of graphs

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    Import 23/08/2017V této práci se zabývám vrcholovým barvením grafů a především algoritmy k nalezení vrcholového barvení. Vrcholovým dobrým m - barvením grafu rozumíme takové přiřazení m barev vrcholům, že sousední vrcholy jsou obarveny různě. O vrcholovém m - barvení grafu je známo, že je to NP - kompletní problém, pro m ≥ 3. Tedy zatím žádný algoritmus nedokáže tento problém vyřešit obecně v polynomiálním čase (předpokládáme, že P ≠ NP). V práci ukazuji heuristický algoritmus využívající hladové barvení i s jeho optimalizovanou verzí a uvádím příklad deterministického algoritmu. Algoritmy porovnávám a na jednoduchých příkladech ukazuji jejich princip a funkčnost.In this bachelor thesis I am dealing with vertex colorings of simple graphs with focus on vertex coloring algorithms. A proper vertex m - coloring of a graph is an assignment of m colors to the vertices so that, no two adjacent vertices share a color. The problem of the proper vertex m - coloring of a graph is well known to be an NP - complete problem for m ≥ 3. So far, no algorithm can solve this problem generaly in polynomial time (we assume that P ≠ NP). I present a heuristic algorithm based on the greedy coloring and it's optimized version, then example of deterministic algorithm is examined. I compare these algorithms and on simple examples show their principles and functionality.470 - Katedra aplikované matematikyvelmi dobř