47 research outputs found

    A Supervised Embedding and Clustering Anomaly Detection method for classification of Mobile Network Faults

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    The paper introduces Supervised Embedding and Clustering Anomaly Detection (SEMC-AD), a method designed to efficiently identify faulty alarm logs in a mobile network and alleviate the challenges of manual monitoring caused by the growing volume of alarm logs. SEMC-AD employs a supervised embedding approach based on deep neural networks, utilizing historical alarm logs and their labels to extract numerical representations for each log, effectively addressing the issue of imbalanced classification due to a small proportion of anomalies in the dataset without employing one-hot encoding. The robustness of the embedding is evaluated by plotting the two most significant principle components of the embedded alarm logs, revealing that anomalies form distinct clusters with similar embeddings. Multivariate normal Gaussian clustering is then applied to these components, identifying clusters with a high ratio of anomalies to normal alarms (above 90%) and labeling them as the anomaly group. To classify new alarm logs, we check if their embedded vectors' two most significant principle components fall within the anomaly-labeled clusters. If so, the log is classified as an anomaly. Performance evaluation demonstrates that SEMC-AD outperforms conventional random forest and gradient boosting methods without embedding. SEMC-AD achieves 99% anomaly detection, whereas random forest and XGBoost only detect 86% and 81% of anomalies, respectively. While supervised classification methods may excel in labeled datasets, the results demonstrate that SEMC-AD is more efficient in classifying anomalies in datasets with numerous categorical features, significantly enhancing anomaly detection, reducing operator burden, and improving network maintenance

    Evaluation of time-domain features for motor imagery movements using FCM and SVM

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    Brain–Machine Interface is a direct communication pathway between brain and an external electronic device. BMIs aim to translate brain activities into control commands. To design a system that translates brain waves and its activities to desired commands, motor imagery tasks classification is the core part. Classification accuracy not only depends on how capable the classifier is but also it is about the input data. Feature extraction is to highlight the properties of signal that make it distinct from the signal of the other mental tasks. Performance of BMIs directly depends on the effectiveness of the feature extraction and classification algorithms. If a feature provides large interclass difference for different classes, the applied classifier exhibits a better performance. In order to attain less computational complexity, five timedomain procedure, namely: Mean Absolute Value, Maximum peak value, Simple Square Integral, Willison Amplitude, and Waveform Length are used for feature extraction of EEG signals. Two classifiers are applied to assess the performance of each feature-subject. SVM with polynomial kernel is one of the applied nonlinear classifier and supervised FCM is the other one. The performance of each feature for input data are evaluated with both classifiers and classification accuracy is the considered common comparison parameter

    Cognitive development optimization algorithm based support vector machines for determining diabetes

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    The definition, diagnosis and classification of Diabetes Mellitus and its complications are very important. First of all, the World Health Organization (WHO) and other societies, as well as scientists have done lots of studies regarding this subject. One of the most important research interests of this subject is the computer supported decision systems for diagnosing diabetes. In such systems, Artificial Intelligence techniques are often used for several disease diagnostics to streamline the diagnostic process in daily routine and avoid misdiagnosis. In this study, a diabetes diagnosis system, which is formed via both Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Cognitive Development Optimization Algorithm (CoDOA) has been proposed. Along the training of SVM, CoDOA was used for determining the sigma parameter of the Gauss (RBF) kernel function, and eventually, a classification process was made over the diabetes data set, which is related to Pima Indians. The proposed approach offers an alternative solution to the field of Artificial Intelligence based diabetes diagnosis, and contributes to the related literature on diagnosis processes

    A Fast Two-Stage Classification Method of Support Vector Machines

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    Classification of high-dimensional data generally requires enormous processing time. In this paper, we present a fast two-stage method of support vector machines, which includes a feature reduction algorithm and a fast multiclass method. First, principal component analysis is applied to the data for feature reduction and decorrelation, and then a feature selection method is used to further reduce feature dimensionality. The criterion based on Bhattacharyya distance is revised to get rid of influence of some binary problems with large distance. Moreover, a simple method is proposed to reduce the processing time of multiclass problems, where one binary SVM with the fewest support vectors (SVs) will be selected iteratively to exclude the less similar class until the final result is obtained. Experimented with the hyperspectral data 92AV3C, the results demonstrate that the proposed method can achieve a much faster classification and preserve the high classification accuracy of SVMs

    Hydrodynamic object identification with artificial neural models

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    The lateral-line system that has evolved in many aquatic animals enables them to navigate murky fluid environments, locate and discriminate obstacles. Here, we present a data-driven model that uses artificial neural networks to process flow data originating from a stationary sensor array located away from an obstacle placed in a potential flow. The ability of neural networks to estimate complex underlying relationships between parameters, in the absence of any explicit mathematical description, is first assessed with two basic potential flow problems: single source/sink identification and doublet detection. Subsequently, we address the inverse problem of identifying an obstacle shape from distant measures of the pressure or velocity field. Using the analytical solution to the forward problem, very large training data sets are generated, allowing us to obtain the synaptic weights by means of a gradient-descent based optimization. The resulting neural network exhibits remarkable effectiveness in predicting unknown obstacle shapes, especially at relatively large distances for which classical linear regression models are completely ineffectual. These results have far-reaching implications for the design and development of artificial passive hydrodynamic sensing technology