17 research outputs found

    A comparison of MNT curves and supersingular curves

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    We compare both the security and performance issues related to the choice of MNT curves against supersingular curves in characteristic three, for pairing based systems. We pay particular attention to equating the relevant security levels and comparing not only computational performance and bandwidth performance. The paper focuses on the BLS signature scheme and the Boneh--Franklin encryption scheme, but a similar analysis can be applied to many other pairing based schemes

    An instantiation of the Cramer-Shoup encryption paradigm using bilinear map groups

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    On the relationship between squared pairings and plain pairings

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    In this paper, we investigate the relationship between the squared Weil/Tate pairing and the plain Weil/Tate pairing. Along these lines, we first show that the squared pairing for arbitrary chosen point can be transformed into a plain pairing for the trace zero point which has a special form to compute them more efficiently. This transformation requires only a cost of some Frobenius actions. Additionally, we show that the squared Weil pairing can be computed more efficiently for trace zero point and derive an explicit formula for the 4th powered Weil pairing as an optimized version of the Weil pairing

    On near prime-order elliptic curves with small embedding degrees (Full version)

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    In this paper, we extend the method of Scott and Barreto and present an explicit and simple algorithm to generate families of generalized MNT elliptic curves. Our algorithm allows us to obtain all families of generalized MNT curves with any given cofactor. Then, we analyze the complex multiplication equations of these families of curves and transform them into generalized Pell equation. As an example, we describe a way to generate Edwards curves with embedding degree 6, that is, elliptic curves having cofactor h = 4

    Key Length Estimation of Pairing-based Cryptosystems using ηT\eta_T Pairing

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    The security of pairing-based cryptosystems depends on the difficulty of the discrete logarithm problem (DLP) over certain types of finite fields. One of the most efficient algorithms for computing a pairing is the ηT\eta_T pairing over supersingular curves on finite fields whose characteristic is 33. Indeed many high-speed implementations of this pairing have been reported, and it is an attractive candidate for practical deployment of pairing-based cryptosystems. The embedding degree of the ηT\eta_T pairing is 6, so we deal with the difficulty of a DLP over the finite field GF(36n) GF(3^{6n}), where the function field sieve (FFS) is known as the asymptotically fastest algorithm of solving it. Moreover, several efficient algorithms are employed for implementation of the FFS, such as the large prime variation. In this paper, we estimate the time complexity of solving the DLP for the extension degrees n=97,163,193,239,313,353,509n=97,163, 193,239,313,353,509, when we use the improved FFS. To accomplish our aim, we present several new computable estimation formulas to compute the explicit number of special polynomials used in the improved FFS. Our estimation contributes to the evaluation for the key length of pairing-based cryptosystems using the ηT\eta_T pairing

    Weakness of F_{3^{6*509}} for Discrete Logarithm Cryptography

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    In 2013, Joux, and then Barbulescu, Gaudry, Joux and Thomé, presented new algorithms for computing discrete logarithms in finite fields of small and medium characteristic. We show that these new algorithms render the finite field F_{3^{6*509}} = F_{3^{3054}} weak for discrete logarithm cryptography in the sense that discrete logarithms in this field can be computed significantly faster than with the previous fastest algorithms. Our concrete analysis shows that the supersingular elliptic curve over F_{3^{509}} with embedding degree 6 that had been considered for implementing pairing-based cryptosystems at the 128-bit security level in fact provides only a significantly lower level of security. Our work provides a convenient framework and tools for performing a concrete analysis of the new discrete logarithm algorithms and their variants

    Fastplay-A Parallelization Model and Implementation of SMC on CUDA based GPU Cluster Architecture

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    We propose a four-tiered parallelization model for acceleration of the secure multiparty computation (SMC) on the CUDA based Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) cluster architecture. Specification layer is the top layer, which adopts the SFDL of Fairplay for specification of secure computations. The SHDL file generated by the SFDL compiler of Fairplay is used as inputs to the function layer, for which we developed both multi-core and GPU based control functions for garbling of various types of Boolean gates, and ECC-based 1-out-of-2 Oblivious Transfer (OT). These high level control functions invoke computation of 3-DGG (3-DES gate garbling), EGG (ECC based gate garbling), and ECC based OT that run at the secure protocol layer. An ECC Arithmetic GPU Library (EAGL), which co-run on the GPU cluster and its host, manages utilization of GPUs in parallel computing of ECC arithmetic. Experimental results show highly linear acceleration of ECC related computations when the system is not overloaded; When running on a GPU cluster consisted of 6 Tesla C870 devices, with GPU devices fully loaded with over 3000 execution threads, Fastplay achieved 35~40 times of acceleration over a serial implementation running on a 2.53GHz duo core CPU and 4GB memory. When the execution thread count exceeds this number, the speed up factor remains fairly constant, yet slightly increased

    On Prime-Order Elliptic Curves with Embedding Degrees 3, 4 and 6

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    Bilinear pairings on elliptic curves have many cryptographic applications such as identity based encryption, one-round three-party key agreement protocols, and short signature schemes. The elliptic curves which are suitable for pairing-based cryptography are called pairing friendly curves. The prime-order pairing friendly curves with embedding degrees k=3,4 and 6 were characterized by Miyaji, Nakabayashi and Takano. We study this characterization of MNT curves in details. We present explicit algorithms to obtain suitable curve parameters and to construct the corresponding elliptic curves. We also give a heuristic lower bound for the expected number of isogeny classes of MNT curves. Moreover, the related theoretical findings are compared with our experimental results

    Elliptic Curve Cryptography on Modern Processor Architectures

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    Abstract Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) has been adopted by the US National Security Agency (NSA) in Suite "B" as part of its "Cryptographic Modernisation Program ". Additionally, it has been favoured by an entire host of mobile devices due to its superior performance characteristics. ECC is also the building block on which the exciting field of pairing/identity based cryptography is based. This widespread use means that there is potentially a lot to be gained by researching efficient implementations on modern processors such as IBM's Cell Broadband Engine and Philip's next generation smart card cores. ECC operations can be thought of as a pyramid of building blocks, from instructions on a core, modular operations on a finite field, point addition & doubling, elliptic curve scalar multiplication to application level protocols. In this thesis we examine an implementation of these components for ECC focusing on a range of optimising techniques for the Cell's SPU and the MIPS smart card. We show significant performance improvements that can be achieved through of adoption of EC

    Pairings in Cryptology: efficiency, security and applications

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    Abstract The study of pairings can be considered in so many di�erent ways that it may not be useless to state in a few words the plan which has been adopted, and the chief objects at which it has aimed. This is not an attempt to write the whole history of the pairings in cryptology, or to detail every discovery, but rather a general presentation motivated by the two main requirements in cryptology; e�ciency and security. Starting from the basic underlying mathematics, pairing maps are con- structed and a major security issue related to the question of the minimal embedding �eld [12]1 is resolved. This is followed by an exposition on how to compute e�ciently the �nal exponentiation occurring in the calculation of a pairing [124]2 and a thorough survey on the security of the discrete log- arithm problem from both theoretical and implementational perspectives. These two crucial cryptologic requirements being ful�lled an identity based encryption scheme taking advantage of pairings [24]3 is introduced. Then, perceiving the need to hash identities to points on a pairing-friendly elliptic curve in the more general context of identity based cryptography, a new technique to efficiently solve this practical issue is exhibited. Unveiling pairings in cryptology involves a good understanding of both mathematical and cryptologic principles. Therefore, although �rst pre- sented from an abstract mathematical viewpoint, pairings are then studied from a more practical perspective, slowly drifting away toward cryptologic applications