8,511 research outputs found

    Preprint: Using RF-DNA Fingerprints To Classify OFDM Transmitters Under Rayleigh Fading Conditions

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is a collection of Internet connected devices capable of interacting with the physical world and computer systems. It is estimated that the IoT will consist of approximately fifty billion devices by the year 2020. In addition to the sheer numbers, the need for IoT security is exacerbated by the fact that many of the edge devices employ weak to no encryption of the communication link. It has been estimated that almost 70% of IoT devices use no form of encryption. Previous research has suggested the use of Specific Emitter Identification (SEI), a physical layer technique, as a means of augmenting bit-level security mechanism such as encryption. The work presented here integrates a Nelder-Mead based approach for estimating the Rayleigh fading channel coefficients prior to the SEI approach known as RF-DNA fingerprinting. The performance of this estimator is assessed for degrading signal-to-noise ratio and compared with least square and minimum mean squared error channel estimators. Additionally, this work presents classification results using RF-DNA fingerprints that were extracted from received signals that have undergone Rayleigh fading channel correction using Minimum Mean Squared Error (MMSE) equalization. This work also performs radio discrimination using RF-DNA fingerprints generated from the normalized magnitude-squared and phase response of Gabor coefficients as well as two classifiers. Discrimination of four 802.11a Wi-Fi radios achieves an average percent correct classification of 90% or better for signal-to-noise ratios of 18 and 21 dB or greater using a Rayleigh fading channel comprised of two and five paths, respectively.Comment: 13 pages, 14 total figures/images, Currently under review by the IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Securit

    Directed Flow of Information in Chimera States

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    We investigated interactions within chimera states in a phase oscillator network with two coupled subpopulations. To quantify interactions within and between these subpopulations, we estimated the corresponding (delayed) mutual information that -- in general -- quantifies the capacity or the maximum rate at which information can be transferred to recover a sender's information at the receiver with a vanishingly low error probability. After verifying their equivalence with estimates based on the continuous phase data, we determined the mutual information using the time points at which the individual phases passed through their respective Poincar\'{e} sections. This stroboscopic view on the dynamics may resemble, e.g., neural spike times, that are common observables in the study of neuronal information transfer. This discretization also increased processing speed significantly, rendering it particularly suitable for a fine-grained analysis of the effects of experimental and model parameters. In our model, the delayed mutual information within each subpopulation peaked at zero delay, whereas between the subpopulations it was always maximal at non-zero delay, irrespective of parameter choices. We observed that the delayed mutual information of the desynchronized subpopulation preceded the synchronized subpopulation. Put differently, the oscillators of the desynchronized subpopulation were 'driving' the ones in the synchronized subpopulation. These findings were also observed when estimating mutual information of the full phase trajectories. We can thus conclude that the delayed mutual information of discrete time points allows for inferring a functional directed flow of information between subpopulations of coupled phase oscillators

    Studies in Signal Processing Techniques for Speech Enhancement: A comparative study

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    Speech enhancement is very essential to suppress the background noise and to increase speech intelligibility and reduce fatigue in hearing. There exist many simple speech enhancement algorithms like spectral subtraction to complex algorithms like Bayesian Magnitude estimators based on Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) and its variants. A continuous research is going and new algorithms are emerging to enhance speech signal recorded in the background of environment such as industries, vehicles and aircraft cockpit. In aviation industries speech enhancement plays a vital role to bring crucial information from pilot’s conversation in case of an incident or accident by suppressing engine and other cockpit instrument noises. In this work proposed is a new approach to speech enhancement making use harmonic wavelet transform and Bayesian estimators. The performance indicators, SNR and listening confirms to the fact that newly modified algorithms using harmonic wavelet transform indeed show better results than currently existing methods. Further, the Harmonic Wavelet Transform is computationally efficient and simple to implement due to its inbuilt decimation-interpolation operations compared to those of filter-bank approach to realize sub-bands

    JIDT: An information-theoretic toolkit for studying the dynamics of complex systems

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    Complex systems are increasingly being viewed as distributed information processing systems, particularly in the domains of computational neuroscience, bioinformatics and Artificial Life. This trend has resulted in a strong uptake in the use of (Shannon) information-theoretic measures to analyse the dynamics of complex systems in these fields. We introduce the Java Information Dynamics Toolkit (JIDT): a Google code project which provides a standalone, (GNU GPL v3 licensed) open-source code implementation for empirical estimation of information-theoretic measures from time-series data. While the toolkit provides classic information-theoretic measures (e.g. entropy, mutual information, conditional mutual information), it ultimately focusses on implementing higher-level measures for information dynamics. That is, JIDT focusses on quantifying information storage, transfer and modification, and the dynamics of these operations in space and time. For this purpose, it includes implementations of the transfer entropy and active information storage, their multivariate extensions and local or pointwise variants. JIDT provides implementations for both discrete and continuous-valued data for each measure, including various types of estimator for continuous data (e.g. Gaussian, box-kernel and Kraskov-Stoegbauer-Grassberger) which can be swapped at run-time due to Java's object-oriented polymorphism. Furthermore, while written in Java, the toolkit can be used directly in MATLAB, GNU Octave, Python and other environments. We present the principles behind the code design, and provide several examples to guide users.Comment: 37 pages, 4 figure