4,662 research outputs found

    Control and dynamics of a flexible spacecraft during stationkeeping maneuvers

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    A case study of a spacecraft having flexible solar arrays is presented. A stationkeeping attitude control mode using both earth and rate gyro reference signals and a flexible vehicle dynamics modeling and implementation is discussed. The control system is designed to achieve both pointing accuracy and structural mode stability during stationkeeping maneuvers. Reduction of structural mode interactions over the entire mode duration is presented. The control mode using a discrete time observer structure is described to show the convergence of the spacecraft attitude transients during Delta-V thrusting maneuvers without preloading thrusting bias to the onboard control processor. The simulation performance using the three axis, body stabilized nonlinear dynamics is provided. The details of a five body dynamics model are discussed. The spacecraft is modeled as a central rigid body having cantilevered flexible antennas, a pair of flexible articulated solar arrays, and to gimballed momentum wheels. The vehicle is free to undergo unrestricted rotations and translations relative to inertial space. A direct implementation of the equations of motion is compared to an indirect implementation that uses a symbolic manipulation software to generate rigid body equations

    Adaptive Neural Network Feedforward Control for Dynamically Substructured Systems

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    Innovative Approach to Enhance Stability: Neural Network Control and Aquila Optimization Integration in Single Machine Infinite Bus Systems

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    This paper highlights the need to improve the stability of single-machine infinite-bus (SMIB) systems, which is crucial for maintaining the dependability, efficiency, and safety of electrical power systems. The changing energy environment, characterized by a growing use of renewable sources and more intricate power networks, is challenging established stability measures. SMIB systems exhibit dynamic behavior, particularly during faults or unexpected load variations, requiring sophisticated real-time stabilization methods to avert power failures and provide a steady energy supply. This paper suggests a complex approach that combines power system stability analysis with a neural network controller enhanced by the Aquila optimization algorithm (AOA) to address the dynamic issues of SMIB systems. The study shows that the AOA-optimized neural network (AOA-NN) controller outperforms in avoiding disruptions and attaining speedy stabilization by exhaustively examining electrical, mechanical, and rotor dynamics. This method improves power system resilience and operational efficiency as demands and technology expand

    Resource-aware IoT Control: Saving Communication through Predictive Triggering

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) interconnects multiple physical devices in large-scale networks. When the 'things' coordinate decisions and act collectively on shared information, feedback is introduced between them. Multiple feedback loops are thus closed over a shared, general-purpose network. Traditional feedback control is unsuitable for design of IoT control because it relies on high-rate periodic communication and is ignorant of the shared network resource. Therefore, recent event-based estimation methods are applied herein for resource-aware IoT control allowing agents to decide online whether communication with other agents is needed, or not. While this can reduce network traffic significantly, a severe limitation of typical event-based approaches is the need for instantaneous triggering decisions that leave no time to reallocate freed resources (e.g., communication slots), which hence remain unused. To address this problem, novel predictive and self triggering protocols are proposed herein. From a unified Bayesian decision framework, two schemes are developed: self triggers that predict, at the current triggering instant, the next one; and predictive triggers that check at every time step, whether communication will be needed at a given prediction horizon. The suitability of these triggers for feedback control is demonstrated in hardware experiments on a cart-pole, and scalability is discussed with a multi-vehicle simulation.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figures, accepted article to appear in IEEE Internet of Things Journal. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1609.0753

    Robust predictive feedback control for constrained systems

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    A new method for the design of predictive controllers for SISO systems is presented. The proposed technique allows uncertainties and constraints to be concluded in the design of the control law. The goal is to design, at each sample instant, a predictive feedback control law that minimizes a performance measure and guarantees of constraints are satisfied for a set of models that describes the system to be controlled. The predictive controller consists of a finite horizon parametric-optimization problem with an additional constraint over the manipulated variable behavior. This is an end-constraint based approach that ensures the exponential stability of the closed-loop system. The inclusion of this additional constraint, in the on-line optimization algorithm, enables robust stability properties to be demonstrated for the closed-loop system. This is the case even though constraints and disturbances are present. Finally, simulation results are presented using a nonlinear continuous stirred tank reactor model
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