11 research outputs found

    Interactive Oracle Proofs with Constant Rate and Query Complexity

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    We study interactive oracle proofs (IOPs) [BCS16,RRR16], which combine aspects of probabilistically checkable proofs (PCPs) and interactive proofs (IPs). We present IOP constructions and techniques that enable us to obtain tradeoffs in proof length versus query complexity that are not known to be achievable via PCPs or IPs alone. Our main results are: 1. Circuit satisfiability has 3-round IOPs with linear proof length (counted in bits) and constant query complexity. 2. Reed-Solomon codes have 2-round IOPs of proximity with linear proof length and constant query complexity. 3. Tensor product codes have 1-round IOPs of proximity with sublinear proof length and constant query complexity. For all the above, known PCP constructions give quasilinear proof length and constant query complexity [BS08,Din07]. Also, for circuit satisfiability, [BKKMS13] obtain PCPs with linear proof length but sublinear (and super-constant) query complexity. As in [BKKMS13], we rely on algebraic-geometry codes to obtain our first result; but, unlike that work, our use of such codes is much "lighter" because we do not rely on any automorphisms of the code. We obtain our results by proving and combining "IOP-analogues" of tools underlying numerous IPs and PCPs: * Interactive proof composition. Proof composition [AS98] is used to reduce the query complexity of PCP verifiers, at the cost of increasing proof length by an additive factor that is exponential in the verifier\u27s randomness complexity. We prove a composition theorem for IOPs where this additive factor is linear. * Sublinear sumcheck. The sumcheck protocol [LFKN92] is an IP that enables the verifier to check the sum of values of a low-degree multi-variate polynomial on an exponentially-large hypercube, but the verifier\u27s running time depends linearly on the bound on individual degrees. We prove a sumcheck protocol for IOPs where this dependence is sublinear (e.g., polylogarithmic). Our work demonstrates that even constant-round IOPs are more efficient than known PCPs and IPs

    High rate locally-correctable and locally-testable codes with sub-polynomial query complexity

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    In this work, we construct the first locally-correctable codes (LCCs), and locally-testable codes (LTCs) with constant rate, constant relative distance, and sub-polynomial query complexity. Specifically, we show that there exist binary LCCs and LTCs with block length nn, constant rate (which can even be taken arbitrarily close to 1), constant relative distance, and query complexity exp(O~(logn))\exp(\tilde{O}(\sqrt{\log n})). Previously such codes were known to exist only with Ω(nβ)\Omega(n^{\beta}) query complexity (for constant β>0\beta > 0), and there were several, quite different, constructions known. Our codes are based on a general distance-amplification method of Alon and Luby~\cite{AL96_codes}. We show that this method interacts well with local correctors and testers, and obtain our main results by applying it to suitably constructed LCCs and LTCs in the non-standard regime of \emph{sub-constant relative distance}. Along the way, we also construct LCCs and LTCs over large alphabets, with the same query complexity exp(O~(logn))\exp(\tilde{O}(\sqrt{\log n})), which additionally have the property of approaching the Singleton bound: they have almost the best-possible relationship between their rate and distance. This has the surprising consequence that asking for a large alphabet error-correcting code to further be an LCC or LTC with exp(O~(logn))\exp(\tilde{O}(\sqrt{\log n})) query complexity does not require any sacrifice in terms of rate and distance! Such a result was previously not known for any o(n)o(n) query complexity. Our results on LCCs also immediately give locally-decodable codes (LDCs) with the same parameters

    On Axis-Parallel Tests for Tensor Product Codes

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    Many low-degree tests examine the input function via its restrictions to random hyperplanes of a certain dimension. Examples include the line-vs-line (Arora, Sudan 2003), plane-vs-plane (Raz, Safra 1997), and cube-vs-cube (Bhangale, Dinur, Livni 2017) tests. In this paper we study tests that only consider restrictions along axis-parallel hyperplanes, which have been studied by Polishchuk and Spielman (1994) and Ben-Sasson and Sudan (2006). While such tests are necessarily "weaker", they work for a more general class of codes, namely tensor product codes. Moreover, axis-parallel tests play a key role in constructing LTCs with inverse polylogarithmic rate and short PCPs (Polishchuk, Spielman 1994; Ben-Sasson, Sudan 2008; Meir 2010). We present two results on axis-parallel tests. (1) Bivariate low-degree testing with low-agreement. We prove an analogue of the Bivariate Low-Degree Testing Theorem of Polishchuk and Spielman in the low-agreement regime, albeit with much larger field size. Namely, for the 2-wise tensor product of the Reed-Solomon code, we prove that for sufficiently large fields, the 2-query variant of the axis-parallel line test (row-vs-column test) works for arbitrarily small agreement. Prior analyses of axis-parallel tests assumed high agreement, and no results for such tests in the low-agreement regime were known. Our proof technique deviates significantly from that of Polishchuk and Spielman, which relies on algebraic methods such as Bezout\u27s Theorem, and instead leverages a fundamental result in extremal graph theory by Kovari, Sos, and Turan. To our knowledge, this is the first time this result is used in the context of low-degree testing. (2) Improved robustness for tensor product codes. Robustness is a strengthening of local testability that underlies many applications. We prove that the axis-parallel hyperplane test for the m-wise tensor product of a linear code with block length n and distance d is Omega(d^m/n^m)-robust. This improves on a theorem of Viderman (2012) by a factor of 1/poly(m). While the improvement is not large, we believe that our proof is a notable simplification compared to prior work

    On list recovery of high-rate tensor codes

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    We continue the study of list recovery properties of high-rate tensor codes, initiated by Hemenway, Ron-Zewi, and Wootters (FOCS’17). In that work it was shown that the tensor product of an efficient (poly-time) high-rate globally list recoverable code is approximately locally list recoverable, as well as globally list recoverable in probabilistic near-linear time. This was used in turn to give the first capacity-achieving list decodable codes with (1) local list decoding algorithms, and with (2) probabilistic near-linear time global list decoding algorithms. This also yielded constant-rate codes approaching the Gilbert-Varshamov bound with probabilistic near-linear time global unique decoding algorithms. In the current work we obtain the following results: 1. The tensor product of an efficient (poly-time) high-rate globally list recoverable code is globally list recoverable in deterministic near-linear time. This yields in turn the first capacity-achieving list decodable codes with deterministic near-linear time global list decoding algorithms. It also gives constant-rate codes approaching the Gilbert-Varshamov bound with deterministic near-linear time global unique decoding algorithms. 2. If the base code is additionally locally correctable, then the tensor product is (genuinely) locally list recoverable. This yields in turn (non-explicit) constant-rate codes approaching the Gilbert- Varshamov bound that are locally correctable with query complexity and running time No(1). This improves over prior work by Gopi et. al. (SODA’17; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory’18) that only gave query complexity N" with rate that is exponentially small in 1/". 3. A nearly-tight combinatorial lower bound on output list size for list recovering high-rate tensor codes. This bound implies in turn a nearly-tight lower bound of N (1/ log logN) on the product of query complexity and output list size for locally list recovering high-rate tensor codes.</p

    Faster Sounder Succinct Arguments and IOPs

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    Succinct arguments allow a prover to convince a verifier that a given statement is true, using an extremely short proof. A major bottleneck that has been the focus of a large body of work is in reducing the overhead incurred by the prover in order to prove correctness of the computation. By overhead we refer to the cost of proving correctness, divided by the cost of the original computation. In this work, for a large class of Boolean circuits C=C(x,w)C=C(x,w), we construct succinct arguments for the language {x:w  C(x,w)=1}\{ x : \exists w\; C(x,w)=1\}, with 2λ2^{-\lambda} soundness error, and with prover overhead polylog(λ)\mathsf{polylog}(\lambda). This result relies on the existence of (sub-exponentially secure) linear-size computable collision-resistant hash functions. The class of Boolean circuits that we can handle includes circuits with a repeated sub-structure, which arise in natural applications such as batch computation/verification, hashing and related block chain applications. The succinct argument is obtained by constructing \emph{interactive oracle proofs} for the same class of languages, with polylog(λ)\mathsf{polylog}(\lambda) prover overhead, and soundness error 2λ2^{-\lambda}. Prior to our work, the best IOPs for Boolean circuits either had prover overhead of polylog(C)\mathsf{polylog}(|C|) based on efficient PCPs due to Ben-Sasson et al. (STOC, 2013) or poly(λ)\mathsf{poly}(\lambda) due to Rothblum and Ron-Zewi (STOC, 2022)