129 research outputs found

    From Industry X to Industry 6.0: Antifragile Manufacturing for People, Planet, and Profit with Passion

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    This white paper addresses the potential pathways the Finnish industry must take in order to be the strategic leader and driver towards defining “Industry 6.0”. The recent global economic situation has revealed that the Finnish industry is affected by risks caused by the pandemic, global supply chains and dependency of suppliers all around the world. Therefore, we need to build up a completely new industrial revolution, in which antifragility is the design principle to increase our resilience to future stressors and global shocks. Like earlier industrial revolutions, advances in technology have paved the way to creating growth and well-being. Disruptive technologies, such as 3D printing and AI are an opportunity in localization of manufacturing back to Finland. The global climate crisis requires us to be at the forefront of a strategy that creates an impact on the environment, economy, and society. Here, the Finnish ICT expertise can solve problems, as long as the support of taking research results out into the industry is supported. The essential component in creating intelligent solutions and new business is data. Long-term development programs are needed for understanding what the use of data unlike ever before will imply for businesses, customers, ethics and regulations.Industry 6.0 is defined in this paper as “Ubiquitous, customer-driven, virtualized, antifragile manufacturing”. It is characterized on one hand by customer-centric, highly customized lot-size-1 thinking, on the other hand by hyperconnected factories, with dynamic supply chains, where data flows across domains. These also change the role of humans as productions workers, as they become part of the interconnected environment and need to handle the digital, optimized production. While we already have strengths that prepare us to lead the next industrial revolution, we also have serious shortcomings. We need to raise the level of ICT knowledge across the industry; we need multidisciplinary research, development and innovation, and a strategy for long-term public commitment and significant investments.We propose that Finland assumes a strong vision: Industry 6.0 is defined in Finland by proactive game-changing actions. This vision is realized in a long-term commitment to implementing an agenda of the following. 1) Finland nominates a Science and Technology minister to steer the activities. Their task would be to steer the implementation of the agenda holistically. 2) Current smart-specialization strategies need to be specified more carefully in order to utilize funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) more efficiently and in a coordinated matter. 3) Creation of the Virtual Industry 6.0 University, and approximately 10 new Industrial ICT professors and additional postdocs are needed to fill the gaps. 4) Creation of a test factory opening access of the environments broadly and serving as a testbed for Finnish winning platforms. With the network-based test factory, we can create a new pilot model in Finland combining the models of smart specialization, smart co-creation and shared RDI environments to ensure our industrial competitiveness. 5) Establishing a digital transformation accelerator for Finnish industry, aligning the accelerator to European Digital Innovation Hubs selections.</p

    Collaborative networks: A pillar of digital transformation

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    UID/EEA/00066/2019 POCI-01-0247-FEDER-033926The notion of digital transformation encompasses the adoption and integration of a variety of new information and communication technologies for the development of more efficient, flexible, agile, and sustainable solutions for industrial systems. Besides technology, this process also involves new organizational forms and leads to new business models. As such, this work addresses the contribution of collaborative networks to such a transformation. An analysis of the collaborative aspects required in the various dimensions of the 4th industrial revolution is conducted based on a literature survey and experiences gained from several research projects. A mapping between the identified collaboration needs and research results that can be adopted from the collaborative networks area is presented. Furthermore, several new research challenges are identified and briefly characterized.publishe

    Landscapes of our uncertain futures: Towards mapping and understanding crisis-related concepts and definitions

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    This report "Landscapes of Our Uncertain Futures. Towards mapping and understanding crisis-related concepts and definitions" is published as a result of a literature review and related conceptual analysis conducted within the RESCUE Project (Real Estate in Sustainable Crisis Management in Urban Environments). In early stages of the project it became evident that in order to achieve efficient results in research and policy action efforts for sustainable urban development and crisis management, mutual understanding of key concepts and their definitions is needed. This is because identifying and grasping the major phenomena at play in our turbulent world – crisis society – may be varied, and besides there are several different definitions of them used in the literature. If, however, preliminary discussions and analyses can open up the contents and meanings of such phenomena, joint work and concluding recommendations are supported and expedited on the basis of shared understanding. A key theme in this conceptual analysis is 'crisis' and crisis-related phenomena, within the framework of the now present VUCA world. The landscapes of our uncertain futures are thus depicted, and replenished via a literature review and its key findings. These insights are meant to help paving the way for the process of creating resilient cities

    Platformization of the digital economy or techno-globalism of digital platforms? Transformation potential of digitalized ecosystems for international business

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    Мета статті полягає в аналізі інституційного середовища нової інформаційно-цифрової економіки в умовах техноглобалізму. Розглянуто спосіб, в який «платформізація» впливає не лише на мережеву конфігурацію цифрової економіки, але й сприяє розбудові складно-ієрархічного інституційного середовища нової інформаційно-цифрової економіки, в якому правила перебування на платформах (своєрідна Конституція Платформи) укладається самими операторами, що може не в повній мірі кореспондуватись із позицією/очікуваннями урядів та користувачів. Розглянуто екоструктуру цифрової економіки. За різними ознаками класифіковано цифрові платформи. Розкрито феномен «мультистейкхолдерної власності», яка базується на моделях, в яких один або кілька класів стейкхолдерів мають значні фінансові або управлінські права в результаті спільного володіння частиною компанії або всією компанією, що управляє платформою, в якій вони беруть участь. Розглянуто умови, за яких цифрова платформа стає цифровим ринком. Запроваджено поняття «техноглобалістський потенціал платформ», під яким пропонується розуміти сукупність наявних ресурсів та існуючих і прихованих в них можливостей для здійснення трансформаційного впливу на архітектуру глобальної економіки на мега-, мета-, макро-, мезо-, нано- рівнях і визначається: ступенем руйнівного впливу на існуючі ринки; ступенем викривлення кон’юнктури ринків; ступенем впливу на становлення нових ринків; ступенем використання алгоритмів як інструменту недобросовісної конкуренції; ступенем регуляторного впливу на учасників аналогічних платформ; ступенем отримуваного регуляторного захисту інструментами регуляторного неопротекціонізму. Виокремлено вимушену реакцію акторів на техноглобалістський потенціал платформ: на мегарівні міжнародні організації мають елімінувати зростаючі ризики цифрового домінування окремих гравців, які запроваджують креативно-руйнівні інновації, які чинять тиск на усталену систему взаємозвязків, зокрема, у сферах торгівлі, фінансів; на метарівні або рівні міжнародних інтеграційних об’єднань, вимушено впроваджуються нові рівні інтеграції, як, зокрема, Єдиний цифровий ринок ЄС з метою захисту цифрового суверенітету та з міркувань безпеки; на макрорівні, де мережа Інтернет розглядається як середовище набуття нових порівняльних переваг і середовище корекції усталеного міжнародного поділу праці, уряди мають впроваджувати комплекс нормативно-регуляторних актів, що покликані сприяти процесам побудови / розбудови відповідної інфраструктури та одночасній інтеграції в глобальну мережу і протидії її деструктивним проявам; на мезорівні відбуваються високо-динамічні процеси реконфігурації ринків і цифрових бізнес-моделей; на мікрорівні формується запит на зміни усталених бізнес-моделей та здійснення масштабних інвестицій в опанування цифрових технологій з метою набуття ознак конкурентоспроможності; на нанорівні або рівні користувачів, які виступають як з боку попиту, так і з боку пропозиції, формуються нові моделі взаємодії.The purpose of the article is to analyze the institutional environment of the new information and digital economy in the conditions of technoglobalism. It is argued that "platformization" affects not only the network configuration of the digital economy, but also contributes to the development of a complex-hierarchical institutional environment of the new information-digital economy, in which the rules for staying on platforms (a kind of Constitution of the Platform) are made by the operators themselves, which may not be completely be in line with the attitudes/expectations of governments and users. It has been established that the identification of the concept of "digital economy ecosystem" or "digital ecosystem" is complicated by many factors, since "digital ecosystem" presupposes the use of an interdisciplinary approach, and the identification of the essential characteristics of the concept should be carried out using the existing conceptual apparatus of economic theory. It has been established that the use of the terms "digital business ecosystem", "digital economy ecosystem", "digital platform ecosystem", "platform economy", " multi-stakeholder platform ecosystem" as synonyms is not justified. A multi-stakeholder platform can be seen both as an intermediate step on the path to a digital ecosystem and as a tool for the functioning of the ecosystem. It is noted that the digital ecosystem characterizes the principle of a close relationship between digital technologies and a person, and a multilateral platform is a business model that builds a market system of business processes with contractors and consumers. The digital ecosystem outlines the general principle of digital cooperation of all ecosystem units, one of which can be a multilateral platform. In terms of marketing strategy and market, the digital ecosystem can span many industry markets and geographic markets. The phenomenon of "multi-stakeholder ownership" is revealed, which is based on models in which one or more classes of stakeholders have significant financial or management rights as a result of joint ownership of part or all of the company operating the platform in which they participate. The conditions under which a digital platform becomes a digital market are considered. The concept of “techno-globalist potential of platforms” is introduced, which is proposed to be understood as the totality of available resources and the opportunities existing and hidden in them for exercising a transformational impact on the architecture of the global economy at the mega-, meta-, macro-, meso-, nano-levels and is determined by: disruptive impact on existing markets; the degree of market distortion; the degree of influence on the formation of new markets; degree of use of algorithms as a tool of unfair competition; the degree of regulatory impact on participants in similar platforms; the degree of regulatory protection received by the instruments of regulatory neo-protectionism. The forced reaction of actors to the techno-globalization potential of platforms is highlighted: at the mega-level, international organizations must eliminate the increasing risks of digital dominance of individual players who introduce creative-destructive innovations that put pressure on the established system of interconnections, in particular, in the areas of trade and finance; at the meta level or the level of international integration associations, new levels of integration are forced to be introduced, such as, in particular, the EU Digital Single Market in order to protect digital sovereignty and for security reasons; at the macro level, where the Internet is seen as an environment for gaining new comparative advantages and an environment for correcting the established international division of labor, governments should implement a set of regulatory acts designed to promote the processes of building / developing the appropriate infrastructure and simultaneously integrating into the global network and counteracting its destructive influence; at the meso level, highly dynamic processes of reconfiguration of markets and digital business models are taking place; at the micro level, a request is formed to change established business models and make large-scale investments in mastering digital technologies in order to acquire signs of competitiveness; at the nano-level, or the level of users acting on both the supply and demand sides, new models of interaction are being formed

    From industrial ecosystems to digital economy ecosystems: new business models and models of competition in the conditions of digitalization of international trade in goods and services

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    В статті відзначено, що міжнародні ринки товарів і послуг відчувають дедалі потужніший вплив цифрових технологій, які трансформують бізнес-процеси, а подекуди і руйнують усталені взаємозв’язки і моделі господарювання. Сектор торгівлі послугами – в числі тих, хто опинився в центрі цифрової революції, яка уможливила заміщення послугами окремих груп товарів, що і вплинуло на зменшення обсягів міжнародної торгівлі останніми і пришвидшило процеси активної сервісизації світової економіки. Бізнес-середовище ускладнюється, змінюється і сама природа конкуренції вимагає формування нових конкурентних переваг компаній: забезпечення життєздатності не на основі миттєвої ефективності, а на використанні синергії від взаємодії гравців ринку за рахунок використання зручних цифрових каналів взаємодії. Мета статті полягає у дослідженні характерних ознак цифрових бізнес-моделей і цифрових екосистем, які охоплюють існуючі (реалізовані) та потенційні (неявні, приховані) відносини, що формуються та встановлюються завдяки цифровим інноваціям, і концептуалізації взаємозв’язків бізнес-середовища та технологічного середовища організацій, що займаються цифровою трансформацією. Встановлено, що перехід до економіки платформ ознаменував кілька фундаментальних змін у способах ведення міжнародного бізнесу: (1) перехід від контролю ресурсів до координації ресурсів; (2) перехід від внутрішньої оптимізації до взаємодії із зовнішніми стейкхолдерами; (3) перехід від споживчої цінності до цінності мережі; (4) переорієнтування інформаційних технологій та бізнес-систем з організаційного управління на соціальні мережі та спільноти споживачів. Хоча екосистема платформ зазвичай ототожнюється із цифровими бізнес-екосистемами або програмними екосистемами, в процесі виокремлення специфічних характеристик кожної із розглянутих екосистем — підприємницької екосистеми, інноваційної екосистеми, екосистеми послуг, екосистеми продукту, нами було з’ясовано їхні спільні й відмінні риси. Виявлено, що екосистеми, які мають тенденцію розширюватися за межі своєї первісної сфери, забезпечують вихід на новий ринок не через окремих новаторів, а через усю екосистему, яка використовує свою існуючу ринкову владу, технології та репутацію для виходу на суміжні ринки. В структурі екосистеми платформ відзначено роль технологічної платформи як архітектури, що формує інфраструктуру екосистеми та виступає її ядром, яка полегшує обмін, насамперед, послугами, між оператором платформи та кінцевими клієнтами. Трансформація економіки платформ в економіку екосистем забезпечує задоволення потреб учасників ринку у швидкому доступі до якісних продуктів та послуг.Digitalization has become a new stage in the development of the world economy in terms of the development, implementation and dissemination of new technologies, and its impact on the development of international trade is decisive, if only because there is already an explosive growth in digital transactions and digital trade on a global scale. The key result of digital transformations for international trade is the creation of new markets, products and business models based on new digital technologies. In the context of digitalization, however, there is a certain difficulty in defining the increasingly blurred boundaries between goods and services. The main manifestations of the digital transformation of international trade are the large-scale development of e-commerce, the intensive development of foreign trade in information and communication services, and the development of digital e-commerce platforms. Digital technologies have transformed economic activity in domestic and international markets. Their widespread use affects all sectors of international trade, however, they have most affected trade in services, which has become at the center of the latest technological revolution. By creating new products, changing the characteristics of traditional products, and reducing trade costs, digital technologies have a serious impact on the determinants of competitive advantage, and these, in turn, on the structure of international trade. This raises the important question of which determinants of competitive advantage will be stronger in the digital age and whether new determinants are likely to emerge. Digitalization has become a new stage in the development of the world economy in terms of the development, implementation and dissemination of new technologies, and its impact on the development of international trade is decisive, if only because there is already an explosive growth in digital transactions and digital trade on a global scale. The key result of digital transformations for international trade is the creation of new markets, products and business models based on new digital technologies. In the context of digitalization, however, there is a certain difficulty in defining the increasingly blurred boundaries between goods and services. The main manifestations of the digital transformation of international trade are the large-scale development of e-commerce, the intensive development of foreign trade in information and communication services, and the development of digital e-commerce platforms. The purpose of the article is to study the characteristic features of digital business models and digital ecosystems, covering existing (realized) and potential (implicit, hidden) relationships that are formed and established through digital innovations, and to conceptualize the relationship between the business environment and the technological environment of organizations. involved in digital transformation Digital technologies have transformed economic activity in domestic and international markets. Their widespread use affects all sectors of international trade, however, they have most affected trade in services, which has become at the center of the latest technological revolution. By creating new products, changing the characteristics of traditional products, and reducing trade costs, digital technologies have a serious impact on the determinants of competitive advantage, and these, in turn, on the structure of international trade. This raises the important question of which determinants of competitive advantage will be stronger in the digital age and whether new determinants are likely to emerge. Although the ecosystem of platforms is usually identified with digital business ecosystems or software ecosystems, in the process of highlighting the specific characteristics of each of the considered ecosystems - the entrepreneurial ecosystem, the innovation ecosystem, the service ecosystem, the product ecosystem, we found out their common and distinctive features. It has been established that with the rapid development of digital technologies, the forms of economic activity are evolving, the volume of information being used is increasing, and new methods of its processing are emerging. The presence of the qualifying word "digital" in "digital ecosystems" opens the possibility to interpret "ecosystem" as an orientation model for the development of self-organizing software systems, software services, and applications that arise spontaneously from an artificial environment. Self-organization of digital ecosystems is expressed in the ability to independently change in the face of changes in internal elements and the external environment. However, a fundamental change in the external environment, expressed, for example, in a deep economic crisis, may adversely affect the ability of the digital ecosystem to self-organize. The scalability of digital ecosystems lies in the ability to function effectively with a growing amount of data in use and digital divisions. An increase in the number of ecosystem elements leads to an increase in the scale of the ecosystem

    Collaborative approaches in sustainable and resilient manufacturing

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022, The Author(s).In recent years, the manufacturing sector is going through a major transformation, as reflected in the concept of Industry 4.0 and digital transformation. The urge for such transformation is intensified when we consider the growing societal demands for sustainability. The notion of sustainable manufacturing has emerged as a result of this trend. Additionally, industries and the whole society face the challenges of an increasing number of disruptive events, either natural or human-caused, that can severely affect the normal operation of systems. Furthermore, the growing interconnectivity between organizations, people, and physical systems, supported by recent developments in information and communication technologies, highlights the important role that collaborative networks can play in the digital transformation processes. As such, this article analyses potential synergies between the areas of sustainable and resilient manufacturing and collaborative networks. The work also discusses how the responsibility for the various facets of sustainability can be distributed among the multiple entities involved in manufacturing. The study is based on a literature survey, complemented with the experience gained from various research projects and related initiatives in the area, and is organized according to various dimensions of Industry 4.0. A brief review of proposed approaches and indicators for measuring sustainability from the networked manufacturing perspective is also included. Finally, a set of key research challenges are identified to complement strategic research agendas in manufacturing.publishersversionpublishe

    Arquitectura inteligente para la gestión de bienestar soportado en neuroseñales para ecosistemas sociales 4.0

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    The scope of this article is to describe an intelligent architecture at the structural, functional and intelligent service levels to manage the mental, physical and spiritual well-being of higher education teachers supported by neurosignals and industry 4.0 technologies. For the methodological design of the intelligent architecture, the structural layers that make up the architectural model were identified, later the functional requirements that had to be implemented in the intelligent architecture were identified and finally the intelligent services that had to automate the well-being management processes of the patients were modeled. teachers in the area of physics and that can also be replicated to teachers from other disciplinary fields. The main result of this research is the structural and service model of intelligent architecture, which is structured in a welfare services layer and in a knowledge acquisition and management layer. In an additional decomposition level, the functionalities associated with each layer are described, particularly, the services layer encapsulates the functionalities of contextual awareness management, cyberphysical characterization management, dynamic management of support networks, intelligent treatment generator. The knowledge management and acquisition layer includes the management functionalities of repositories of emotional signals, physiological measurements, social activities, social characterization, spiritual characterization, social nodes, work profiles and contexts. Taking as reference the architectural model designed for the intelligent generation of mental, physical and spiritual treatments to improve the quality of life of teachers in the area of physics in higher education, it can be concluded that in times of pandemic the design of platforms is viable smart devices that generate automatic treatments to improve the mental, physical and spiritual indicators of teachers modeled as social nodes through industry 4.0 technologies.El alcance de este artículo es describir una arquitectura inteligente a nivel estructural, funcional y de servicios inteligentes para gestionar el bienestar mental, físico y espiritual de los docentes del campo disciplinar de la física soportada en neuroseñales y en tecnologías de la industria 4.0. Para el diseño metodológico de la arquitectura inteligente se identificaron las capas estructurales que conforman el modelo arquitectónico, posteriormente se identificaron los requerimientos funcionales que debían implementar en la arquitectura inteligente y finalmente se modelaron los servicios inteligentes que debían automatizar los procesos de gestión del bienestar de los docentes del área de la física y que igualmente se puede replicar a docentes de otros campos disciplinares. El resultado principal de esta investigación es el modelo estructural y de servicios de la arquitectura inteligente, el cual está estructurado en una capa de servicios de bienestar y en una capa de adquisición y gestión de conocimiento. En un nivel de descomposición adicional se describen las funcionalidades asociadas a cada capa, particularmente, la capa de servicios encapsula las funcionalidades de gestión de conciencia contextual, gestión de caracterización ciberfísica, gestión dinámica de redes de apoyo, generador inteligente de tratamientos. La capa de gestión y adquisición de conocimiento incluye las funcionalidades de gestión de repositorios de señales emotivas, medidas fisiológicas, actividades sociales, caracterización social, caracterización espiritual, de nodos sociales, perfiles laborales y de contextos. Tomando como referencia el modelo arquitectónico diseñado para la generación inteligente de tratamientos mentales, físicos y espirituales para mejorar la calidad de vida de los docentes del área de la física en educación superior, se puede concluir que en época de pandemia es viable el diseño de plataformas inteligentes que generen tratamientos automáticos para mejorar los indicadores mentales, físicos y espirituales de los docentes modelados como nodos sociales a través de las tecnologías de la industria 4.0. &nbsp

    A Measurement Instrument for Enterprise Architecture Resilience Research: A Pilot Study on Digital Transformation

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    Enterprise Architecture can contribute positively to enterprise resilience. In this connected dynamic world Enterprise Architecture Resilience is an emergent area of Information Systems research that is characterized through an abundance of conceptual work with little empirical research. To fill this gap, this paper reports on the development and validation of an instrument to measure various resilience attributes and barriers in context to digital transformation in organizations. We advance an extended model for a multi-stage measurement instrument development procedure, which incorporates feedback from both academics and practitioners. We identify two main contributions: First, we provide a validated measurement instrument for the study of Enterprise Architecture Resilience factors in context to digital transformation in organizations, which can be used to assist in further empirical studies that investigate phenomena associated with the enterprise architecture domain. Second, in doing so, we describe in detail a procedural model for developing measurement instruments that ensure high levels of reliability and validity, which may assist fellow scholars in executing their empirical research

    Neo-Carbon Core Concepts in Exploring Transformative Energy Futures 2050

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    PREFACENeo-Carbon Energy is one of the strategic research openings of Tekes – the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation. It is conducted by Technical Research Centre of Finland VTT Ltd, Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) and Finland Futures Research Centre (FFRC) at the University of Turku.Neo-carbon energy entails a completely new energy system, where the produced energy is emission-free, cost-effective and independent. Energy is produced peer-to-peer in a distributed energy system of solar, wind, smart electricity grid, energy storages, and novel industrial uses based on renewable energy through neo-carbonization. As a whole, this will revolutionise the entire energy field.The transformation of society takes place through socio-technological transitions. This signifies shifts in conceptual thinking, lifestyles and values, that are manifested in policies, and are further enabled by economic resources and novel innovations. New opportunities are often built and recognised, when existing patterns of behaviour, structures and concepts through which the world is seen are re-thought.We see it worthwhile to identify key concepts that can be vehicles towards transformative energy futures. A limited number of concepts have been chosen according to their relevance to the Neo-Carbon Energy project. Some of the concepts presented in this paper are a reflection of emerging issues, while others are already well-established. All these concepts are reflected as regards their relevance to the project.This working paper of Neo-Carbon core concepts was complied by the FFRC foresight research team of the project. Merja Lang, intern at the FFRC Helsinki office for summer 2016, also contributed to the writing process. The contents of this working paper will be modified during the research process.Research group of WP1 of the NEO-CARBON ENERGY Project Helsinki 22nd December 2015</p