36 research outputs found

    A review on recent advances on knowledge management implementations

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    Knowledge management plays an essential role on developing efficient systems in educational systems. However, there are different factors influencing the success of knowledge management. In this paper, we review recent advances on implementation of knowledge management (KM) in different areas and discuss why some of KM implementations fail and how they could turn to a successful one. The review focus more on recently published papers in different perspective from the implementation of KM in educational units to KM implementation on project management field

    Knowledge sharing: a survey, assessment and directions for future research: individual behavior perspective

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    One of the most important areas of knowledge management studies is knowledge sharing. Measured in terms of number of scientific articles and organization-s applications, knowledge sharing stands as an example of success in the field. This paper reviews the related papers in the context of the underlying individual behavioral variables to providea direction framework for future research and writing.©2012 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. Open Access under the Creative Commons Attribution(CC BY) license, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. Anyone may copy, distribute, or reuse these articles, as long as the author and original source are properly cited.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Conceptualising Assembly 4.0 through the Drone Factory

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    This paper aims to discuss the complexity of designing an assembly system according to industry 4.0. This is done by introducing the drone factory as a learning facility at the digital innovation hub SIILab. The paper discusses the areas of Operator-Organisation, Operator-Technologies, Technologies-Product and Product-Organisation in a current state and information support subsystem, IIoT architecture and hardware in the assembly 4.0 context

    Keefektifan Online Knowledge Sharing Behavior (Studi Kasus: Blended Learning Itb)

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    Penerapan blended learning dapat mengintegrasikan manfaat yang diperoleh dari knowledge management dan e-learning. Pendekatan dengan mengombinasikan interaksi tatap muka dan interaksi online ini idealnya mampu meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran di perguruan tinggi. Salah satu tantangan dalam penerapan blended learning adalah pelaksanaan online knowledge sharing yang konsisten dan berkesinambungan. Penelitian ini berupaya untuk menemukan cara meningkatkan keefektifan Online Knowledge Sharing Behavior (OKSB). Model OKSB pada penelitian ini mengintegrasikan model Knowledge Sharing Behavior dari Chen dkk. (2009) yang berbasis pada Theory of Planned Behavior dengan model Ma dan Yuen (2010) yang berbasis pada teori pengembangan dan pemeliharaan hubungan sosial. Penelitian ini memandang OKSB dipengaruhi oleh faktor intention, self-efficacy, social interaction, serta faktor kepuasan teknologi. Uji empiris dilakukan dengan melibatkan 110 orang mahasiswa peserta kelas blended learning ITB. Pengolahan data dengan menggunakan metode PLS menunjukkan bahwa social interaction yang terdiri dari perceived online attachment motivation dan perceived online relationship commitment menjadi faktor yang paling mempengaruhi OKSB. Namun, penelitian ini tidak mampu membuktikan bahwa knowledge sharing intention memengaruhi OKSB

    ارائه الگوی رفتار اشتراک دانش متخصصان ایرانی در فضای مجازی

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    این مقاله تلاش کرده است الگوی رفتار اشتراک دانش متخصصان ایرانی را در فضای مجازی موردمطالعه قرار دهد. بدین منظوراز مصاحبه عمیق نیمه ساختارمند، روش دلفی و پرسشنامه الکترونیک به‌عنوان ابزار تحقیق در دو مرحله کیفی و کمی استفاده‌ شده است. به‌منظور تأمین اهداف تحقیق، مصاحبه با خبرگان مسلط بر موضوع تا تحقّق "کفایت نظری" ادامه یافته است. پس ‌از آن به‌منظور تأیید و یا تصحیح شاخص‌های شناسایی‌ شده از تحلیل محتوای کیفی متن مصاحبه‌ها، از روش دلفی استفاده شد. بدین ترتیب الگوی رفتار اشتراک دانش از دل داده‌های مرحله کیفی پژوهش استخراج  شد. پس‌ از آن به‌منظور اعتبارسنجی کمّی الگو، پرسشنامه‌های الکترونیک از طریق روش زنجیره‌ای در اختیار 299 نفر (نرخ بازگشت، 77%) از کاربران شبکه تخصصی قرار گرفت. داده‌ها با استفاده از نرم‌افزار Smart PLS و تکنیک تحلیل عاملی تأییدی تحلیل و وزن متغیرها مشخص گردید. در الگوی رفتار اشتراک دانش متخصصان در فضای مجازی به ترتیب اهمیت: شاخص‌های ابعاد فردی، گروهی و محیطی، استخراج شدند. شاخص‌های بُعد فردی به ترتیب انگیزش، اخلاقیات، شخصیت (شامل برونگرا، سازشکار و خود گشوده)، توانایی، نگرش به‌منظور اشتراک دانش و امینت روانی می‌باشد. بُعد گروهی دارای 3 شاخص منافع مشترک، ساختار گروه و سرمایه اجتماعی است. مؤلفه‌های بُعد محیطی شامل تکنولوژیکی (الزامات فنی شبکه‌های اجتماعی تخصصی)، سیاسی- حقوقی (سیاست‌گذاری فضای مجازی کشور)، اقتصادی (هزینه و تنوع بسته‌های اینترنت) اجتماعی- فرهنگی (سبک زندگی متخصصان و شخصیت ملی) می‌باشد

    Key Factors to Promote Knowledge Sharing in Karachi Pharmaceutical Industry

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    The basic cause of this study is to investigate the key factors to promote knowledge sharing in Karachi Pharmaceutical Industry. Organizational employees are the main part for the effective performance of overall business and need to communicate proper information and knowledge from management as well as between employees to perform batter task and to maintain a level of satisfaction and it is possible through effective knowledge sharing system. Several published studies are available in this matter to highlight the importance of knowledge sharing with observing the different industries. To get done the goal of this study, a close ended type questionnaire by the approach of Likert scaling were prepared for the collection of data with sample size of about 110-130 from different national and multinational pharmaceutical companies of Karachi and contacted to the employees of lower to top management of head office staff, sales and production people having the qualification up to masters. The results are showing that main factors are Organizational Culture and Organizational Structure which are important to maintain the level of knowledge sharing thus helping organization to make improvement in this regard. This study is limited only to the Karachi pharmaceutical industry due to time and cost and recommended for further research in other cities of Pakistan with special reference to pharmaceutical industry for knowledge sharing. Key Words:  Knowledge Sharing, Karachi Pharmaceutical Industry

    Which Employees are Most Motivated to Share Knowledge – the Role of Age-Based Differentiation in Knowledge-Sharing Motivation

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    Received 22 August 2018. Accepted 3 December 2018. Published online 1 April 2019.The problem of age diversity in the workplace is becoming increasingly important, especially because of the ageing workforce. Knowledgesharing should therefore be encouraged among employees of different ages. The topic of this research is the role of age-based differentiation or intergenerational differentiation in motivation to share knowledge. Participating in this study were 202 employees of six Slovenian companies. The participants filled out the Knowledgesharing Motivation Measure, translated into Slovenian for the purposes of this study, and The Intergenerational Differentiation in the Workplace Measure. Our objective was to find out how three different age groups differ in the subjective perceptions of knowledgesharing motivation and how the perception of intergenerational differentiation is correlated with knowledge sharing motivation. The results show that the youngest age group of employees feels the most discriminated against due to their age, but is also the most motivated to share knowledge when compared to the other two age groups. The correlation between the two measured constructs is not significant. The main findings are that it is important to acknowledge the younger age group of employees, since it seems to be the most vulnerable to intergenerational differentiation. Also, it is important to encourage older workers to share their valuable knowledge


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    As Global Virtual Teams (GVTs) operate across diverse geographies, time-zones, and cultures, they present particular problems for project management in that their characteristics may negatively affect team performance. While a significant body of research exists on project management and GVTs, previous studies have not fully elaborated on the collective impact that GVT characteristics, such as temporal distance and geographical distance, etc., have on operation and performance. This paper develops a conceptual model from existing research and generates hypotheses to explore the impact of GVT characteristics on team operations and performance. The model is then applied in a broad survey of software developers participating in GVTs. Significantly; the study found that different GVT characteristics contribute to (i) GVT operational problems and (ii) negatively impact team performance. These findings have important implications for research and GVT practitioners’ ability to operate such teams and ensure desired project outcomes

    Understanding the concept of individual level knowledge sharing: A review of critical success factors

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    This paper identifies key factors enabling individual knowledge sharing in organizations and on projects. A literature review on the topic of knowledge sharing has been conducted with an aim of recognizing relevant factors that influence individual knowledge sharing. We take a holistic approach in examining knowledge sharing by factors pertaining to Theory of planned behaviour, Social capital theory, Social influence theory, Social exchange theory, Social-cognitive theory, and motivational theories augmented with additional aspects. Factors belonging to organizational, team and individual contexts interact and, in turn affect knowledge sharing behaviour of individuals working in organizations and on projects. Relationships between various success factors were found relevant in influencing knowledge sharing and integration of theories in order to develop knowledge sharing model is recommended. Keywords: Knowledge sharing, Knowledge Exchange, Knowledge management, Tacit knowledg

    Constructing theory with big result now (BRN): Contribution of Tanzania to the theory of knowledge sharing behaviour

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    Purpose- This paper intends to discourse development of theory in the Tanzania context, based on potentiality of advancing of knowledge sharing theory globally.The aim of this paper is to develop a theoretical framework which essential for studying knowledge sharing behaviour which is critical significant for the organizational changes and national reforms as well for sustaining in tremendous competition.Moreover, the study established the needs to undergo investigation in order to illustrate the degree of performance of theory in the context of Tanzania, which will depict comparison with developed countries.Methodology- This paper reviewed the theory of planned behaviour and it portrayed TPB as underpinned theory for revising knowledge sharing in the context of Tanzania.Findings- The study revealed propositions which are fundamental in developing theory of planned behaviour for studying knowledge sharing in Tanzania context.Limitations of the study- this paper offers suggestions for proposition testing and direction for further studies in knowledge sharing behaviour.Implication of the study- the paper provides development of theory and practically, the research might provide insight for improving knowledge sharing practices in order to realise organizational development and national reforms(BRN) in the context of Tanzania.Value- This paper relies on theoretical approaches, particularly on advancement of theory of planned of behaviour under addition of the collectivist culture and interpersonal relation towards knowledge sharing behaviour in Tanzania