29 research outputs found

    Visibility in Information Spaces and in Geographic Environments. Post-Proceedings of the KI'11 Workshop (October 4th, 2011, TU Berlin, Germany)

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    In the post-proceedings of the Workshop "Visibility in Information Spaces and in Geographic Environments" a selection of research papers is presented where the topic of visibility is addressed in different contexts. Visibility governs information selection in geographic environments as well as in information spaces and in cognition. The users of social media navigate in information spaces and at the same time, as embodied agents, they move in geographic environments. Both activities follow a similar type of information economy in which decisions by individuals or groups require a highly selective filtering to avoid information overload. In this context, visibility refers to the fact that in social processes some actors, topics or places are more salient than others. Formal notions of visibility include the centrality measures from social network analysis or the plethora of web page ranking methods. Recently, comparable approaches have been proposed to analyse activities in geographic environments: Place Rank, for instance, describes the social visibility of urban places based on the temporal sequence of tourist visit patterns. The workshop aimed to bring together researchers from AI, Geographic Information Science, Cognitive Science, and other disciplines who are interested in understanding how the different forms of visibility in information spaces and geographic environments relate to one another and how the results from basic research can be used to improve spatial search engines, geo-recommender systems or location-based social networks

    A Unified Framework of the Shared Aesthetic Experience

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    Aesthetic expressions have been seen as the manifest of human culture. The psychology of aesthetics have proposed various models, describing the various phenomena related to aesthetic experience, such as sensory pleasure derived from aesthetic stimuli, emotional response toward aesthetic depiction, cognitive mastering over aesthetic emotion, etc. However, further examination reveals current models have theoretical limits for the explanation of society-wide aesthetic preference due to limited scope of focus. Thus, the current project proposes a new theoretical framework to describe the process through which the society comes to converge on aesthetic preference. Examination of related theories and experimental evidence shows that the convergence process of our aesthetic preference is a function of several inter-related yet independent psychological mechanisms at the perceptual, affective, and cognitive stages of aesthetic processing. The proposed framework can inform future research in general psychology as well as other applications, such as the making of creative machines.Aesthetic expressions have been seen as the manifest of human culture. The psychology of aesthetics have proposed various models, describing the various phenomena related to aesthetic experience, such as sensory pleasure derived from aesthetic stimuli, emotional response toward aesthetic depiction, cognitive mastering over aesthetic emotion, etc. However, further examination reveals current models have theoretical limits for the explanation of society-wide aesthetic preference due to limited scope of focus. Thus, the current project proposes a new theoretical framework to describe the process through which the society comes to converge on aesthetic preference. Examination of related theories and experimental evidence shows that the convergence process of our aesthetic preference is a function of several inter-related yet independent psychological mechanisms at the perceptual, affective, and cognitive stages of aesthetic processing. The proposed framework can inform future research in general psychology as well as other applications, such as the making of creative machines

    Aesthetic typicality and sustainable design

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    Aesthetic longevity in product design has been linked to environmental sustainability through an increased product lifetime-of-use. One approach to creating enduring product aesthetics is visual simplicity—yet ‘simple’ can be a challenge to define, let alone to create. Designers such as Naoto Fukasawa, Dieter Rams, and Jonathan Ive have achieved visual simplicity by designing to a level of abstraction that maintains the essential, typical character of the product. An analysis of the contexts in which these designers work reveals cultural priorities on typicality. Research from the field of cognitive psychology also suggests that across cultures, typicality is likely to improve cognitive economy during recognition of designed objects. Psychological science can shed light on the way our minds process everyday objects visually, providing a platform for designers to create an enduring aesthetic experience in products, thereby extending product lifetime. An exercise to simulate a design process that prioritizes aesthetic typicality is described. Products and contexts that are suitable for this approach are discussed, as well as limitations and drawbacks to this approach to design sustainability

    Approaches for the digital profiling of activities and their applications in design information push

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    User modeling servers - requirements, design, and evaluation

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    Softwaresysteme, die ihre Services an Charakteristika individueller Benutzer anpassen haben sich bereits als effektiver und/oder benutzerfreundlicher als statische Systeme in mehreren Anwendungsdomänen erwiesen. Um solche Anpassungsleistungen anbieten zu können, greifen benutzeradaptive Systeme auf Modelle von Benutzercharakteristika zurück. Der Aufbau und die Verwaltung dieser Modelle wird durch dezidierte Benutzermodellierungskomponenten vorgenommen. Ein wichtiger Zweig der Benutzermodellierungsforschung beschäftigt sich mit der Entwicklung sogenannter ?Benutzermodellierungs-Shells?, d.h. generischen Benutzermodellierungssystemen, die die Entwicklung anwendungsspezifischer Benutzermodellierungskomponenten erleichtern. Die Bestimmung des Leistungsumfangs dieser generischen Benutzermodellierungssysteme und deren Dienste bzw. Funktionalitäten wurde bisher in den meisten Fällen intuitiv vorgenommen und/oder aus Beschreibungen weniger benutzeradaptiver Systeme in der Literatur abgeleitet. In der jüngeren Vergangenheit führte der Trend zur Personalisierung im World Wide Web zur Entwicklung mehrerer kommerzieller Benutzermodellierungsserver. Die für diese Systeme als wichtig erachteten Eigenschaften stehen im krassen Gegensatz zu denen, die bei der Entwicklung der Benutzermodellierungs-Shells im Vordergrund standen und umgekehrt. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist das Ziel dieser Dissertation (i) Anforderungen an Benutzermodellierungsserver aus einer multi-disziplinären wissenschaftlichen und einer einsatzorientierten (kommerziellen) Perspektive zu analysieren, (ii) einen Server zu entwerfen und zu implementieren, der diesen Anforderungen genügt, und (iii) die Performanz und Skalierbarkeit dieses Servers unter der Arbeitslast kleinerer und mittlerer Einsatzumgebungen gegen die diesbezüglichen Anforderungen zu überprüfen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, verfolgen wir einen anforderungszentrierten Ansatz, der auf Erfahrungen aus verschiedenen Forschungsbereichen aufbaut. Wir entwickeln eine generische Architektur für einen Benutzermodellierungsserver, die aus einem Serverkern für das Datenmanagement und modular hinzufügbaren Benutzermodellierungskomponenten besteht, von denen jede eine wichtige Benutzermodellierungstechnik implementiert. Wir zeigen, dass wir durch die Integration dieser Benutzermodellierungskomponenten in einem Server Synergieeffekte zwischen den eingesetzten Lerntechniken erzielen und bekannte Defizite einzelner Verfahren kompensieren können, beispielsweise bezüglich Performanz, Skalierbarkeit, Integration von Domänenwissen, Datenmangel und Kaltstart. Abschließend präsentieren wir die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der Experimente, die wir durchgeführt haben um empirisch nachzuweisen, dass der von uns entwickelte Benutzermodellierungsserver zentralen Performanz- und Skalierbarkeitskriterien genügt. Wir zeigen, dass unser Benutzermodellierungsserver die vorbesagten Kriterien in Anwendungsumgebungen mit kleiner und mittlerer Arbeitslast in vollem Umfang erfüllt. Ein Test in einer Anwendungsumgebung mit mehreren Millionen Benutzerprofilen und einer Arbeitslast, die als repräsentativ für größere Web Sites angesehen werden kann bestätigte, dass die Performanz der Benutzermodellierung unseres Servers keine signifikante Mehrbelastung für eine personalisierte Web Site darstellt. Gleichzeitig können die Anforderungen an die verfügbare Hardware als moderat eingestuft werden

    [DiaGram]; Rethinking Graphic Design Process

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    Central to any graphic design education is the teaching of a design (or creative) process as an aid to problem-solving. This study draws upon experimental workshops within design education, together with current thinking from the broader arts, emotional psychology and the brain sciences, to explore the idea of repositioning process as the ‘main event’ – rather than it being a means-to-an-end. The study sought to frame learning experiences that enabled students to consciously become the object of their own study; including themes that explored ‘personal identity’, ‘dualism’, ‘mind-wandering’ and ‘habit’ as mechanisms to enhance our creative capacity, and evidenced significant improvements in the students’ confidence, dexterity and working methodologies (including the elusive ‘risk’ and ‘play’). The emerging conclusions propose key anchors (‘dissociative creativity’, ‘process as the main event’, ‘collaboration’ and ‘immersion’) that we believe ought to be central to the development of any new teaching (esp. within graphic design). Keywords: Design, Education, Process, Creativity, Risk Full paper. Delivered 31 May 2017. Page 81–95 of attached document

    Proceedings of 31st Annual ARCOM Conference, vol 2

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