713 research outputs found

    Cadre global pour la coopération dans les réseaux ad hoc impliquant les fournisseurs de services

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    Introduction -- La coopération et les réseaux mobiles AD HOC -- Modèle de coopération et protocole de routage proposés -- Implémentation et résultats -- Effet de la mobilité sur la coopération dans les réseaux mobiles AD HOC -- Conclusion

    Distributed Artificial Intelligence Solution for D2D Communication in 5G Networks

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    Device to Device (D2D) Communication is one of the technology components of the evolving 5G architecture, as it promises improvements in energy efficiency, spectral efficiency, overall system capacity, and higher data rates. The above noted improvements in network performance spearheaded a vast amount of research in D2D, which have identified significant challenges that need to be addressed before realizing their full potential in emerging 5G Networks. Towards this end, this paper proposes the use of a distributed intelligent approach to control the generation of D2D networks. More precisely, the proposed approach uses Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) intelligent agents with extended capabilities (BDIx) to manage each D2D node independently and autonomously, without the help of the Base Station. The paper includes detailed algorithmic description for the decision of transmission mode, which maximizes the data rate, minimizes the power consumptions, while taking into consideration the computational load. Simulations show the applicability of BDI agents in jointly solving D2D challenges.Comment: 10 pages,9 figure

    Recent Advances in Cellular D2D Communications

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    Device-to-device (D2D) communications have attracted a great deal of attention from researchers in recent years. It is a promising technique for offloading local traffic from cellular base stations by allowing local devices, in physical proximity, to communicate directly with each other. Furthermore, through relaying, D2D is also a promising approach to enhancing service coverage at cell edges or in black spots. However, there are many challenges to realizing the full benefits of D2D. For one, minimizing the interference between legacy cellular and D2D users operating in underlay mode is still an active research issue. With the 5th generation (5G) communication systems expected to be the main data carrier for the Internet-of-Things (IoT) paradigm, the potential role of D2D and its scalability to support massive IoT devices and their machine-centric (as opposed to human-centric) communications need to be investigated. New challenges have also arisen from new enabling technologies for D2D communications, such as non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) and blockchain technologies, which call for new solutions to be proposed. This edited book presents a collection of ten chapters, including one review and nine original research works on addressing many of the aforementioned challenges and beyond

    Net Neutrality

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    This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open Access programme and is available on www.bloomsburycollections.com. Chris Marsden maneuvers through the hype articulated by Netwrok Neutrality advocates and opponents. He offers a clear-headed analysis of the high stakes in this debate about the Internet's future, and fearlessly refutes the misinformation and misconceptions that about' Professor Rob Freiden, Penn State University Net Neutrality is a very heated and contested policy principle regarding access for content providers to the Internet end-user, and potential discrimination in that access where the end-user's ISP (or another ISP) blocks that access in part or whole. The suggestion has been that the problem can be resolved by either introducing greater competition, or closely policing conditions for vertically integrated service, such as VOIP. However, that is not the whole story, and ISPs as a whole have incentives to discriminate between content for matters such as network management of spam, to secure and maintain customer experience at current levels, and for economic benefit from new Quality of Service standards. This includes offering a ‘priority lane' on the network for premium content types such as video and voice service. The author considers market developments and policy responses in Europe and the United States, draws conclusions and proposes regulatory recommendations

    Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Being infrastructure-less and without central administration control, wireless ad-hoc networking is playing a more and more important role in extending the coverage of traditional wireless infrastructure (cellular networks, wireless LAN, etc). This book includes state-of the-art techniques and solutions for wireless ad-hoc networks. It focuses on the following topics in ad-hoc networks: vehicular ad-hoc networks, security and caching, TCP in ad-hoc networks and emerging applications. It is targeted to provide network engineers and researchers with design guidelines for large scale wireless ad hoc networks

    Posicionamento cooperativo para redes sem fios heterogéneas

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia ElectrotécnicaFuture emerging market trends head towards positioning based services placing a new perspective on the way we obtain and exploit positioning information. On one hand, innovations in information technology and wireless communication systems enabled the development of numerous location based applications such as vehicle navigation and tracking, sensor networks applications, home automation, asset management, security and context aware location services. On the other hand, wireless networks themselves may bene t from localization information to improve the performances of di erent network layers. Location based routing, synchronization, interference cancellation are prime examples of applications where location information can be useful. Typical positioning solutions rely on measurements and exploitation of distance dependent signal metrics, such as the received signal strength, time of arrival or angle of arrival. They are cheaper and easier to implement than the dedicated positioning systems based on ngerprinting, but at the cost of accuracy. Therefore intelligent localization algorithms and signal processing techniques have to be applied to mitigate the lack of accuracy in distance estimates. Cooperation between nodes is used in cases where conventional positioning techniques do not perform well due to lack of existing infrastructure, or obstructed indoor environment. The objective is to concentrate on hybrid architecture where some nodes have points of attachment to an infrastructure, and simultaneously are interconnected via short-range ad hoc links. The availability of more capable handsets enables more innovative scenarios that take advantage of multiple radio access networks as well as peer-to-peer links for positioning. Link selection is used to optimize the tradeo between the power consumption of participating nodes and the quality of target localization. The Geometric Dilution of Precision and the Cramer-Rao Lower Bound can be used as criteria for choosing the appropriate set of anchor nodes and corresponding measurements before attempting location estimation itself. This work analyzes the existing solutions for node selection in order to improve localization performance, and proposes a novel method based on utility functions. The proposed method is then extended to mobile and heterogeneous environments. Simulations have been carried out, as well as evaluation with real measurement data. In addition, some speci c cases have been considered, such as localization in ill-conditioned scenarios and the use of negative information. The proposed approaches have shown to enhance estimation accuracy, whilst signi cantly reducing complexity, power consumption and signalling overhead.As tendências nos mercados emergentes caminham na direção dos serviços baseados em posicionamento, criando uma nova perspectiva na forma como podemos obter e utilizar informação de posicionamento. Por um lado, as inovações em tecnologias da informação e sistemas de comunicação sem fios permitiram o desenvolvimento de inúmeras aplicações baseadas em localização, tais como a navegação e monitorização de veículo, aplicações de redes de sensores, domótica, gestão de ativos, segurança e serviços de localização sensíveis ao contexto. Por outro lado, as próprias redes sem fios podem beneficiar da informação de localização dos utilizadores de forma a melhorarem as performances de diferentes camadas de rede. Routing baseado em localização, sincronização e cancelamento de interferência são os exemplos mais representativos de áreas onde a informação de localização pode ser útil. Soluções de localização típicas dependem de medições e de aproveitamento de métricas de sinal dependentes da distância, tais como a potência do sinal recebido, o tempo ou ângulo de chegada. São mais baratos e fáceis de implementar do que sistemas de localização dedicados com base em fingerprinting, com a desvantagem da perda de precisão. Consequentemente, algoritmos inteligentes de localização e técnicas de processamento de sinal têm de ser aplicados para compensar a falta de precisão das estimativas de distância. A cooperação entre nodos é usada nos casos em que as técnicas convencionais de posicionamento não têm um bom desempenho devido à inexistência de infraestrutura adequada, ou a um ambiente interior com obstruções. O objetivo é ter uma arquitetura híbrida, onde alguns nós têm pontos de ligação a uma infraestrutura e simultaneamente estão interligados através ligações ad-hoc de curto alcance. A disponibilidade de equipamentos mais capazes permite cenários mais inovadores que tiram proveito de múltiplas redes de acesso de rádio, bem como ligações peer-to-peer, para o posicionamento. A seleção de ligações é usada para otimizar o equilíbrio entre o consumo de energia dos nós participantes e da qualidade da localização do alvo. A diluição geométrica de precisão e a Cramér Rao Lower Bound podem ser utilizadas como critrio para a escolha do conjunto adequado de nodos de ancoragem e as medições correspondentes antes de realizar a tarefa de estimativa de localizaçãoo. Este trabalho analisa as soluções existentes para a seleção de nós, a fim de melhorar o desempenho de localização e propõe um novo método baseado em funções de utilidade. O método proposto é então estendido para ambientes móveis e heterogéneos. Foram realizadas simulações bem como avaliação de dados de medições reais. Além disso, alguns casos específicos foram considerados, tais como a localização em cenários mal-acondicionados e uso de informação negativa. As abordagens propostas revelaram uma melhoria na precisão da estimação, ao mesmo tempo que reduziram significativamente a complexidade do cálculo, o consumo de energia e o overhead do sinal

    Fifth ERCIM workshop on e-mobility

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