293 research outputs found

    A Coalgebraic Semantics for Imperative Programming Languages

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    In the theory of programming languages, one often takes two complementary perspectives. In operational semantics, one defines and reasons about the behaviour of programs; and in denotational semantics, one abstracts away implementation details, and reasons about programs as mathematical objects or denotations. The denotational semantics should be compositional, meaning that denotations of programs are determined by the denotations of their parts. It should also be adequate with respect to operational equivalence: programs with the same denotation should be behaviourally indistinguishable. One often has to prove adequacy and compositionality independently for different languages, and the proofs are often laborious and repetitive. These proofs were provided systematically in the context of process algebras by the mathematical operational semantics framework of Turi and Plotkin – which represented transition systems as coalgebras, and program syntax by free algebras; operational specifications were given by distributive laws of syntax over behaviour. By framing the semantics on this abstract level, one derives denotational and operational semantics which are guaranteed to be adequate and compositional for a wide variety of examples. However, despite speculation on the possibility, it is hard to apply the framework to programming languages, because one obtains undesirably fine-grained behavioural equivalences, and unconventional notions of operational semantics. Moreover, the behaviour of these languages is often formalised in a different way – such as computational effects, which may be thought of as an interface between programs and external factors such as non-determinism or a variable store; and comodels, or transition systems which implement these effects. This thesis adapts the mathematical operational semantics framework to provide semantics for various classes of programming languages. After identifying the need for such an adaptation, we show how program behaviour may be characterised by final coalgebras in suitably order- enriched Kleisli categories. We define both operational and denotational semantics, first for languages with syntactic effects, and then for languages with effects and/or comodels given by a Lawvere theory. To ensure adequacy and compositionality, we define concrete and abstract operational rule-formats for these languages, based on the idea of evaluation-in-context; we give syntactic and then categorical proofs that those properties are guaranteed by operational specifications in these rule-formats.Open Acces

    Coalgebraic Operational Semantics for an Imperative Language

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    Operational semantics is a known and popular semantic method for describing the execution of programs in detail. The traditional definition of this method defines each step of a program as a transition relation. We present a new approach on how to define operational semantics as a coalgebra over a category of configurations. Our approach enables us to deal with a program that is written in a small but real imperative language containing also the common program constructs as input and output statements, and declarations. A coalgebra enables to define operational semantics in a uniform way and it describes the behavior of the programs. The state space of our coalgebra consists of the configurations modeling the actual states; the morphisms in a base category of the coalgebra are the functions defining particular steps during the program's executions. Polynomial endofunctor determines this type of systems. Another advantage of our approach is its easy implementation and graphical representation, which we illustrate on a simple program

    CoCaml: Functional Programming with Regular Coinductive Types

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    Functional languages offer a high level of abstraction, which results in programs that are elegant and easy to understand. Central to the development of functional programming are inductive and coinductive types and associated programming constructs, such as pattern-matching. Whereas inductive types have a long tradition and are well supported in most languages, coinductive types are subject of more recent research and are less mainstream. We present CoCaml, a functional programming language extending OCaml, which allows us to define recursive functions on regular coinductive datatypes. These functions are defined like usual recursive functions, but parameterized by an equation solver. We present a full implementation of all the constructs and solvers and show how these can be used in a variety of examples, including operations on infinite lists, infinitary γ-terms, and p-adic numbers

    An introduction to (Co)algebras and (Co)induction and their application to the semantics of programming languages

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    This report summarizes operational approaches to the formal semantics of programming languages and shows that they can be interpreted inductively by least fixed points as well as coinductively by greatest fixed points. While the inductive interpretation gives semantics to all terminating programs, the coinductive one defines moreover also a semantics for all non-terminating programs. This is especially important in areas where programs do not terminate in general, e.g. data bases, operating systems, or control software in embedded systems. The semantic foundations described in this report can be used to verify that transformations (e.g. in compilers) of such software systems are correct. In the course of this report, coalgebras and coinduction are introduced, starting with a gentle intuitive motivation and ending with a detailed mathematical description within the notions of category theory

    Computing with Capsules

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    Capsules provide a clean algebraic representation of the state of a computation in higher-order functional and imperative languages. They play the same role as closures or heap- or stack-allocated environments but are much simpler. A capsule is essentially a finite coalgebraic representation of a regular closed lambda-coterm. One can give an operational semantics based on capsules for a higher-order programming language with functional and imperative features, including mutable bindings. Lexical scoping is captured purely algebraically without stacks, heaps, or closures. All operations of interest are typable with simple types, yet the language is Turing complete. Recursive functions are represented directly as capsules without the need for unnatural and untypable fixpoint combinators

    Language Constructs for Non-Well-Founded Computation

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    Recursive functions defined on a coalgebraic datatype C may not converge if there are cycles in the input, that is, if the input object is not well-founded. Even so, there is often a useful solution; for example, the free variables of an infinitary λ-term, or the expected running time of a finite-state probabilistic protocol. Theoretical models of recursion schemes have been well studied

    Layer by layer - Combining Monads

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    We develop a method to incrementally construct programming languages. Our approach is categorical: each layer of the language is described as a monad. Our method either (i) concretely builds a distributive law between two monads, i.e. layers of the language, which then provides a monad structure to the composition of layers, or (ii) identifies precisely the algebraic obstacles to the existence of a distributive law and gives a best approximant language. The running example will involve three layers: a basic imperative language enriched first by adding non-determinism and then probabilistic choice. The first extension works seamlessly, but the second encounters an obstacle, which results in a best approximant language structurally very similar to the probabilistic network specification language ProbNetKAT

    New Approach to Categorical Semantics for Procedural Languages

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    The semantics of programs written in some languages is concerned with the interpretation in various types of models. The purpose of structural operational semantics is to describe how a computation is performed. This method is one of the most popular semantic methods in the community of software engineers. It describes program behavior in the form of state changes caused by the execution of elementary steps. This feature predestinates the usage of the structural operational semantics for implementation of programming languages and also for verification purposes. Another semantic method, denotational semantics, defines changes of states by functions. In this paper a new approach to semantics is presented: behavior of programs, i.e., changes of states are modeled in the category of states. The morphisms category expresses elementary execution steps and the program execution is an oriented path in the category, i.e. composition of morphisms. Our categorical model is constructed for a simple procedural language that contains all basic van Dijkstra's constructs. We enriched our approach also with procedures forming a collection of categories interconnected by functors. This method enables the repeated call of procedures, nesting of procedure calls and recursive calls. Moreover, it allows to illustrate and accentuate dynamics of the program execution. The simplicity of this method does not exclude its mathematical exactness

    Guarded Kleene Algebra with Tests: Coequations, Coinduction, and Completeness

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    Guarded Kleene Algebra with Tests (GKAT) is an efficient fragment of KAT, as it allows for almost linear decidability of equivalence. In this paper, we study the (co)algebraic properties of GKAT. Our initial focus is on the fragment that can distinguish between unsuccessful programs performing different actions, by omitting the so-called early termination axiom. We develop an operational (coalgebraic) and denotational (algebraic) semantics and show that they coincide. We then characterize the behaviors of GKAT expressions in this semantics, leading to a coequation that captures the covariety of automata corresponding to these behaviors. Finally, we prove that the axioms of the reduced fragment are sound and complete w.r.t. the semantics, and then build on this result to recover a semantics that is sound and complete w.r.t. the full set of axioms