10 research outputs found

    An Effective Multi-Cue Positioning System for Agricultural Robotics

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    The self-localization capability is a crucial component for Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV) in farming applications. Approaches based solely on visual cues or on low-cost GPS are easily prone to fail in such scenarios. In this paper, we present a robust and accurate 3D global pose estimation framework, designed to take full advantage of heterogeneous sensory data. By modeling the pose estimation problem as a pose graph optimization, our approach simultaneously mitigates the cumulative drift introduced by motion estimation systems (wheel odometry, visual odometry, ...), and the noise introduced by raw GPS readings. Along with a suitable motion model, our system also integrates two additional types of constraints: (i) a Digital Elevation Model and (ii) a Markov Random Field assumption. We demonstrate how using these additional cues substantially reduces the error along the altitude axis and, moreover, how this benefit spreads to the other components of the state. We report exhaustive experiments combining several sensor setups, showing accuracy improvements ranging from 37% to 76% with respect to the exclusive use of a GPS sensor. We show that our approach provides accurate results even if the GPS unexpectedly changes positioning mode. The code of our system along with the acquired datasets are released with this paper.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 201

    Data-driven covariance estimation for the iterative closest point algorithm

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    Les nuages de points en trois dimensions sont un format de données très commun en robotique mobile. Ils sont souvent produits par des capteurs spécialisés de type lidar. Les nuages de points générés par ces capteurs sont utilisés dans des tâches impliquant de l’estimation d’état, telles que la cartographie ou la localisation. Les algorithmes de recalage de nuages de points, notamment l’algorithme ICP (Iterative Closest Point), nous permettent de prendre des mesures d’égo-motion nécessaires à ces tâches. La fusion des recalages dans des chaînes existantes d’estimation d’état dépend d’une évaluation précise de leur incertitude. Cependant, les méthodes existantes d’estimation de l’incertitude se prêtent mal aux données en trois dimensions. Ce mémoire vise à estimer l’incertitude de recalages 3D issus d’Iterative Closest Point (ICP). Premièrement, il pose des fondations théoriques desquelles nous pouvons articuler une estimation de la covariance. Notamment, il révise l’algorithme ICP, avec une attention spéciale sur les parties qui sont importantes pour l’estimation de la covariance. Ensuite, un article scientifique inséré présente CELLO-3D, notre algorithme d’estimation de la covariance d’ICP. L’article inséré contient une validation expérimentale complète du nouvel algorithme. Il montre que notre algorithme performe mieux que les méthodes existantes dans une grande variété d’environnements. Finalement, ce mémoire est conclu par des expérimentations supplémentaires, qui sont complémentaires à l’article.Three-dimensional point clouds are an ubiquitous data format in robotics. They are produced by specialized sensors such as lidars or depth cameras. The point clouds generated by those sensors are used for state estimation tasks like mapping and localization. Point cloud registration algorithms, such as Iterative Closest Point (ICP), allow us to make ego-motion measurements necessary to those tasks. The fusion of ICP registrations in existing state estimation frameworks relies on an accurate estimation of their uncertainty. Unfortunately, existing covariance estimation methods often scale poorly to the 3D case. This thesis aims to estimate the uncertainty of ICP registrations for 3D point clouds. First, it poses theoretical foundations from which we can articulate a covariance estimation method. It reviews the ICP algorithm, with a special focus on the parts of it that are pertinent to covariance estimation. Then, an inserted article introduces CELLO-3D, our data-driven covariance estimation method for ICP. The article contains a thorough experimental validation of the new algorithm. The latter is shown to perform better than existing covariance estimation techniques in a wide variety of environments. Finally, this thesis comprises supplementary experiments, which complement the article

    Robot Mapping and Navigation in Real-World Environments

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    Robots can perform various tasks, such as mapping hazardous sites, taking part in search-and-rescue scenarios, or delivering goods and people. Robots operating in the real world face many challenges on the way to the completion of their mission. Essential capabilities required for the operation of such robots are mapping, localization and navigation. Solving all of these tasks robustly presents a substantial difficulty as these components are usually interconnected, i.e., a robot that starts without any knowledge about the environment must simultaneously build a map, localize itself in it, analyze the surroundings and plan a path to efficiently explore an unknown environment. In addition to the interconnections between these tasks, they highly depend on the sensors used by the robot and on the type of the environment in which the robot operates. For example, an RGB camera can be used in an outdoor scene for computing visual odometry, or to detect dynamic objects but becomes less useful in an environment that does not have enough light for cameras to operate. The software that controls the behavior of the robot must seamlessly process all the data coming from different sensors. This often leads to systems that are tailored to a particular robot and a particular set of sensors. In this thesis, we challenge this concept by developing and implementing methods for a typical robot navigation pipeline that can work with different types of the sensors seamlessly both, in indoor and outdoor environments. With the emergence of new range-sensing RGBD and LiDAR sensors, there is an opportunity to build a single system that can operate robustly both in indoor and outdoor environments equally well and, thus, extends the application areas of mobile robots. The techniques presented in this thesis aim to be used with both RGBD and LiDAR sensors without adaptations for individual sensor models by using range image representation and aim to provide methods for navigation and scene interpretation in both static and dynamic environments. For a static world, we present a number of approaches that address the core components of a typical robot navigation pipeline. At the core of building a consistent map of the environment using a mobile robot lies point cloud matching. To this end, we present a method for photometric point cloud matching that treats RGBD and LiDAR sensors in a uniform fashion and is able to accurately register point clouds at the frame rate of the sensor. This method serves as a building block for the further mapping pipeline. In addition to the matching algorithm, we present a method for traversability analysis of the currently observed terrain in order to guide an autonomous robot to the safe parts of the surrounding environment. A source of danger when navigating difficult to access sites is the fact that the robot may fail in building a correct map of the environment. This dramatically impacts the ability of an autonomous robot to navigate towards its goal in a robust way, thus, it is important for the robot to be able to detect these situations and to find its way home not relying on any kind of map. To address this challenge, we present a method for analyzing the quality of the map that the robot has built to date, and safely returning the robot to the starting point in case the map is found to be in an inconsistent state. The scenes in dynamic environments are vastly different from the ones experienced in static ones. In a dynamic setting, objects can be moving, thus making static traversability estimates not enough. With the approaches developed in this thesis, we aim at identifying distinct objects and tracking them to aid navigation and scene understanding. We target these challenges by providing a method for clustering a scene taken with a LiDAR scanner and a measure that can be used to determine if two clustered objects are similar that can aid the tracking performance. All methods presented in this thesis are capable of supporting real-time robot operation, rely on RGBD or LiDAR sensors and have been tested on real robots in real-world environments and on real-world datasets. All approaches have been published in peer-reviewed conference papers and journal articles. In addition to that, most of the presented contributions have been released publicly as open source software

    A Probabilistic Treatment To Point Cloud Matching And Motion Estimation

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    Probabilistic and efficient motion estimation is paramount in many robotic applications, including state estimation and position tracking. Iterative closest point (ICP) is a popular algorithm that provides ego-motion estimates for mobile robots by matching point cloud pairs. Estimating motion efficiently using ICP is challenging due to the large size of point clouds. Further, sensor noise and environmental uncertainties result in uncertain motion and state estimates. Probabilistic inference is a principled approach to quantify uncertainty but is computationally expensive and thus challenging to use in complex real-time robotics tasks. In this thesis, we address these challenges by leveraging recent advances in optimization and probabilistic inference and present four core contributions. First is SGD-ICP, which employs stochastic gradient descent (SGD) to align two point clouds efficiently. The second is Bayesian-ICP, which combines SGD-ICP with stochastic gradient Langevin dynamics to obtain distributions over transformations efficiently. We also propose an adaptive motion model that employs Bayesian-ICP to produce environment-aware proposal distributions for state estimation. The third is Stein-ICP, a probabilistic ICP technique that exploits GPU parallelism for speed gains. Stein-ICP exploits the Stein variational gradient descent framework to provide non-parametric estimates of the transformation and can model complex multi-modal distributions. The fourth contribution is Stein particle filter, capable of filtering non-Gaussian, high-dimensional dynamical systems. This method can be seen as a deterministic flow of particles from an initial to the desired state. This transport of particles is embedded in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space where particles interact with each other through a repulsive force that brings diversity among the particles

    A closed-form estimate of 3D ICP covariance

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