2,736 research outputs found

    Parallel algorithms and architecture for computation of manipulator forward dynamics

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    Parallel computation of manipulator forward dynamics is investigated. Considering three classes of algorithms for the solution of the problem, that is, the O(n), the O(n exp 2), and the O(n exp 3) algorithms, parallelism in the problem is analyzed. It is shown that the problem belongs to the class of NC and that the time and processors bounds are of O(log2/2n) and O(n exp 4), respectively. However, the fastest stable parallel algorithms achieve the computation time of O(n) and can be derived by parallelization of the O(n exp 3) serial algorithms. Parallel computation of the O(n exp 3) algorithms requires the development of parallel algorithms for a set of fundamentally different problems, that is, the Newton-Euler formulation, the computation of the inertia matrix, decomposition of the symmetric, positive definite matrix, and the solution of triangular systems. Parallel algorithms for this set of problems are developed which can be efficiently implemented on a unique architecture, a triangular array of n(n+2)/2 processors with a simple nearest-neighbor interconnection. This architecture is particularly suitable for VLSI and WSI implementations. The developed parallel algorithm, compared to the best serial O(n) algorithm, achieves an asymptotic speedup of more than two orders-of-magnitude in the computation the forward dynamics

    Parallel algorithms for computation of the manipulator inertia matrix

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    The development of an O(log2N) parallel algorithm for the manipulator inertia matrix is presented. It is based on the most efficient serial algorithm which uses the composite rigid body method. Recursive doubling is used to reformulate the linear recurrence equations which are required to compute the diagonal elements of the matrix. It results in O(log2N) levels of computation. Computation of the off-diagonal elements involves N linear recurrences of varying-size and a new method, which avoids redundant computation of position and orientation transforms for the manipulator, is developed. The O(log2N) algorithm is presented in both equation and graphic forms which clearly show the parallelism inherent in the algorithm

    Model evaluation, recommendation and prioritizing of future work for the manipulator emulator testbed

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    The Manipulator Emulator Testbed (MET) is to provide a facility capable of hosting the simulation of various manipulator configurations to support concept studies, evaluation, and other engineering development activities. Specifically, the testbed is intended to support development of the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) and related systems. The objective of this study is to evaluate the math models developed for the MET simulation of a manipulator's rigid body dynamics and the servo systems for each of the driven manipulator joints. Specifically, the math models are examined with regard to their amenability to pipeline and parallel processing. Based on this evaluation and the project objectives, a set of prioritized recommendations are offered for future work

    Characterization of robotics parallel algorithms and mapping onto a reconfigurable SIMD machine

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    The kinematics, dynamics, Jacobian, and their corresponding inverse computations are six essential problems in the control of robot manipulators. Efficient parallel algorithms for these computations are discussed and analyzed. Their characteristics are identified and a scheme on the mapping of these algorithms to a reconfigurable parallel architecture is presented. Based on the characteristics including type of parallelism, degree of parallelism, uniformity of the operations, fundamental operations, data dependencies, and communication requirement, it is shown that most of the algorithms for robotic computations possess highly regular properties and some common structures, especially the linear recursive structure. Moreover, they are well-suited to be implemented on a single-instruction-stream multiple-data-stream (SIMD) computer with reconfigurable interconnection network. The model of a reconfigurable dual network SIMD machine with internal direct feedback is introduced. A systematic procedure internal direct feedback is introduced. A systematic procedure to map these computations to the proposed machine is presented. A new scheduling problem for SIMD machines is investigated and a heuristic algorithm, called neighborhood scheduling, that reorders the processing sequence of subtasks to reduce the communication time is described. Mapping results of a benchmark algorithm are illustrated and discussed

    Dynamics of the Orthoglide parallel robot

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    Recursive matrix relations for kinematics and dynamics of the Orthoglide parallel robot having three concurrent prismatic actuators are established in this paper. These are arranged according to the Cartesian coordinate system with fixed orientation, which means that the actuating directions are normal to each other. Three identical legs connecting to the moving platform are located on three planes being perpendicular to each other too. Knowing the position and the translation motion of the platform, we develop the inverse kinematics problem and determine the position, velocity and acceleration of each element of the robot. Further, the principle of virtual work is used in the inverse dynamic problem. Some matrix equations offer iterative expressions and graphs for the input forces and the powers of the three actuators

    An analysis of general chain systems

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    A general analysis of dynamic systems consisting of connected rigid bodies is presented. The number of bodies and their manner of connection is arbitrary so long as no closed loops are formed. The analysis represents a dynamic finite element method, which is computer-oriented and designed so that nonworking, interval constraint forces are automatically eliminated. The method is based upon Lagrange's form of d'Alembert's principle. Shifter matrix transformations are used with the geometrical aspects of the analysis. The method is illustrated with a space manipulator

    Kinematically optimal hyper-redundant manipulator configurations

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    “Hyper-redundant” robots have a very large or infinite degree of kinematic redundancy. This paper develops new methods for determining “optimal” hyper-redundant manipulator configurations based on a continuum formulation of kinematics. This formulation uses a backbone curve model to capture the robot's essential macroscopic geometric features. The calculus of variations is used to develop differential equations, whose solution is the optimal backbone curve shape. We show that this approach is computationally efficient on a single processor, and generates solutions in O(1) time for an N degree-of-freedom manipulator when implemented in parallel on O(N) processors. For this reason, it is better suited to hyper-redundant robots than other redundancy resolution methods. Furthermore, this approach is useful for many hyper-redundant mechanical morphologies which are not handled by known methods

    Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Robot Forward Dynamics Computation

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    Computing the robot forward dynamics is important for real-time computer simulation of robot arm motion. Two efficient parallel algorithms for computing the forward dynamics for real-time simulation were developed to be implemented on an SIMD computer with n. processors, where h is the number of degrees-of-freedom of the manipulator. The first parallel algorithm, based on the Composite Rigid-Body method, generates the inertia matrix using the parallel Newton-Euler algorithm, the parallel linear recurrence algorithm, and the row-sweep algorithm, and then inverts the inertia matrix to obtain the joint acceleration vector desired at time t. The time complexity of this parallel algorithm is of the order 0(n2) with 0(n) processors. Further reduction of the order of time complexity can be achieved by implementing the Cholesky’s factorization procedure on array processors. The second parallel algorithm, based on the conjugate gradient method, computes the joint accelerations with a time complexity of 0(n) for multiplication operation and 0(nlogn) for addition operation. The proposed parallel computation results are compared with the existing methods
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