3 research outputs found

    Green internet of things using UAVs in B5G networks: A review of applications and strategies

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    Recently, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) present a promising advanced technology that can enhance people life quality and smartness of cities dramatically and increase overall economic efficiency. UAVs have attained a significant interest in supporting many applications such as surveillance, agriculture, communication, transportation, pollution monitoring, disaster management, public safety, healthcare, and environmental preservation. Industry 4.0 applications are conceived of intelligent things that can automatically and collaboratively improve beyond 5G (B5G). Therefore, the Internet of Things (IoT) is required to ensure collaboration between the vast multitude of things efficiently anywhere in real-world applications that are monitored in real-time. However, many IoT devices consume a significant amount of energy when transmitting the collected data from surrounding environments. Due to a drone's capability to fly closer to IoT, UAV technology plays a vital role in greening IoT by transmitting collected data to achieve a sustainable, reliable, eco-friendly Industry 4.0. This survey presents an overview of the techniques and strategies proposed recently to achieve green IoT using UAVs infrastructure for a reliable and sustainable smart world. This survey is different from other attempts in terms of concept, focus, and discussion. Finally, various use cases, challenges, and opportunities regarding green IoT using UAVs are presented.This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 847577; and a research grant from Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) under Grant Number 16 / RC / 3918 (Ireland's European Structural and Investment Funds Programmes and the European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020)

    A Discretized Approach to Air Pollution Monitoring Using UAV-based Sensing

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    [EN] Recently, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have become a cheap alternative to sense pollution values in a certain area due to their flexibility and ability to carry small sensing units. In a previous work, we proposed a solution, called Pollution-driven UAV Control (PdUC), to allow UAVs to autonomously trace pollutant sources, and monitor air quality in the surrounding area. However, despite operational, we found that the proposed solution consumed excessive time, especially when considering the battery lifetime of current multi-rotor UAVs. In this paper, we have improved our previously proposed solution by adopting a space discretization technique. Discretization is one of the most efficient mathematical approaches to optimize a system by transforming a continuous domain into its discrete counterpart. The improvement proposed in this paper, called PdUC-Discretized (PdUC-D), consists of an optimization whereby UAVs only move between the central tile positions of a discretized space, avoiding monitoring locations separated by small distances, and whose actual differences in terms of air quality are barely noticeable. We also analyze the impact of varying the tile size on the overall process, showing that smaller tile sizes offer high accuracy at the cost of an increased flight time. Taking into account the obtained results, we consider that a tile size of 100 x 100 meters offers an adequate trade-off between flight time and monitoring accuracy. Experimental results show that PdUC-D drastically reduces the convergence time compared to the original PdUC proposal without loss of accuracy, and it also increases the performance gap with standard mobility patterns such as Spiral and Billiard.This work was partially supported by the "Programa Estatal de Investigacion, Desarrollo e Innovacion Orientada a Retos de la Sociedad, Proyecto I+D+I TEC2014-52690-R", the framework of the DIVINA Challenge Team, which is funded under the Labex MS2T program. Labex MS2T is supported by the French Government, through the program "Investments for the future" managed by the National Agency for Research (Reference: ANR-11-IDEX-0004-02), the "Programa de becas SENESCYT de la Republica del Ecuador", and the Research Direction of the University of Cuenca.Alvear-Alvear, Ó.; Tavares De Araujo Cesariny Calafate, CM.; Zema, N.; Natalizio, E.; Hernández-Orallo, E.; Cano, J.; Manzoni, P. (2018). A Discretized Approach to Air Pollution Monitoring Using UAV-based Sensing. Mobile Networks and Applications. 23(6):1693-1702. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11036-018-1065-4S16931702236Adam-poupart A, Brand A, Fournier M, Jerrett M, Smargiassi A (2014) Spatiotemporal modeling of ozone levels in Quebec (Canada): a comparison of kriging, land-use regression (LUR), and combined Bayesian Maximum entropy–LUR approaches. Environ Health Perspect 970(2013):1–19. https://doi.org/10.1289/ehp.1306566Agency U.S.E.P. (2015) Air Quality Index Available: http://cfpub.epa.gov/airnow/index.cfm?action=aqibasics.aqiAlvear O, Calafate CT, Hernández-Orallo E, Cano JC, Manzoni P (2015) Mobile Pollution Data Sensing Using UAVs The 13th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and MultimediaAlvear O, Zamora W, Calafate C, Cano JC, Manzoni P (2016) An architecture offering mobile pollution sensing with high spatial resolution. J Sens:2016Alvear O, Zema NR, Natalizio E, Calafate CT (2017) Using uav-based systems to monitor air pollution in areas with poor accessibility. J Adv Transp:2017Alvear OA, Zema NR, Natalizio E, Calafate CT (2017) A chemotactic pollution-homing uav guidance system. In: 2017 13th international Wireless communications and mobile computing conference (IWCMC). IEEE, pp 2115–2120André M (2004) The artemis european driving cycles for measuring car pollutant emissions. Sci Total Environ 334:73–84Basu P, Redi J, Shurbanov V (2004) Coordinated flocking of uavs for improved connectivity of mobile ground nodes. In: 2004 IEEE Military communications conference, MILCOM, vol 3. IEEE, pp 1628–1634Biomo JDMM, Kunz T, St-Hilaire M (2014) An enhanced gauss-markov mobility model for simulations of unmanned aerial ad hoc networks. In: 2014 7th IFIP Wireless and mobile networking conference (WMNC). IEEE, pp 1–8Bouachir O, Abrassart A, Garcia F, Larrieu N (2014) A mobility model for uav ad hoc network. 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    Enabling Human Centric Smart Campuses via Edge Computing and Connected Objects

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    Early definitions of Smart Building focused almost entirely on the technology aspect and did not suggest user interaction at all. Indeed, today we would attribute it more to the concept of the automated building. In this sense, control of comfort conditions inside buildings is a problem that is being well investigated, since it has a direct effect on users’ productivity and an indirect effect on energy saving. Therefore, from the users’ perspective, a typical environment can be considered comfortable, if it’s capable of providing adequate thermal comfort, visual comfort and indoor air quality conditions and acoustic comfort. In the last years, the scientific community has dealt with many challenges, especially from a technological point of view. For instance, smart sensing devices, the internet, and communication technologies have enabled a new paradigm called Edge computing that brings computation and data storage closer to the location where it is needed, to improve response times and save bandwidth. This has allowed us to improve services, sustainability and decision making. Many solutions have been implemented such as smart classrooms, controlling the thermal condition of the building, monitoring HVAC data for energy-efficient of the campus and so forth. Though these projects provide to the realization of smart campus, a framework for smart campus is yet to be determined. These new technologies have also introduced new research challenges: within this thesis work, some of the principal open challenges will be faced, proposing a new conceptual framework, technologies and tools to move forward the actual implementation of smart campuses. Keeping in mind, several problems known in the literature have been investigated: the occupancy detection, noise monitoring for acoustic comfort, context awareness inside the building, wayfinding indoor, strategic deployment for air quality and books preserving