4 research outputs found

    On Resource-bounded versions of the van Lambalgen theorem

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    The van Lambalgen theorem is a surprising result in algorithmic information theory concerning the symmetry of relative randomness. It establishes that for any pair of infinite sequences AA and BB, BB is Martin-L\"of random and AA is Martin-L\"of random relative to BB if and only if the interleaved sequence A⊎BA \uplus B is Martin-L\"of random. This implies that AA is relative random to BB if and only if BB is random relative to AA \cite{vanLambalgen}, \cite{Nies09}, \cite{HirschfeldtBook}. This paper studies the validity of this phenomenon for different notions of time-bounded relative randomness. We prove the classical van Lambalgen theorem using martingales and Kolmogorov compressibility. We establish the failure of relative randomness in these settings, for both time-bounded martingales and time-bounded Kolmogorov complexity. We adapt our classical proofs when applicable to the time-bounded setting, and construct counterexamples when they fail. The mode of failure of the theorem may depend on the notion of time-bounded randomness

    A Characterization of Constructive Dimension

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    In the context of Kolmogorov’s algorithmic approach to the foundations of probability, Martin-Löf defined the concept of an individual random sequence using the concept of a constructive measure 1 set. Alternate characterizations use constructive martingales and measures of impossibility. We prove a direct conversion of a constructive martingale into a measure of impossibility and vice versa, such that their success sets, for a suitably defined class of computable probability measures, are equal. The direct conversion is then generalized to give a new characterization of constructive dimensions, in particular, the constructive Hausdorff dimension and the constructive packing dimension, and their generalizations, the constructive scaled dimension and the constructive scaled strong dimension.