496 research outputs found

    Algorithms and Architectures for Secure Embedded Multimedia Systems

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    Embedded multimedia systems provide real-time video support for applications in entertainment (mobile phones, internet video websites), defense (video-surveillance and tracking) and public-domain (tele-medicine, remote and distant learning, traffic monitoring and management). With the widespread deployment of such real-time embedded systems, there has been an increasing concern over the security and authentication of concerned multimedia data. While several (software) algorithms and hardware architectures have been proposed in the research literature to support multimedia security, these fail to address embedded applications whose performance specifications have tighter constraints on computational power and available hardware resources. The goals of this dissertation research are two fold: 1. To develop novel algorithms for joint video compression and encryption. The proposed algorithms reduce the computational requirements of multimedia encryption algorithms. We propose an approach that uses the compression parameters instead of compressed bitstream for video encryption. 2. Hardware acceleration of proposed algorithms over reconfigurable computing platforms such as FPGA and over VLSI circuits. We use signal processing knowledge to make the algorithms suitable for hardware optimizations and try to reduce the critical path of circuits using hardware-specific optimizations. The proposed algorithms ensures a considerable level of security for low-power embedded systems such as portable video players and surveillance cameras. These schemes have zero or little compression losses and preserve the desired properties of compressed bitstream in encrypted bitstream to ensure secure and scalable transmission of videos over heterogeneous networks. They also support indexing, search and retrieval in secure multimedia digital libraries. This property is crucial not only for police and armed forces to retrieve information about a suspect from a large video database of surveillance feeds, but extremely helpful for data centers (such as those used by youtube, aol and metacafe) in reducing the computation cost in search and retrieval of desired videos

    An Analysis of H.264/AVC Encryption Techniques

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    The video coding standards are developed to satisfy the requirements of different applications for various purposes, higher coding efficiency, better picture quality, and more error robustness. The new international video coding standard H.264/AVC aims at having significant improvements in coding efficiency, and error robustness in comparison with the previous standards. Most of the video compression algorithms are designed based on the H.264/AVC. In this paper, the video encryption techniques of H.264/AVC are analyzed. Performance analysis of the three algorithms namely Selective, Layered and NaEF;ve is reported and its strength is discussed


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    The nowadays ubiquitous and effortless digital data capture and processing capabilities offered by the majority of devices, lead to an unprecedented penetration of multimedia content in our everyday life. To make the most of this phenomenon, the rapidly increasing volume and usage of digitised content requires constant re-evaluation and adaptation of multimedia methodologies, in order to meet the relentless change of requirements from both the user and system perspectives. Advances in Multimedia provides readers with an overview of the ever-growing field of multimedia by bringing together various research studies and surveys from different subfields that point out such important aspects. Some of the main topics that this book deals with include: multimedia management in peer-to-peer structures & wireless networks, security characteristics in multimedia, semantic gap bridging for multimedia content and novel multimedia applications

    Efficient simultaneous encryption and compression of digital videos in computationally constrained applications

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    This thesis is concerned with the secure video transmission over open and wireless network channels. This would facilitate adequate interaction in computationally constrained applications among trusted entities such as in disaster/conflict zones, secure airborne transmission of videos for intelligence/security or surveillance purposes, and secure video communication for law enforcing agencies in crime fighting or in proactive forensics. Video content is generally too large and vulnerable to eavesdropping when transmitted over open network channels so that compression and encryption become very essential for storage and/or transmission. In terms of security, wireless channels, are more vulnerable than other kinds of mediums to a variety of attacks and eavesdropping. Since wireless communication is the main mode in the above applications, protecting video transmissions from unauthorized access through such network channels is a must. The main and multi-faceted challenges that one faces in implementing such a task are related to competing, and to some extent conflicting, requirements of a number of standard control factors relating to the constrained bandwidth, reasonably high image quality at the receiving end, the execution time, and robustness against security attacks. Applying both compression and encryption techniques simultaneously is a very tough challenge due to the fact that we need to optimize the compression ratio, time complexity, security and the quality simultaneously. There are different available image/video compression schemes that provide reasonable compression while attempting to maintain image quality, such as JPEG, MPEG and JPEG2000. The main approach to video compression is based on detecting and removing spatial correlation within the video frames as well as temporal correlations across the video frames. Temporal correlations are expected to be more evident across sequences of frames captured within a short period of time (often a fraction of a second). Correlation can be measured in terms of similarity between blocks of pixels. Frequency domain transforms such as the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) have both been used restructure the frequency content (coefficients) to become amenable for efficient detection. JPEG and MPEG use DCT while JPEG2000 uses DWT. Removing spatial/temporal correlation encodes only one block from each class of equivalent (i.e. similar) blocks and remembering the position of all other block within the equivalence class. JPEG2000 compressed images achieve higher image quality than JPEG for the same compression ratios, while DCT based coding suffer from noticeable distortion at high compression ratio but when applied to any block it is easy to isolate the significant coefficients from the non-significant ones. Efficient video encryption in computationally constrained applications is another challenge on its own. It has long been recognised that selective encryption is the only viable approach to deal with the overwhelming file size. Selection can be made in the spatial or frequency domain. Efficiency of simultaneous compression and encryption is a good reason for us to apply selective encryption in the frequency domain. In this thesis we develop a hybrid of DWT and DCT for improved image/video compression in terms of image quality, compression ratio, bandwidth, and efficiency. We shall also investigate other techniques that have similar properties to the DCT in terms of representation of significant wavelet coefficients. The statistical properties of wavelet transform high frequency sub-bands provide one such approach, and we also propose phase sensing as another alternative but very efficient scheme. Simultaneous compression and encryption, in our investigations, were aimed at finding the best way of applying these two tasks in parallel by selecting some wavelet sub-bands for encryptions and applying compression on the other sub-bands. Since most spatial/temporal correlation appear in the high frequency wavelet sub-bands and the LL sub-bands of wavelet transformed images approximate the original images then we select the LL-sub-band data for encryption and the non-LL high frequency sub-band coefficients for compression. We also follow the common practice of using stream ciphers to meet efficiency requirements of real-time transmission. For key stream generation we investigated a number of schemes and the ultimate choice will depend on robustness to attacks. The still image (i.e. RF’s) are compressed with a modified EZW wavelet scheme by applying the DCT on the blocks of the wavelet sub-bands, selecting appropriate thresholds for determining significance of coefficients, and encrypting the EZW thresholds only with a simple 10-bit LFSR cipher This scheme is reasonably efficient in terms of processing time, compression ratio, image quality, as well was security robustness against statistical and frequency attack. However, many areas for improvements were identified as necessary to achieve the objectives of the thesis. Through a process of refinement we developed and tested 3 different secure efficient video compression schemes, whereby at each step we improve the performance of the scheme in the previous step. Extensive experiments are conducted to test performance of the new scheme, at each refined stage, in terms of efficiency, compression ratio, image quality, and security robustness. Depending on the aspects of compression that needs improvement at each refinement step, we replaced the previous block coding scheme with a more appropriate one from among the 3 above mentioned schemes (i.e. DCT, Edge sensing and phase sensing) for the reference frames or the non-reference ones. In subsequent refinement steps we apply encryption to a slightly expanded LL-sub-band using successively more secure stream ciphers, but with different approaches to key stream generation. In the first refinement step, encryption utilized two LFSRs seeded with three secret keys to scramble the significant wavelet LL-coefficients multiple times. In the second approach, the encryption algorithm utilises LFSR to scramble the wavelet coefficients of the edges extracted from the low frequency sub-band. These edges are mapped from the high frequency sub-bands using different threshold. Finally, use a version of the A5 cipher combined with chaotic logistic map to encrypt the significant parameters of the LL sub-band. Our empirical results show that the refinement process achieves the ultimate objectives of the thesis, i.e. efficient secure video compression scheme that is scalable in terms of the frame size at about 100 fps and satisfying the following features; high compression, reasonable quality, and resistance to the statistical, frequency and the brute force attack with low computational processing. Although image quality fluctuates depending on video complexity, in the conclusion we recommend an adaptive implementation of our scheme. Although this thesis does not deal with transmission tasks but the efficiency achieved in terms of video encryption and compression time as well as in compression ratios will be sufficient for real-time secure transmission of video using commercially available mobile computing devices

    Survey of Video Encryption Algorithms

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    Research on security of digital video transmission and storage has been gaining attention from researchers in recent times because of its usage in various applications and transmission of sensitive information through the internet. This is as a result of the swift development in efficient video compression techniques and internet technologies. Encryption which is the widely used technique in securing video communication and storage secures video data in compressed formats. This paper presents a survey of some existing video encryption techniques with an explanation on the concept of video compression. The review which also explored the performance metrics used in the evaluation and comparison of the performance of video encryption algorithms is being believed to give readers a quick summary of some of the available encryption techniques

    Balancing Compression and Encryption of Satellite Imagery

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    With the rapid developments in the remote sensing technologies and services, there is a necessity for combined compression and encryption of satellite imagery. The onboard satellite compression is used to minimize storage and communication bandwidth requirements of high data rate satellite applications. While encryption is employed to secure these resources and prevent illegal use of image sensitive information. In this paper, we propose an approach to address these challenges which raised in the highly dynamic satellite based networked environment. This approach combined compression algorithms (Huffman and SPIHT) and encryptions algorithms (RC4, blowfish and AES) into three complementary modes: (1) secure lossless compression, (2) secure lossy compression and (3) secure hybrid compression. The extensive experiments on the 126 satellite images dataset showed that our approach outperforms traditional and state of art approaches by saving approximately (53%) of computational resources. In addition, the interesting feature of this approach is these three options that mimic reality by imposing every time a different approach to deal with the problem of limited computing and communication resources

    SLEPX: An Efficient Lightweight Cipher for Visual Protection of Scalable HEVC Extension

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    This paper proposes a lightweight cipher scheme aimed at the scalable extension of the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) codec, referred to as the Scalable HEVC (SHVC) standard. This stream cipher, Symmetric Cipher for Lightweight Encryption based on Permutation and EXlusive OR (SLEPX), applies Selective Encryption (SE) over suitable coding syntax elements in the SHVC layers. This is achieved minimal computational complexity and delay. The algorithm also conserves most SHVC functionalities, i.e. preservation of bit-length, decoder format-compliance, and error resilience. For comparative analysis, results were taken and compared with other state-of-art ciphers i.e. Exclusive-OR (XOR) and the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). The performance of SLEPX is also compared with existing video SE solutions to confirm the efficiency of the adopted scheme. The experimental results demonstrate that SLEPX is as secure as AES in terms of visual protection, while computationally efficient comparable with a basic XOR cipher. Visual quality assessment, security analysis and extensive cryptanalysis (based on numerical values of selected binstrings) also showed the effectiveness of SLEPX’s visual protection scheme for SHVC compared to previously-employed cryptographic technique
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