147 research outputs found

    A Centralized Framework for Smart Access Point Selection based on the Fittingness Factor

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    Abstract: This paper focuses on addressing the Access Point (AP) selection problem by relying on a centralized controller that provides a global view of the network. This approach follows the Software-Defined Networking (SDN) concept, which has long been considered in the literature as an innovative method to control management functionalities for wired networks and that is also now becoming a hot topic in the context of Wi-Fi networks. The proposed AP selection approach is based on a novel algorithm which relies on the Fittingness Factor (FF) concept, to maximize a function that reflects the suitability of the available spectrum resources to the application requirements. Specifically, this paper describes the development of a framework that implements the FF-based algorithm for smart AP selection in a centralized controller. The simulated performance comparison of this algorithm against a strategy that maximizes the achievable data rate considered in many papers in the literature, illustrates the important achievements that have been obtained in terms of saved bandwidth and users' satisfaction

    A dynamic access point allocation algorithm for dense wireless LANs using potential game

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    This work introduces an innovative Access Point (AP) allocation algorithm for dense Wi-Fi networks, which relies on a centralised potential game developed in a Software-Defined Wireless Networking (SDWN)-based framework. The proposed strategy optimises the allocation of the Wi-Fi stations (STAs) to APs and allows their dynamic reallocation according to possible changes in the capacity of the Wi-Fi network. This paper illustrates the design of the proposed framework based on SDWN and the implementation of the potential game-based algorithm, which includes two possible strategies. The main novel contribution of this work is that the algorithm allows us to efficiently reallocate the STAs by considering external interference, which can negatively affect the capacities of the APs handled by the SDWN controller. Moreover, the paper provides a detailed performance analysis of the algorithm, which describes the significant improvements achieved with respect to the state of the art. Specifically, the results have been compared against the AP selection considered by the IEEE 802.11 standards and another centralised algorithm dealing with the same problem, in terms of the data bit rate provided to the STAs, their dissatisfaction and Quality of Experience (QoE). Finally, the paper analyses the trade-off between efficient performance and the computational complexity achieved by the strategies implemented in the proposed algorithm

    Quality of Service Oriented Access Point Selection Framework for Large Wi-Fi Networks

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    This paper addresses the problem of Access Point (AP) selection in large Wi-Fi networks. Unlike current solutions that rely on Received Signal Strength (RSS) to determine the best AP that could serve a wireless user’s request, we propose a novel framework that considers the Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of the user’s data flow. The proposed framework relies on a function reflecting the suitability of a Wi-Fi AP to satisfy the QoS requirements of the data flow. The framework takes advantage of the flexibility and centralised nature of Software Defined Networking (SDN). A performance comparison of this algorithm developed through an SDN-based simulator shows significant achievements against other state of the art solutions in terms of provided QoS and improved wireless network capacity

    Specification of Cooperative Access Points Functionalities version 2

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    The What to do With the Wi-Fi Wild West H2020 project (Wi-5) combines research and innovation to propose an architecture based on an integrated and coordinated set of smart Wi-Fi networking solutions. The resulting system will be able to efficiently reduce interference between neighbouring Access Points (APs) and provide optimised connectivity for new and emerging services. The project approach is expected to develop and incorporate a variety of different solutions, which will be made available through academic publications, in addition to other dissemination channels. This deliverable presents the specification of the second version of the Cooperative AP Functionalities that are being designed in the context of Work Package (WP) 4 of the Wi-5 project. Specifically, we present a general cooperative framework that includes functionalities for a Radio Resource Management (RRM) algorithm, which provides channel assignment and transmit power adjustment strategies, an AP selection policy, and a solution for vertical handover. The RRM achieves an important improvement for network performance in terms of several parameters through the channel assignment approach, that can be further improved by including the transmit power adjustment. The AP selection solution extends the approach presented in deliverable D4.1 based on the Fittingness Factor (FF) concept, which is a parameter for efficiently matching the suitability of the available spectrum resource to the application requirements. Moreover, the preliminary details, which will allow us to extend AP selection towards vertical handover functionality including 3G/4G networks, are also presented. The assessment of the algorithms proposed in this deliverable is illustrated through the analysis of several performance results in a simulated environment against other strategies found in the literature. Finally, a set of monitoring capabilities implemented on the Wi-5 APs and on the Wi-5 controller are illustrated. These capabilities will enable the correct deployment of the cooperative APs functionalities proposed in this deliverable in realistic scenarios


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    In the current world, most cities have WiFi Access Points (AP) in every nook and corner. Hence upraising these cities to the status of a smart city is a more easily achievable task than before. Internet-of-Things (IoT) connections primarily use WiFi standards to form the veins of a smart city. Unfortunately, this vast potential of WiFi technology in the genesis of smart cities is somehow compromised due to its failure in meeting unique Quality-of-Service (QoS) demands of smart city applications. Out of the following QoS factors; transmission link bandwidth, packet transmission delay, jitter, and packet loss rate, not all applications call for the all of the factors at the same time. Since smart city is a pool of drastically unrelated services, this variable demand can actually be advantageous to optimize the network performance. This thesis work is an attempt to achieve one of those QoS demands, namely packet delivery latency. Three algorithms are developed to alleviate traffic load imbalance at APs so as to reduce packet forwarding delay. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is making its way in the network world to be of great use and practicality. The algorithms make use of SDN features to control the connections to APs in order to achieve the delay requirements of smart city services. Real hardware devices are used to imitate a real-life scenario of citywide coverage consisting of WiFi devices and APs that are currently available in the market with neither of those having any additional requirements such as support for specific roaming protocol, running a software agent or sending probe packets. Extensive hardware experimentation proves the efficacy of the proposed algorithms

    QoS aware radio access technology selection framework in heterogeneous networks using SDN

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    This paper addresses the problem of radio access technology (RAT) selection in heterogeneous networks (HetNets). Current approaches rely on signal related metrics such as signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR) for selection of the best network for the wireless user. However, such approaches do not take into account the quality of service (QoS) requirements of wireless users and therefore often do not connect them to the most suitable network. We propose a QoS aware RAT selection framework for HetNets based on software-defined networking (SDN). The proposed framework implements a RAT selection strategy that reflects QoS requirements of downlink flows using a metric called fittingness factor (FF). The framework relies on the flexibility and centralised nature of SDN to implement monitoring and RAT capacity assessment mechanisms that help in the realisation of the selection strategy. The simulation campaign illustrates the important gains achieved by our RAT selection framework in terms of data rates assigned to the wireless users, their satisfaction, and their quality of experience (QoE) compared against other state of the art RAT selection solutions