8 research outputs found

    Um relato de experiência sobre a introdução da modelagem de processo de negócio para entendimento e validação de requisitos de um sistema de informação para gestão de vertedouro

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    Este artigo apresenta discussões sobre a utilização de Business Process Management Notation (BPMN) para a compreensão da dinâmica de um Sistema de Informações voltado à Gestão de Vertedouros de Usinas Hidrelétricas, que embarca uma metodologia experimental específica para quantificação de desgaste superficial. Como resultado geral do trabalho, o processo de construção dos diagramas utilizando a notação BMPN viabilizou importante discussão entre a equipe de desenvolvedores e especialistas do domínio. Os diagramas contribuíram para validar o documento de requisitos e também o protótipo do Sistema, que estão sendo devidamente atualizados. Destaca-se a importância da aplicação da execução do BPMN que viabilizou a análise dos requisitos elicitados e documentados e também a análise do protótipo implementado, possibilitando identificar requisitos não previstos, incompletos, inconsistentes, ambíguos ou incorretos para o Sistema em questão. Os diagramas contribuem também para facilitar e agilizar a inserção de novos integrantes à equipe de desenvolvedores

    Evidencia empírica de la influencia de atributos contextuales en el proceso de educción de requisitos del software

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    The requirements elicitation uses several techniques to capture information relevant to the shaping of software requirements. However, the effectiveness of these techniques depends on the context in which this occurs. This article aims to analyze the empirical evidence of the influence of these contextual attributes. For this, a systematic and non-systematic review of the literature was conducted to determine which are these attributes and perform a test of the theoretical and empirical studies related. The result of this analysis showed that almost half of contextual attributes has not been studied empirically, which means a low coordination between theory and empiricism. Also, for only a third of the attributes consistent evidence of their influence was found. This study helps to guide future empirical research on requirements elicitation pointing put possible experimental factors to consider.La educción de requisitos utiliza varias técnicas para capturar la información relevante para la conformación de los requisitos del software. Sin embargo, la efectividad de estas técnicas depende del contexto en que este ocurre. Este artículo pretende analizar la evidencia empírica existente de la influencia de los atributos de este contexto. Para ello, se realiza una revisión sistemática y no sistemática de la literatura científica para determinar cuáles son estos atributos y llevar a cabo un contraste de los estudios teóricos y empíricos relacionados. El resultado de este análisis arrojó que casi la mitad de los atributos contextuales no se han estudiado empíricamente, lo que significa una baja coordinación entre teoría y empirismo. Además, para sólo un tercio de los atributos se halló evidencia consistente de su influencia. Este estudio pretende contribuir a orientar futura investigación empírica sobre la educción de requisitos señalando los posibles factores experimentales a considerar.

    Systematizing requirements elicitation technique selection

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    Context: This research deals with requirements elicitation technique selection for software product requirements and the overselection of open interviews. Objectives: This paper proposes and validates a framework to help requirements engineers select the most adequate elicitation techniques at any time. Method: We have explored both the existing underlying theory and the results of empirical research to build the framework. Based on this, we have deduced and put together justified proposals about the framework components. We have also had to add information not found in theoretical or empirical sources. In these cases, we drew on our own experience and expertise. Results: A new validated approach for requirements technique selection. This new approach selects tech- niques other than open interview, offers a wider range of possible techniques and captures more require- ments information. Conclusions: The framework is easily extensible and changeable. Whenever any theoretical or empirical evidence for an attribute, technique or adequacy value is unearthed, the information can be easily added to the framework

    A case study validation of a knowledge-based approach for the selection of requirements engineering techniques

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    Requirements engineering (RE) is a critical phase in the software engineering process and plays a vital role in ensuring the overall quality of a software product. Recent research has shown that industry increasingly recognizes the importance of good RE practices and the use of appropriate RE techniques. However, due to the large number of RE techniques, requirements engineers find it challenging to select suitable techniques for a particular project. Unfortunately, technique selection based on personal experience has limitations with regards to the scope, effectiveness and suitability of the RE techniques for the project at hand. In this paper, a Knowledge-based Approach for the Selection of Requirements Engineering Techniques (KASRET) is proposed that helps during RE techniques selection. This approach has three major features. First, a library of requirements techniques was developed which includes detailed knowledge about RE techniques. Second, KASRET integrates advantages of different knowledge representation schemata and reasoning mechanisms. Thus, KASRET provides mechanisms for the management of knowledge about requirements techniques and support for RE process development. Third, as a major decision support mechanism, an objective function evaluates the overall ability and cost of RE techniques, which is helpful for the selection of RE techniques. This paper makes not only a contribution to RE but also to research and application of knowledge management and decision support in process development. A case study using an industrial project shows the support of KASRET for RE techniques selection.Li Jiang, Armin Eberlein and Behrouz H. Fa

    Data-Driven Decision Making as a Tool to Improve Software Development Productivity

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    The worldwide software project failure rate, based on a survey of information technology software manager\u27s view of user satisfaction, product quality, and staff productivity, is estimated to be between 24% and 36% and software project success has not kept pace with the advances in hardware. The problem addressed by this study was the limited information about software managers\u27 experiences with data-driven decision making (DDD) in agile software organizations as a tool to improve software development productivity. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore how agile software managers view DDD as a tool to improve software development productivity and to understand how agile software development organizations may use DDD now and in the future to improve software development productivity. Research questions asked about software managers\u27, project managers\u27, and agile coaches\u27 lived experiences with DDD via a set of interview questions. The conceptual framework for the research was based on the 3 critical dimensions of software organization productivity improvement: people, process, and tools, which were defined by the Software Engineering Institute\u27s Capability Maturity Model Integrated published in 2010. Organizations focus on processes to align the people, procedures and methods, and tools and equipment to improve productivity. Positive social change could result from a better understanding of DDD in an agile software development environment; this increased understanding of DDD could enable organizations to create more products, offer more jobs, and better compete in a global economy

    Groupware requirements evolution patterns

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    Requirements evolution is a generally known problem in software development. Requirements are known to change all throughout a system's lifecycle. Nevertheless, requirements evolution is a poorly understood phenomenon. Most studies on requirements evolution focus on changes to written specifications and on software architecture and design. Usually, the focus is when the software is under development. Little is known about how requirements evolve when software is put into use.\ud Groupware is an example of an application domain in which the requirements continue to evolve after the system is deployed to the organization. Groupware is any ICT (software + hardware) application that supports the cooperative processes of individuals working as a group. Increasingly, groupware functionality is becoming more present in today's business applications and large information systems. The cooperative processes supported by a groupware application have no structure. Rather, its structure evolves in a way that cannot be specified in advance and arises spontaneously. Therefore, how a groupware system will be used in its operating enviroment cannot be anticipated in advance. There is also the added complication that groupware requirements are difficult to elicit due to the elusive nature of cooperative work. As software for supporting the cooperative processes of people working together, groupware technology has the potential to bring about profound organizational changes. Various studies of groupware implementation point to emergent organizational properties. The interaction between users and software leads to improvements in performance, new forms of communication, changes to group structure and functioning, all of which indicate that requirements have changed.\ud This study is an empirical investigation of requirements evolution for groupware systems in use by means of case studies. Its goal is to contribute to the development of a theory of requirements evolution. A conceptual framework offering an integrated view of requirements as a collection of domains was developed to guide and structure the investigation. The view takes the broad dimensions of business, software, problems, and solutions as requirements thus giving rise to four domains of requirements: business problem, business solution, software product concept, and software solution specification. Requirements evolution is initially formulated as the change in requirements over the course of time.\ud The application domain of groupware was chosen as the empirical setting in which to observe requirements evolution during system use. Four case studies of groupware implementations were conducted. Two failed implementation and two successful implementations were investigated. The conceptual framework is used to analyze the cases and is updated and improved based on an evaluation of how useful has it been in providing insights about requirements evolution. A final version of the framework is developed and this is used to analyze the last two case studies.\ud The results include the discovery of impact relations: commonly recurring mechanisms by which changed and new requirements lead to other requirements in different areas. Ultimately, requirements evolution is the resolution of a breakdown or an initiative resulting in an impact relation. The most important contribution of this research is a set of requirements evolution patterns: aggregations of impact relation sequences that explain the mechanisms underlying awkwardly familiar patterns of behavior in system implementation

    Formaciones imaginarias del diseñador gráfico en el discurso del campo académico.

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    En este trabajo se describe un proyecto de tesis doctoral en el que se analiza el discurso sobre el diseñador gráfico. Se parte del supuesto de que existe una tricotomía de su perfil: 1) el campo profesional, 2) el campo educativo y, 3) el campo académico. Proponemos que dicha tricotomía permite la identificación de imaginarios sobre el tema, y no solo eso, sino que también aporta elementos que conforman la identidad (Bauman, 2002) de un diseñador gráfico. La pregunta de investigación es ¿Cuál es la identidad discursiva del diseñador gráfico en el campo académico? La investigación descrita es de tipo cualitativo y deductivo; para la construcción la identidad discursiva (Van Dijk, T; 2008) del diseñador gráfico, se toman en cuenta diversas publicaciones: principalmente investigaciones y breves artículos difundidos en comunidades/foros de reflexión y debate en torno a la temática, además de memorias de congresos y libros. En apoyo al desarrollo del proyecto se ha diseñado un Laboratorio de Intervención en el Diseño, cuyos objetivos son impulsar el desarrollo social y cultural de los diseñadores gráficos por medio de la investigación, educación continua, producción y vinculación. En un primer acercamiento a las formaciones imaginarias (Pêcheux, 1978) sobre la identidad del diseñador gráfico se centran en el grado de erudición para la ejecución de su trabajo, en la cultura que demuestran y en la autonomía con la que producen