382,704 research outputs found

    What’s Love Got to Do with It?

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    The life and work of student life professionals provide the glue in the academy. Being attentive to students’ health, well-being, success, and leadership development is what we do. It is what keeps the heart of our institutions beating. While dedication to this field requires passion, it can also run us dry. Love for the profession and love for oneself are essential to be whole, resilient professionals and human beings. Professional development includes personal development. This article is both a scholarly personal narrative and a call to action. It weaves the voices of a young professional and her mentor through their own journeys of discovery with research in the importance of heart in higher education. This article offers insight about the need to integrate the essential inner work of self-love into our profession

    Librarian as Researcher

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    In this webinar, four Institute for Research Design in Librarianship (IRDL) scholars shared how their research projects have developed over time, the IRDL application process, and how participants can also embrace the Librarian as Researcher role. This session reviewed the IRDL 2017 call for applications, and discussed how librarians with a passion for research and a desire to improve their research skills may utilize IRDL

    Saveski, Z & Demiri, M (2014) ''Nationalism in(out) Context, The cooperation between Albanians and Macedonians from Ilinden Uprising to Peoples-liberating war”, Skopje: Solidarity (REVIEW)

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    Inspired by the work of the authors Zdravko Saveski and Mariglen Demiri called ''Nationalism (n) context'' that even in the preface to call for a paradigm shift, in which the policies and institutions have to leave the passion of nationalism. In addition, inevitably it must be noted that the paper is written in two-national languages, Macedonian and Albanian

    Lines of Flight: Everyday Resistance along England’s Backbone

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    The visual and the cultural impact of ‘social industry’ has made a permanent impression on the landscape and on individual minds, whether for ill or for good, particularly in the Peak and Pennines region of northern England. In the current research we examine this impact and consider how both its visible and less apparent effects took hold and how they set in motion an ongoing process of productive/consumptive estrangement from life’s primordial forces, which continue to be alien and obscure, or else appear arcane and overly nostalgic to present-day life. Drawing on the methodology of a short film (incorporating narrative and verse) and using rock climbing as an illustration, we will invoke several, radically dynamic ‘lines of flight’ to open up and articulate an aesthetic appreciation of concrete experience in the fight against coding and to engender a call for action and passion so that we might come to a renewed belief in free activity, which can prompt us, in turn, to think about how we live and work and how we might change things


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    All the contributors to this memorial issue of Coolabah were close to Serge Liberman and each has written in the way they have felt fit to honour Serge’s legacy as a writer, medical practitioner, intellectual, his profound humanity and understanding of human nature. Serge left behind him what we call “a golden wake” for others to follow. His life and work are an example to us all of passion and humanity. He will not be forgotten

    Lines of Flight: Everyday Resistance along England’s Backbone

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    The visual and the cultural impact of ‘social industry’ has made a permanent impression on the landscape and on individual minds, whether for ill or for good, particularly in the Peak and Pennines region of northern England. In the current research we examine this impact and consider how both its visible and less apparent effects took hold and how they set in motion an ongoing process of productive/consumptive estrangement from life’s primordial forces, which continue to be alien and obscure, or else appear arcane and overly nostalgic to present-day life. Drawing on the methodology of a short film (incorporating narrative and verse) and using rock climbing as an illustration, we will invoke several, radically dynamic ‘lines of flight’ to open up and articulate an aesthetic appreciation of concrete experience in the fight against coding and to engender a call for action and passion so that we might come to a renewed belief in free activity, which can prompt us, in turn, to think about how we live and work and how we might change things.

    X Marks Nothing: Chiasmus and Kenosis in Kaija Saariaho\u27s La Passion de Simone

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    Composer Kaija Saariaho’s 2006 work La Passion de Simone often leaves audiences and critics at a loss to understand what they have witnessed. The title, subject, and sparse libretto only complicate this confusion. The genre of the work is ambiguous to many; some critics call it an opera, some an oratorio. Because the subject of the work, French philosopher Simone Weil, is widely unknown to the public, her placement within the framework of a Passion is often met with confusion if not criticism. By fusing Weil’s life and philosophical ideas in this work, Saariaho explores how the awareness of the mind and the life of the body are experienced simultaneously, but in multiple dimensions. Weil was determined to merge these dimensions in her own life, and La Passion honors her philosophy in its unique structure, that of a cross or chiasm. Saariaho presents the story linearly, yet that linear path is only one dimension of the essence of Weil’s life captured within La Passion. The profundity of her thought and the conclusions she drew about the necessity of self-emptying, of kenosis, are the supportive axis upon which the work rests. Amin Maalouf’s libretto is obscure, constructed of allusions and aphorisms; the music is impassioned, alternately transcendent and violent, and sometimes seemingly unrelated to the libretto. This dissertation examines the relationship of the libretto to the structure and materials of the music. It pursues answers to questions most often asked about this work, “Can this legitimately be defined as a Passion?” and more specifically “How does this work communicate Weil’s life and ideas?” My conclusion is that Saariaho has created a work of musical ekphrasis, transforming the essence of Weil’s life and philosophy into a musical structure presented as an object for contemplation. La Passion de Simone can, indeed, be defined as a passion oratorio not despite Weil’s placement within the work, but because of it

    My Colored Identity

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    As we shuffled through the cards we came upon a card with a black square on it. Kristen didn’t hesitate: “Why do they call you black? You’re brown.” She held the black card against my arm. I couldn’t figure out what to say. I had never really thought about it. Ashley Daniels is a freshman IDLS major with a minor in elementary education. In addition to teaching, she has a passion for writing and would like to make her mark on the literary world. Ashley says she hopes [her] teaching and writing will have a positive impact on others

    Nazava: Impact Report

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    Our research project interviewed various individuals involved in the selling process, and each person spoke of passion for clean water and the filters. Whether government leaders or school children, it is evident that great hope has been placed in Nazava as the island’s answer to a much-needed water sanitation process. Village leaders have become resellers of Nazava’s filters, and purchase their own filters to lead by example as they encourage villagers to use a filter too. School children excitedly call the filters “magic” as they have never seen such an immediate way to get fresh drinking water

    Factors that impact measures of grit among nursing students : a journey emblematic of the koi fish

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    Grit is the capacity to persevere, to have passion, and be committed to achieve goals long-term regardless of adversity or challenge. Grit provides an insight into why some nursing students succeed academically or clinically, while others do not. This quantitative cross-sectional correlational study measured levels of grit among nursing students undertaking a three-year bachelor's degree program. All students (n = 2349) within the program were invited to complete a questionnaire which included the short grit scale (Grit-S) which measured each student's level of perseverance and passion. Overall, it was highlighted that increased levels of grit correlated with an increase in the student's year of study, greater perceived clinical and academic performance, not using television as a motivator for entry to nursing, being lower on the socio-economic spectrum, and being older in age. Grit was found to develop exponentially as students entered second and third years, suggesting that a balance of constant academic and clinical challenge was an impetus for many to achieve in the face of adversity, and is reminiscent of the journey of the koi fish. This paper culminates in a call for educators to consider the inclusion of creative grit forming challenges that focus on developing a student's sense of open-mindedness within first year of undergraduate nursing programs
