1,106 research outputs found

    VFCFinder: Seamlessly Pairing Security Advisories and Patches

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    Security advisories are the primary channel of communication for discovered vulnerabilities in open-source software, but they often lack crucial information. Specifically, 63% of vulnerability database reports are missing their patch links, also referred to as vulnerability fixing commits (VFCs). This paper introduces VFCFinder, a tool that generates the top-five ranked set of VFCs for a given security advisory using Natural Language Programming Language (NL-PL) models. VFCFinder yields a 96.6% recall for finding the correct VFC within the Top-5 commits, and an 80.0% recall for the Top-1 ranked commit. VFCFinder generalizes to nine different programming languages and outperforms state-of-the-art approaches by 36 percentage points in terms of Top-1 recall. As a practical contribution, we used VFCFinder to backfill over 300 missing VFCs in the GitHub Security Advisory (GHSA) database. All of the VFCs were accepted and merged into the GHSA database. In addition to demonstrating a practical pairing of security advisories to VFCs, our general open-source implementation will allow vulnerability database maintainers to drastically improve data quality, supporting efforts to secure the software supply chain

    The Survey of the Code Clone Detection Techniques and Process with Types (I, II, III and IV)

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    In software upgradation code clones are regularly utilized. So, we can contemplate on code location strategies goes past introductory code. In condition of-craftsmanship on clone programming study, we perceived the absence of methodical overview. We clarified the earlier research-in view of deliberate and broad database find and the hole of research for additionally think about. Software support cost is more than outlining cost. Code cloning is useful in several areas like detecting library contents, understanding program, detecting malicious program, etc. and apart from pros several serious impact of code cloning on quality, reusability and continuity of software framework. In this paper, we have discussed the code clone and its evolution and classification of code clone. Code clone is classified into 4 types namely Type I, Type II, III and IV. The exact code as well as copied code is depicted in detail for each type of code clone. Several clone detection techniques such as: Text, token, metric, hybrid based techniques were studied comparatively. Comparison of detection tools such as: clone DR, covet, Duploc, CLAN, etc. based on different techniques used are highlighted and cloning process is also explained. Code clones are identical segment of source code which might be inserted intentionally or unintentionally. Reusing code snippets via copying and pasting with or without minor alterations is general task in software development. But the existence of code clones may reduce the design structure and quality of software like changeability, readability and maintainability and hence increase the continuation charges

    SlicerAstro: a 3-D interactive visual analytics tool for HI data

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    SKA precursors are capable of detecting hundreds of galaxies in HI in a single 12 hours pointing. In deeper surveys one will probe more easily faint HI structures, typically located in the vicinity of galaxies, such as tails, filaments, and extraplanar gas. The importance of interactive visualization has proven to be fundamental for the exploration of such data as it helps users to receive immediate feedback when manipulating the data. We have developed SlicerAstro, a 3-D interactive viewer with new analysis capabilities, based on traditional 2-D input/output hardware. These capabilities enhance the data inspection, allowing faster analysis of complex sources than with traditional tools. SlicerAstro is an open-source extension of 3DSlicer, a multi-platform open source software package for visualization and medical image processing. We demonstrate the capabilities of the current stable binary release of SlicerAstro, which offers the following features: i) handling of FITS files and astronomical coordinate systems; ii) coupled 2-D/3-D visualization; iii) interactive filtering; iv) interactive 3-D masking; v) and interactive 3-D modeling. In addition, SlicerAstro has been designed with a strong, stable and modular C++ core, and its classes are also accessible via Python scripting, allowing great flexibility for user-customized visualization and analysis tasks.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, Accepted by Astronomy and Computing. SlicerAstro link: https://github.com/Punzo/SlicerAstro/wiki#get-slicerastr

    Interaction-aware development environments: recording, mining, and leveraging IDE interactions to analyze and support the development flow

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    Nowadays, software development is largely carried out using Integrated Development Environments, or IDEs. An IDE is a collection of tools and facilities to support the most diverse software engineering activities, such as writing code, debugging, and program understanding. The fact that they are integrated enables developers to find all the tools needed for the development in the same place. Each activity is composed of many basic events, such as clicking on a menu item in the IDE, opening a new user interface to browse the source code of a method, or adding a new statement in the body of a method. While working, developers generate thousands of these interactions, that we call fine-grained IDE interaction data. We believe this data is a valuable source of information that can be leveraged to enable better analyses and to offer novel support to developers. However, this data is largely neglected by modern IDEs. In this dissertation we propose the concept of "Interaction-Aware Development Environments": IDEs that collect, mine, and leverage the interactions of developers to support and simplify their workflow. We formulate our thesis as follows: Interaction-Aware Development Environments enable novel and in- depth analyses of the behavior of software developers and set the ground to provide developers with effective and actionable support for their activities inside the IDE. For example, by monitoring how developers navigate source code, the IDE could suggest the program entities that are potentially relevant for a particular task. Our research focuses on three main directions: 1. Modeling and Persisting Interaction Data. The first step to make IDEs aware of interaction data is to overcome its ephemeral nature. To do so we have to model this new source of data and to persist it, making it available for further use. 2. Interpreting Interaction Data. One of the biggest challenges of our research is making sense of the millions of interactions generated by developers. We propose several models to interpret this data, for example, by reconstructing high-level development activities from interaction histories or measure the navigation efficiency of developers. 3. Supporting Developers with Interaction Data. Novel IDEs can use the potential of interaction data to support software development. For example, they can identify the UI components that are potentially unnecessary for the future and suggest developers to close them, reducing the visual cluttering of the IDE

    Don't keep it under your hat: A Fez design description and case study

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    Fez is the University of Queensland’s (UQ) new digital repository management and workflow system. Robust and scalable, the open source system is Fedora-based and provides easy access to electronic content like theses, book chapters, articles and research output. Fez is based on PHP and MySQL and provides a user-friendly front-end to Fedora 2.1.1+. Highly flexible and configurable, Fez is an advanced administration and content management tool for digital repositories. This case study will show how Fez can be easily customised to manage a large, multi-user content entry project with complex security requirements. This capability is highlighted in UQ’s current Research Assessment Exercise (RAE), which will see international expert panels assessing multiple research articles from the University’s academic staff. Academic staff from different schools and centres must nominate their top three research works from the last five years to be deposited into Fez for review. Specific content models were developed to meet the reporting requirements of the RAE, including a 'citation view' facility, with links to either the object's digital object identifier or to a locally housed version of the file to grant reviewers full access to materials. To simplify metadata creation, Fez was integrated with data feeds from UQ central human resource systems to provide rich form controls based on cutting-edge AJAX technology. For example, an 'author suggest' control was developed to assist users by predicting an author’s name as it is typed, based on an institutional academic staff list. Fez is also being prepared for federated authentication and authorization based on the international standard eduPerson attributes, implemented with Shibboleth technology. This will assist future RAE processes by allowing external reviewers to authenticate using their own institutions central identity provider and Fez will be able to apply access control rules for these external reviewers based on their individual eduPerson attributes

    Moving beyond Deletions: Program Simplification via Diverse Program Transformations

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    To reduce the complexity of software, Developers manually simplify program (known as developer-induced program simplification in this paper) to reduce its code size yet preserving its functionality but manual simplification is time-consuming and error-prone. To reduce manual effort, rule-based approaches (e.g., refactoring) and deletion-based approaches (e.g., delta debugging) can be potentially applied to automate developer-induced program simplification. However, as there is little study on how developers simplify programs in Open-source Software (OSS) projects, it is unclear whether these approaches can be effectively used for developer-induced program simplification. Hence, we present the first study of developer-induced program simplification in OSS projects, focusing on the types of program transformations used, the motivations behind simplifications, and the set of program transformations covered by existing refactoring types. Our study of 382 pull requests from 296 projects reveals that there exist gaps in applying existing approaches for automating developer-induced program simplification. and outlines the criteria for designing automatic program simplification techniques. Inspired by our study and to reduce the manual effort in developer-induced program simplification, we propose SimpT5, a tool that can automatically produce simplified programs (semantically-equivalent programs with reduced source lines of code). SimpT5 is trained based on our collected dataset of 92,485 simplified programs with two heuristics: (1) simplified line localization that encodes lines changed in simplified programs, and (2)checkers that measure the quality of generated programs. Our evaluation shows that SimpT5 are more effective than prior approaches in automating developer-induced program simplification

    Architectural Vulnerabilities in Plug-and-Play Systems

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    Plug-and-play architectures enhance systems’ extensibility by providing a framework that enables additional functionalities to be added or removed from the system at their runtime. Such frameworks are often implemented through a set of well-defined interfaces that form the extension points for the pluggable functionalities. However, the plug-ins can increase the applications attack surface or introduce untrusted behavior into the system. Designing a secure plug-and-play architecture is critical and non-trivial as the features provided by plug-ins are not known in advance. In this paper, we conduct an in-depth study of seven systems with plug-and-play architectures. In total, we have analyzed 3,183 vulnerabilities from Chromium, Thunderbird, Firefox, Pidgin, WordPress, Apache OfBiz, and OpenMRS whose core architecture is based on a plug-and-play approach. We have also identified the common security vulnerabilities related to the plug-and-play architectures, and mechanisms to mitigate them by following a grounded theory approach. We found a total of 303 vulnerabilities that are rooted in extensibility design decisions. We also observed that these plugin-related vulnerabilities were caused by 15 different types of problems. We present these 15 types of security issues observed in the case studies and the design mechanisms that could prevent such vulnerabilities. Finally, as a result of this study, we have used formal modeling in order to guide developers of plug and play systems in verifying that their architectures are free of many of these types of security issues
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