789 research outputs found

    On a class of intersection graphs

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    Given a directed graph D = (V,A) we define its intersection graph I(D) = (A,E) to be the graph having A as a node-set and two nodes of I(D) are adjacent if their corresponding arcs share a common node that is the tail of at least one of these arcs. We call these graphs facility location graphs since they arise from the classical uncapacitated facility location problem. In this paper we show that facility location graphs are hard to recognize and they are easy to recognize when the graph is triangle-free. We also determine the complexity of the vertex coloring, the stable set and the facility location problems on that class

    New bounds for the max-kk-cut and chromatic number of a graph

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    We consider several semidefinite programming relaxations for the max-kk-cut problem, with increasing complexity. The optimal solution of the weakest presented semidefinite programming relaxation has a closed form expression that includes the largest Laplacian eigenvalue of the graph under consideration. This is the first known eigenvalue bound for the max-kk-cut when k>2k>2 that is applicable to any graph. This bound is exploited to derive a new eigenvalue bound on the chromatic number of a graph. For regular graphs, the new bound on the chromatic number is the same as the well-known Hoffman bound; however, the two bounds are incomparable in general. We prove that the eigenvalue bound for the max-kk-cut is tight for several classes of graphs. We investigate the presented bounds for specific classes of graphs, such as walk-regular graphs, strongly regular graphs, and graphs from the Hamming association scheme

    Scalable Kernelization for Maximum Independent Sets

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    The most efficient algorithms for finding maximum independent sets in both theory and practice use reduction rules to obtain a much smaller problem instance called a kernel. The kernel can then be solved quickly using exact or heuristic algorithms---or by repeatedly kernelizing recursively in the branch-and-reduce paradigm. It is of critical importance for these algorithms that kernelization is fast and returns a small kernel. Current algorithms are either slow but produce a small kernel, or fast and give a large kernel. We attempt to accomplish both of these goals simultaneously, by giving an efficient parallel kernelization algorithm based on graph partitioning and parallel bipartite maximum matching. We combine our parallelization techniques with two techniques to accelerate kernelization further: dependency checking that prunes reductions that cannot be applied, and reduction tracking that allows us to stop kernelization when reductions become less fruitful. Our algorithm produces kernels that are orders of magnitude smaller than the fastest kernelization methods, while having a similar execution time. Furthermore, our algorithm is able to compute kernels with size comparable to the smallest known kernels, but up to two orders of magnitude faster than previously possible. Finally, we show that our kernelization algorithm can be used to accelerate existing state-of-the-art heuristic algorithms, allowing us to find larger independent sets faster on large real-world networks and synthetic instances.Comment: Extended versio

    Solving Problems on Graphs of High Rank-Width

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    A modulator of a graph G to a specified graph class H is a set of vertices whose deletion puts G into H. The cardinality of a modulator to various tractable graph classes has long been used as a structural parameter which can be exploited to obtain FPT algorithms for a range of hard problems. Here we investigate what happens when a graph contains a modulator which is large but "well-structured" (in the sense of having bounded rank-width). Can such modulators still be exploited to obtain efficient algorithms? And is it even possible to find such modulators efficiently? We first show that the parameters derived from such well-structured modulators are strictly more general than the cardinality of modulators and rank-width itself. Then, we develop an FPT algorithm for finding such well-structured modulators to any graph class which can be characterized by a finite set of forbidden induced subgraphs. We proceed by showing how well-structured modulators can be used to obtain efficient parameterized algorithms for Minimum Vertex Cover and Maximum Clique. Finally, we use well-structured modulators to develop an algorithmic meta-theorem for deciding problems expressible in Monadic Second Order (MSO) logic, and prove that this result is tight in the sense that it cannot be generalized to LinEMSO problems.Comment: Accepted at WADS 201

    Bin Packing and Related Problems: General Arc-flow Formulation with Graph Compression

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    We present an exact method, based on an arc-flow formulation with side constraints, for solving bin packing and cutting stock problems --- including multi-constraint variants --- by simply representing all the patterns in a very compact graph. Our method includes a graph compression algorithm that usually reduces the size of the underlying graph substantially without weakening the model. As opposed to our method, which provides strong models, conventional models are usually highly symmetric and provide very weak lower bounds. Our formulation is equivalent to Gilmore and Gomory's, thus providing a very strong linear relaxation. However, instead of using column-generation in an iterative process, the method constructs a graph, where paths from the source to the target node represent every valid packing pattern. The same method, without any problem-specific parameterization, was used to solve a large variety of instances from several different cutting and packing problems. In this paper, we deal with vector packing, graph coloring, bin packing, cutting stock, cardinality constrained bin packing, cutting stock with cutting knife limitation, cutting stock with binary patterns, bin packing with conflicts, and cutting stock with binary patterns and forbidden pairs. We report computational results obtained with many benchmark test data sets, all of them showing a large advantage of this formulation with respect to the traditional ones

    JGraphT -- A Java library for graph data structures and algorithms

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    Mathematical software and graph-theoretical algorithmic packages to efficiently model, analyze and query graphs are crucial in an era where large-scale spatial, societal and economic network data are abundantly available. One such package is JGraphT, a programming library which contains very efficient and generic graph data-structures along with a large collection of state-of-the-art algorithms. The library is written in Java with stability, interoperability and performance in mind. A distinctive feature of this library is the ability to model vertices and edges as arbitrary objects, thereby permitting natural representations of many common networks including transportation, social and biological networks. Besides classic graph algorithms such as shortest-paths and spanning-tree algorithms, the library contains numerous advanced algorithms: graph and subgraph isomorphism; matching and flow problems; approximation algorithms for NP-hard problems such as independent set and TSP; and several more exotic algorithms such as Berge graph detection. Due to its versatility and generic design, JGraphT is currently used in large-scale commercial, non-commercial and academic research projects. In this work we describe in detail the design and underlying structure of the library, and discuss its most important features and algorithms. A computational study is conducted to evaluate the performance of JGraphT versus a number of similar libraries. Experiments on a large number of graphs over a variety of popular algorithms show that JGraphT is highly competitive with other established libraries such as NetworkX or the BGL.Comment: Major Revisio

    GraphCombEx: A Software Tool for Exploration of Combinatorial Optimisation Properties of Large Graphs

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    We present a prototype of a software tool for exploration of multiple combinatorial optimisation problems in large real-world and synthetic complex networks. Our tool, called GraphCombEx (an acronym of Graph Combinatorial Explorer), provides a unified framework for scalable computation and presentation of high-quality suboptimal solutions and bounds for a number of widely studied combinatorial optimisation problems. Efficient representation and applicability to large-scale graphs and complex networks are particularly considered in its design. The problems currently supported include maximum clique, graph colouring, maximum independent set, minimum vertex clique covering, minimum dominating set, as well as the longest simple cycle problem. Suboptimal solutions and intervals for optimal objective values are estimated using scalable heuristics. The tool is designed with extensibility in mind, with the view of further problems and both new fast and high-performance heuristics to be added in the future. GraphCombEx has already been successfully used as a support tool in a number of recent research studies using combinatorial optimisation to analyse complex networks, indicating its promise as a research software tool