47 research outputs found

    Advances in next-track music recommendation

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    Technological advances in the music industry have dramatically changed how people access and listen to music. Today, online music stores and streaming services offer easy and immediate means to buy or listen to a huge number of songs. One traditional way to find interesting items in such cases when a vast amount of choices are available is to ask others for recommendations. Music providers utilize correspondingly music recommender systems as a software solution to the problem of music overload to provide a better user experience for their customers. At the same time, an enhanced user experience can lead to higher customer retention and higher business value for music providers. Different types of music recommendations can be found on today's music platforms, such as Spotify or Deezer. Providing a list of currently trending music, finding similar tracks to the user's favorite ones, helping users discover new artists, or recommending curated playlists for a certain mood (e.g., romantic) or activity (e.g., driving) are examples of common music recommendation scenarios. "Next-track music recommendation" is a specific form of music recommendation that relies mainly on the user's recently played tracks to create a list of tracks to be played next. Next-track music recommendations are used, for instance, to support users during playlist creation or to provide personalized radio stations. A particular challenge in this context is that the recommended tracks should not only match the general taste of the listener but should also match the characteristics of the most recently played tracks. This thesis by publication focuses on the next-track music recommendation problem and explores some challenges and questions that have not been addressed in previous research. In the first part of this thesis, various next-track music recommendation algorithms as well as approaches to evaluate them from the research literature are reviewed. The recommendation techniques are categorized into the four groups of content-based filtering, collaborative filtering, co-occurrence-based, and sequence-aware algorithms. Moreover, a number of challenges, such as personalizing next-track music recommendations and generating recommendations that are coherent with the user's listening history are discussed. Furthermore, some common approaches in the literature to determine relevant quality criteria for next-track music recommendations and to evaluate the quality of such recommendations are presented. The second part of the thesis contains a selection of the author's publications on next- track music recommendation as follows. 1. The results of comprehensive analyses of the musical characteristics of manually created playlists for music recommendation; 2. the results of a multi-dimensional comparison of different academic and commercial next-track recommending techniques; 3. the results of a multi-faceted comparison of different session-based recommenders, among others, for the next-track music recommendation problem with respect to their accuracy, popularity bias, catalog coverage as well as computational complexity; 4. a two-phase approach to recommend accurate next-track recommendations that also match the characteristics of the most recent listening history; 5. a personalization approach based on multi-dimensional user models that are extracted from the users' long-term preferences; 6. a user study with the aim of determining the quality perception of next-track music recommendations generated by different algorithms

    Carousel Personalization in Music Streaming Apps with Contextual Bandits

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    Media services providers, such as music streaming platforms, frequently leverage swipeable carousels to recommend personalized content to their users. However, selecting the most relevant items (albums, artists, playlists...) to display in these carousels is a challenging task, as items are numerous and as users have different preferences. In this paper, we model carousel personalization as a contextual multi-armed bandit problem with multiple plays, cascade-based updates and delayed batch feedback. We empirically show the effectiveness of our framework at capturing characteristics of real-world carousels by addressing a large-scale playlist recommendation task on a global music streaming mobile app. Along with this paper, we publicly release industrial data from our experiments, as well as an open-source environment to simulate comparable carousel personalization learning problems.Comment: 14th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2020, Best Short Paper Candidate

    Let's Get It Started: Fostering the Discoverability of New Releases on Deezer

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    This paper presents our recent initiatives to foster the discoverability of new releases on the music streaming service Deezer. After introducing our search and recommendation features dedicated to new releases, we outline our shift from editorial to personalized release suggestions using cold start embeddings and contextual bandits. Backed by online experiments, we discuss the advantages of this shift in terms of recommendation quality and exposure of new releases on the service.Comment: Accepted for presentation as an "Industry Talk" at the 46th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2024

    Advances in session-based and session-aware recommendation

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    As of today, personalized item suggestions provided by an automated recommender system have become a crucial part of many online services, e.g., online shops or media streaming applications, and extensive evidence exists that such systems increase both the user experience as well as the revenue of the providers. In academia, the recommendation problem is often framed as finding suitable items that a user is not yet aware of based on his long-term preference profile. In the real world, however, this problem formulation has a number of problems. Long-term profiles, e.g., are not available for new or anonymous users and recommendations can then only be based on the few most recent interactions in an ongoing usage session. Various approaches to this highly relevant setting of session-based recommendation that recently emerged in the research community were proposed over the recent years. However, in terms of the evaluation procedure, no common standard has been established so far. In this thesis, the author, therefore, proposes a publicly available framework for reproducible research and, furthermore, fairly compares many approaches, of which some were proposed by himself. Extensive experiments and a user study surprisingly showed that comparably simple nearest-neighbor techniques usually outperform recent deep learning models across many domains, datasets, and metrics. Even if long-term preferences are available for the users, recent works indicated that it might still be beneficial to consider the ongoing session, e.g., because a user started the session with a specific intent in mind. The author of this thesis, thus, conducted a systematic statistical analysis to assess what helps recommendations in being effective in such a session-aware scenario. This analysis is based on log data from a fashion retailer and insights were, furthermore, operationalized into novel session-aware recommendation approaches. Matching items of the customer’s ongoing session, reminding him of previously inspected clothes, recommending discounted items, and considering recent trends in the community showed to be particularly effective strategies, not only for item-item recommendation but also in the related scenario of search personalization

    Investigating the efficacy of persuasive strategies on promoting fair recommendations

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    Fairness in recommender systems has gained lots of attention, considering provider and system objectives along with end-user satisfaction. However, often there are trade-offs between the objectives of different stakeholders. Music recommender systems suffer from popularity bias, meaning that songs from famous artists are widely recommended; in contrast, new artists on the same platform struggle to attract listeners. However, less popular providers might not satisfy users as much as widely-known providers; therefore, user satisfaction might decrease significantly. Consequently, there is a need to explore methods to promote recommendations from less-known providers. Previous studies have shown that explanations and persuasive explanations are beneficial for increasing user acceptance of recommended items. However, there has been little work investigating explanations for a fairness objective. This research is focused on the effect of persuasive strategies for promoting items included for the recommender's fairness objective in a music platform, highlighting which persuasive strategies can be used to create influential persuasive explanations. Results show empirical evidence of higher user satisfaction for the items accompanied by explanations. The findings of this thesis could guide the user interface design of multi-stakeholder recommender systems leading to better user satisfaction. Moreover, the impact of different demographic features and personalities on the ratings of songs from new artists is explored. Based on our results, users with different demographic characteristics and personalities are receptive to distinctive persuasive messages. This information provides a better understanding of the participants' behaviour, leading to personalized guidelines for designing persuasive fair music recommender systems. Furthermore, users' perception of persuasive strategies that they are susceptible to is compared with the actual persuasive strategies that the users were influenced by based on the rating users provided to the songs from new artists and persuasive messages individually. The comparison of the ratings yielded that users correctly identified influential and uninfluential persuasive messages with 38.25% accuracy. Scarcity was the most underestimated method; the users' perceived persuasiveness of this method was very low. However, the ratings of songs from new artists showed that this method affected users' ratings. This result shows that personalizing persuasive strategies solely based on the users' opinions about their receptiveness to the persuasive strategies might not reflect the true power of persuasion, at least in music recommendation

    Leveraging Negative Signals with Self-Attention for Sequential Music Recommendation

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    Music streaming services heavily rely on their recommendation engines to continuously provide content to their consumers. Sequential recommendation consequently has seen considerable attention in current literature, where state of the art approaches focus on self-attentive models leveraging contextual information such as long and short-term user history and item features; however, most of these studies focus on long-form content domains (retail, movie, etc.) rather than short-form, such as music. Additionally, many do not explore incorporating negative session-level feedback during training. In this study, we investigate the use of transformer-based self-attentive architectures to learn implicit session-level information for sequential music recommendation. We additionally propose a contrastive learning task to incorporate negative feedback (e.g skipped tracks) to promote positive hits and penalize negative hits. This task is formulated as a simple loss term that can be incorporated into a variety of deep learning architectures for sequential recommendation. Our experiments show that this results in consistent performance gains over the baseline architectures ignoring negative user feedback.Comment: Accepted to the 1st Workshop on Music Recommender Systems, co-located with the 17th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (MuRS @ RecSys 2023

    Algorithmic personalization and brand loyalty: An experiential perspective

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    This article explores the relationship between algorithmic personalization and brand loyalty by examining how personalization experiences are articulated within the context of music streaming consumption. Despite previous acknowledgement of the link between personalization and brand loyalty, an experientially grounded understanding of how this works has yet to be articulated. Building upon the concept of ‘experiential brand loyalty’, the Algorithmic Personalization/Depersonalization Loop highlights the development of brand loyalty through consumers’ interactions with algorithm-backed brands. Being seen and understood by the algorithm sets off an iterative, two-way learning relationship that ultimately heightens the consumers’ experience, activates positive emotions, and deepens the relational bond with the brand, leading to brand loyalty. If, however, the algorithm is unsuccessful in personalizing the service experience, a ‘depersonalization’ process can occur that erodes brand loyalty and can lead to brand switching or even consumer activism

    A content-based music recommender system

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    Music recommenders have become increasingly relevant due to increased accessibility provided by various music streaming services. Some of these streaming services, such as Spotify, include a recommender system of their own. Despite many advances in recommendation techniques, recommender systems still often do not provide accurate recommendations. This thesis provides an overview of the history and developments of music information retrieval from a more content-based perspective. Furthermore, this thesis describes recommendation as a problem and the methods used for music recommendation with special focus on content-based recommendation by providing detailed descriptions on the audio content features and content-based similarity measures used in content-based music recommender systems. Some of the presented features are used in our own content-based music recommender. Both objective and subjective evaluation of the implemented recommender system further confirm the findings of many researchers that music recommendation based solely on audio content does not provide very accurate recommendations