3 research outputs found

    An efficient meta-heuristic algorithm for solving capacitated vehicle routing problem

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    This work aims to develop an enhanced Perturbation based Variable Neighborhood Search with Adaptive Selection Mechanism (PVNS ASM) to solve the capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP). This approach combined Perturbation based Variable Neighborhood Search (PVNS) with Adaptive Selection Mechanism (ASM) to control perturbation scheme. Instead of stochastic approach, selection of perturbation scheme used in the algorithm employed an empirical selection based on success rate of each perturbation scheme along the search. The ASM helped algorithm to get more diversification degree and jumping from local optimum condition using most successful perturbation scheme empirically in the search process. A comparative analysis with existing heuristics in the literature has been performed on 21 CVRP benchmarks. The computational results proof that the developed method is competitive and very efficient in achieving high quality solution within reasonable computation time

    Flexible transit routing model considering passengers’ willingness to pay

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    This paper proposes an alternative flexible transit model with two levels of bus stops, A level and B level. A-level bus stops are fixed, while B-level bus stops are flexible and provide service only when passengers indicate a strong willingness to pay (WTP). This fare structure encourages passengers to choose bus stops with their mobile phones or computers. An optimization model of 0-1 integer-programming is formulated based on whether certain B-level stops can be serviced. With a numerical example, we compare the performance of the proposed traversing method and a tabu search algorithm, both of which are adapted to solve the model. Finally, a real case is provided to evaluate the proposed transit system against comparable systems (e.g., a fixed-route transit system and a taxi service), and the result shows that the flexible transit routing model will help both passengers and bus companies, thus creating a win-win situation

    Clusterización de clientes con atributos variables en el tiempo

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    Tesis (Magíster en Ciencias de la Ingeniería mención Logística y Gestión de Operaciones)Esta investigación aborda el problema de agrupación de clientes en zonas urbanas sobre una red de transporte con atributos dependientes del tiempo. Es decir, los tiempos de viajes entre los nodos de la red varían. Se formula un modelo de programación lineal entera mixta para el problema de agrupación de clientes dependiente del tiempo, el cual permite agrupar clientes minimizando el tiempo de viaje entre cliente y, a la vez, reducir el número de clúster formados, considerando la variación de velocidad, restricción de capacidad y de tiempo máximo de atención. Dada la complejidad del problema, el modelo propuesto permite resolver óptimamente instancias pequeñas. La metodología propuesta permite la ayuda en la toma de decisiones para empresas de distribución de última milla, identificando qué clientes abastecer con cada vehículo, en qué hora abastecerlos, qué depósitos utilizar y qué tamaño de la flota considerar. Además, permite demostrar que, en una red dependiente del tiempo, es relevante el nodo de origen de los clúster y la hora en la que son atendidos los clientes, cuando se busca reducir los costos operacionales y cumplir el nivel de servicio