6 research outputs found

    A Voltage Mode Memristor Bridge Synaptic Circuit with Memristor Emulators

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    A memristor bridge neural circuit which is able to perform signed synaptic weighting was proposed in our previous study, where the synaptic operation was verified via software simulation of the mathematical model of the HP memristor. This study is an extension of the previous work advancing toward the circuit implementation where the architecture of the memristor bridge synapse is built with memristor emulator circuits. In addition, a simple neural network which performs both synaptic weighting and summation is built by combining memristor emulators-based synapses and differential amplifier circuits. The feasibility of the memristor bridge neural circuit is verified via SPICE simulations

    Fully CMOS Memristor Based Chaotic Circuit

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    This paper demonstrates the design of a fully CMOS chaotic circuit consisting of only DDCC based memristor and inductance simulator. Our design is composed of these active blocks using CMOS 0.18 ”m process technology with symmetric ±1.25 V supply voltages. A new single DDCC+ based topology is used as the inductance simulator. Simulation results verify that the design proposed satisfies both memristor properties and the chaotic behavior of the circuit. Simulations performed illustrate the success of the proposed design for the realization of CMOS based chaotic applications

    Calculations of Vacancy Diffusivity in WO3

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    The memristor is viewed as a promising material to store digital information and has analog applications that drew researchers’ attention. Researchers explored the possibilities of using memristors to simulate synapses in the human brain. WO3 is one of the materials that can make memristors. Based on the mechanism of memristors, we know the motion of defects in WO3 changes the Schottky barrier and the current; thus, it can make the switch between high resistance state, HRS, and low resistance state, LRS. This paper will explore vacancy diffusivity in WO3. In this research, we concentrate on the cubic and monoclinic structure of WO3. We use the first principle density functional theory or DFT, and hybrid DFT to calculate the formation energy of different charge states of oxygen vacancies in WO3 and plot the graph of Fermi level to find the charge state with the lowest formation energy conditions. We use the nudged elastic band method to get the energy barrier for the vacancies to migrate inside the structure

    Memristor: A New Concept in Synchronization of Coupled Neuromorphic Circuits

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    The existence of the memristor, as a fourth fundamental circuit element, by researchers at Hewlett Packard (HP) labs in 2008, has attracted much interest since then. This occurs because the memristor opens up new functionalities in electronics and it has led to the interpretation of phenomena not only in electronic devices but also in biological systems. Furthermore, many research teams work on projects, which use memristors in neuromorphic devices to simulate learning, adaptive and spontaneous behavior while other teams on systems, which attempt to simulate the behavior of biological synapses. In this paper, the latest achievements and applications of this newly development circuit element are presented. Also, the basic features of neuromorphic circuits, in which the memristor can be used as an electrical synapse, are studied. In this direction, a flux-controlled memristor model is adopted for using as a coupling element between coupled electronic circuits, which simulate the behavior of neuron-cells. For this reason, the circuits which are chosen realize the systems of differential equations that simulate the well-known Hindmarsh-Rose and FitzHugh-Nagumo neuron models. Finally, the simulation results of the use of a memristor as an electric synapse present the effectiveness of the proposed method and many interesting dynamic phenomena concerning the behavior of coupled neuron-cells

    El memristor, aplicaciones circuitales con amplificadores operacionales

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    En esencia un elemento de circuito pasivo es un componente de vital importancia en el diseño de circuitos elĂ©ctricos y electrĂłnicos, pues es el medio por el cual la energĂ­a interactĂșa en forma de almacenamiento o absorciĂłn. Se disponen de tres elementos bĂĄsicos en la teorĂ­a clĂĄsica de circuitos los cuales son llamados el capacitor (descubierto en 1745), el resistor (descubierto en 1827) y el inductor (descubierto en 1831), pero en el año de 1971 un profesor de ingenierĂ­a elĂ©ctrica de la universidad de California, Berkeley predijo la existencia de un cuarto dispositivo fundamental, llamado el memristor comprobando que no era posible crear un duplicado de este elemento con la combinaciĂłn de los otros tres dispositivos, por lo tanto, segĂșn dicha aseveraciĂłn el memristor es un dispositivo fundamental. El presente trabajo estĂĄ enfocado en brindar una breve visiĂłn de las aplicaciones, comportamientos, modelado matemĂĄtico y adecuaciĂłn de amplificadores operacionales a la tarea de estudiar la interacciĂłn dinĂĄmica de este dispositivo de dos terminales hacia usos menos teorizados con una proyecciĂłn practica mĂĄs amplia encaminado al beneficio de estudiantes que se hallen interesados en investigar al memristor como nueva tecnologĂ­a