22 research outputs found

    Some unusual micropipeline circuits

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    Journal ArticleWe present a few unusual Micropipelines (Sutherland, CACM, September 1989) that employ the Muller C-ELEMENT or an extension of the C-ELEMENT called LOCKC (Liebchen and Gopalakrishnan, ICCD, 1992). We first describe two variations of the two-dimensional Micropipeline structure realized using ordinary C-ELEMENTs. These micropipelines can be used to control wavefront arrays (S.-Y.Kung et.al, IEEE Computer, 1987). Next, we present a ring style arbiter realized using a LocKC-based one-dimensional micropipeline. Finally, we present a solution to the symmetric crossbar arbitration problem posed by Tamir and Chi (IEEE Trans. Parallel and Dist Systems, Jan '93) using a circuit that employs the two-dimensional micropipeline as well as the LOCKC. We present various circuits to solve the symmetric crossbar arbitration problem, including ones that consume very little power when idling

    A comparative study of arbitration algorithms for the Alpha 21364 pipelined router

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    Interconnection networks usually consist of a fabric of interconnected routers, which receive packets arriving at their input ports and forward them to appropriate output ports. Unfortunately, network packets moving through these routers are often delayed due to conflicting demand for resources, such as output ports or buffer space. Hence, routers typically employ arbiters that resolve conflicting resource demands to maximize the number of matches between packets waiting at input ports and free output ports. Efficient design and implementation of the algorithm running on these arbiters is critical to maximize network performance.This paper proposes a new arbitration algorithm called SPAA (Simple Pipelined Arbitration Algorithm), which is implemented in the Alpha 21364 processor's on-chip router pipeline. Simulation results show that SPAA significantly outperforms two earlier well-known arbitration algorithms: PIM (Parallel Iterative Matching) and WFA (Wave-Front Arbiter) implemented in the SGI Spider switch. SPAA outperforms PIM and WFA because SPAA exhibits matching capabilities similar to PIM and WFA under realistic conditions when many output ports are busy, incurs fewer clock cycles to perform the arbitration, and can be pipelined effectively. Additionally, we propose a new prioritization policy called the Rotary Rule, which prevents the network's adverse performance degradation from saturation at high network loads by prioritizing packets already in the network over new packets generated by caches or memory.Mukherjee, S.; Silla Jiménez, F.; Bannon, P.; Emer, J.; Lang, S.; Webb, D. (2002). A comparative study of arbitration algorithms for the Alpha 21364 pipelined router. ACM SIGPLAN Notices. 37(10):223-234. doi:10.1145/605432.605421S223234371

    High Peformance and Low Power On-Die Interconnect Fabrics.

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    Increasing power density with technology scaling has caused stagnation in operating frequency of modern day microprocessors. This has led designers to prefer multicore architectures over complex monolithic processors to keep up with the demand for rising computing throughput. Although processing units are getting smaller and simpler, the dramatic rise of their count on a single die has made the fabric that connects these processing units increasingly complex. These interconnect fabrics have become a bottleneck in improving overall system effciency. As a result, the design paradigm for multi-core chips is gradually shifting from a core-centric architecture towards an interconnect-centric architecture, where system efficiency is limited by the fabric rather than the processing ability of any individual core. This dissertation introduces three novel and synergistic circuit techniques to improve scalability of switch fabrics to make on-die integration of hundreds to thousands of cores feasible. 1) A matrix topology is proposed for designing a fully connected switch fabric that re-uses output buses for programming, and stores shue congurations at cross points. This significantly reduces routing congestion, lowers area/power, and improves per- formance. Silicon measurements demonstrate 47% energy savings in a 64-lane SIMD processor fabricated in 65nm CMOS over a conventional implementation. 2) A novel approach to handle high radix arbitration along with data routing is proposed. It optimally uses existing cross-bar interconnect resources without requiring any additional overhead. Bandwidth exceeding 2Tb/s is recorded in a test prototype fabricated in 65nm. 3) Building on the later, a new circuit topology to manage and update priority adaptively within the switch fabric without incurring additional delay or area is then proposed. Several assist circuit techniques, such as a thyristor based sense amplifier and self regenerating bi-directional repeaters are proposed for high speed energy efficient signaling to and from the switch fabric to improve overall routing efficiency. Using these techniques a 64 x 64 switch fabric with 128b data bus fabricated in 45nm achieves a throughput of 4.5Tb/s at single cycle latency while operating at 559MHz.Ph.D.Electrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/91506/1/sudhirks_1.pd

    On packet switch design

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    Vérification fonctionnelle et validation de performance architecturale pour des tissus d'interconnexion

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    Vérification -- Validation de performance -- Tissu d'interconnexion -- Statistiques pertinentes aux tissus d'interconnexion -- XTSC de Tensilica -- Environnement de validation/vérification à haut niveau -- Concepts et description de l'environnement de validation -- Concepts et description de l'environnement de vérification -- Dualité de l'environnement de vérification et validation de performance et simulation -- Collecte de données et calculs de statistiques -- Intégration de modèles de trafic complémentaires -- Intégration d'une application complète matériel-logiciel -- Intégration d'un modèle de trafic synthétique à l'environnement -- Résultats -- Méthode de conception qui englobe la validation -- Résultats obtenus avec l'environnement à haut niveau

    Driving the Network-on-Chip Revolution to Remove the Interconnect Bottleneck in Nanoscale Multi-Processor Systems-on-Chip

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    The sustained demand for faster, more powerful chips has been met by the availability of chip manufacturing processes allowing for the integration of increasing numbers of computation units onto a single die. The resulting outcome, especially in the embedded domain, has often been called SYSTEM-ON-CHIP (SoC) or MULTI-PROCESSOR SYSTEM-ON-CHIP (MP-SoC). MPSoC design brings to the foreground a large number of challenges, one of the most prominent of which is the design of the chip interconnection. With a number of on-chip blocks presently ranging in the tens, and quickly approaching the hundreds, the novel issue of how to best provide on-chip communication resources is clearly felt. NETWORKS-ON-CHIPS (NoCs) are the most comprehensive and scalable answer to this design concern. By bringing large-scale networking concepts to the on-chip domain, they guarantee a structured answer to present and future communication requirements. The point-to-point connection and packet switching paradigms they involve are also of great help in minimizing wiring overhead and physical routing issues. However, as with any technology of recent inception, NoC design is still an evolving discipline. Several main areas of interest require deep investigation for NoCs to become viable solutions: • The design of the NoC architecture needs to strike the best tradeoff among performance, features and the tight area and power constraints of the onchip domain. • Simulation and verification infrastructure must be put in place to explore, validate and optimize the NoC performance. • NoCs offer a huge design space, thanks to their extreme customizability in terms of topology and architectural parameters. Design tools are needed to prune this space and pick the best solutions. • Even more so given their global, distributed nature, it is essential to evaluate the physical implementation of NoCs to evaluate their suitability for next-generation designs and their area and power costs. This dissertation performs a design space exploration of network-on-chip architectures, in order to point-out the trade-offs associated with the design of each individual network building blocks and with the design of network topology overall. The design space exploration is preceded by a comparative analysis of state-of-the-art interconnect fabrics with themselves and with early networkon- chip prototypes. The ultimate objective is to point out the key advantages that NoC realizations provide with respect to state-of-the-art communication infrastructures and to point out the challenges that lie ahead in order to make this new interconnect technology come true. Among these latter, technologyrelated challenges are emerging that call for dedicated design techniques at all levels of the design hierarchy. In particular, leakage power dissipation, containment of process variations and of their effects. The achievement of the above objectives was enabled by means of a NoC simulation environment for cycleaccurate modelling and simulation and by means of a back-end facility for the study of NoC physical implementation effects. Overall, all the results provided by this work have been validated on actual silicon layout

    Design and Implementation of a Multi-Class Network Architecture for Hardware Neural Networks

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt den Entwurf und die Implementierung einer Netzwerkarchitektur, welche Techniken von leitungsvermittelnden und paketvermittelnden Netzwerken verbindet, um zwei verschiedene Dienstgüten anzubieten: isochrone Verbindungen und paketbasierte Verbindungen mit bestmöglicher Zustellung. Isochrone Verbindungen verwenden reservierte Netzwerkresourcen, um eine verlustfreie Übertragung sowie eine niedrige Ende-zu-Ende Verzögerung mit begrenzter Varianz zu garantieren. Die Synchronisierung aller Netzwerkknoten sowie die Berechnung einer kompakten Reservierungsbelegung werden durch effiziente Algorithmen gelöst. Paketbasierte Übertragungen verwenden die verbleibende Bandbreite. Das Multiplexen beider Verkehrsklassen wird von einem neuartigen Bypass-Switch geleistet, der skalierbar ist in der Anzahl der Schnittstellen sowie in der externen Bandbreite und ohne eine interne Beschleunigung auskommt. Die Netzwerkarchitektur kommt in der Forschung innerhalb des FACETS Projektes mit großskaligen künstlichen neuronalen Netzen in Hardware zum Einsatz, für die Vernetzung eines verteilten Systems aus VLSI neuronalen Netzen. Axonale Verbindungen zwischen Neuronen werden mit Hilfe von isochronen Verbindungen modelliert, wohingegen paketbasierte Übertragung die Grundlage für eine systemweite gemeinsame Speicherarchitektur bildet. Der zur Laufzeit ausgeführte Teil des Netzwerkes ist in programmierbarer Logik implementiert und arbeitet mit einer externen Übertragungsrate von 3.125 Gbit/s. Die Arbeit diskutiert die anwendungsbezogenen Anforderungen an das Netzwerk, sowie dessen Entwurf und Referenzimplementierung in programmierbarer Logik und Software. Theoretische Überlegungen über die Leistungsfähigkeit werden durch Messungen und Simulationen verifiziert. Obwohl die Netzwerkarchitektur für die spezielle Anwendung mit neuronalen Netzen entworfen wurde, stellt sie eine generelle Lösung für alle Netzwerkumgebungen dar, welche isochrone Verbindungen und Paketvermittlung mit niedriger Komplexität benötigen. Die Architektur ist insbesondere für den Einsatz in der nächsten Stufe der Hardwareentwicklung des FACETS Projektes zur Vernetzung künstlicher neuronaler Netze auf Wafer-Ebene geeignet


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    Addresses the Challenges Associated with System-on-Chip Integration Network-on-Chip: The Next Generation of System-on-Chip Integration examines the current issues restricting chip-on-chip communication efficiency, and explores Network-on-chip (NoC), a promising alternative that equips designers with the capability to produce a scalable, reusable, and high-performance communication backbone by allowing for the integration of a large number of cores on a single system-on-chip (SoC). This book provides a basic overview of topics associated with NoC-based design: communication infrastructure design, communication methodology, evaluation framework, and mapping of applications onto NoC. It details the design and evaluation of different proposed NoC structures, low-power techniques, signal integrity and reliability issues, application mapping, testing, and future trends. Utilizing examples of chips that have been implemented in industry and academia, this text presents the full architectural design of components verified through implementation in industrial CAD tools. It describes NoC research and developments, incorporates theoretical proofs strengthening the analysis procedures, and includes algorithms used in NoC design and synthesis. In addition, it considers other upcoming NoC issues, such as low-power NoC design, signal integrity issues, NoC testing, reconfiguration, synthesis, and 3-D NoC design. This text comprises 12 chapters and covers: The evolution of NoC from SoC—its research and developmental challenges NoC protocols, elaborating flow control, available network topologies, routing mechanisms, fault tolerance, quality-of-service support, and the design of network interfaces The router design strategies followed in NoCs The evaluation mechanism of NoC architectures The application mapping strategies followed in NoCs Low-power design techniques specifically followed in NoCs The signal integrity and reliability issues of NoC The details of NoC testing strategies reported so far The problem of synthesizing application-specific NoCs Reconfigurable NoC design issues Direction of future research and development in the field of NoC Network-on-Chip: The Next Generation of System-on-Chip Integration covers the basic topics, technology, and future trends relevant to NoC-based design, and can be used by engineers, students, and researchers and other industry professionals interested in computer architecture, embedded systems, and parallel/distributed systems

    Design and Validation of Network-on-Chip Architectures for the Next Generation of Multi-synchronous, Reliable, and Reconfigurable Embedded Systems

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    NETWORK-ON-CHIP (NoC) design is today at a crossroad. On one hand, the design principles to efficiently implement interconnection networks in the resource-constrained on-chip setting have stabilized. On the other hand, the requirements on embedded system design are far from stabilizing. Embedded systems are composed by assembling together heterogeneous components featuring differentiated operating speeds and ad-hoc counter measures must be adopted to bridge frequency domains. Moreover, an unmistakable trend toward enhanced reconfigurability is clearly underway due to the increasing complexity of applications. At the same time, the technology effect is manyfold since it provides unprecedented levels of system integration but it also brings new severe constraints to the forefront: power budget restrictions, overheating concerns, circuit delay and power variability, permanent fault, increased probability of transient faults. Supporting different degrees of reconfigurability and flexibility in the parallel hardware platform cannot be however achieved with the incremental evolution of current design techniques, but requires a disruptive approach and a major increase in complexity. In addition, new reliability challenges cannot be solved by using traditional fault tolerance techniques alone but the reliability approach must be also part of the overall reconfiguration methodology. In this thesis we take on the challenge of engineering a NoC architectures for the next generation systems and we provide design methods able to overcome the conventional way of implementing multi-synchronous, reliable and reconfigurable NoC. Our analysis is not only limited to research novel approaches to the specific challenges of the NoC architecture but we also co-design the solutions in a single integrated framework. Interdependencies between different NoC features are detected ahead of time and we finally avoid the engineering of highly optimized solutions to specific problems that however coexist inefficiently together in the final NoC architecture. To conclude, a silicon implementation by means of a testchip tape-out and a prototype on a FPGA board validate the feasibility and effectivenes

    An integrated soft- and hard-programmable multithreaded architecture

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