73 research outputs found

    CMOS circuit implementations for neuron models

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    The mathematical neuron basic cells used as basic cells in popular neural network architectures and algorithms are discussed. The most popular neuron models (without training) used in neural network architectures and algorithms (NNA) are considered, focusing on hardware implementation of neuron models used in NAA, and in emulation of biological systems. Mathematical descriptions and block diagram representations are utilized in an independent approach. Nonoscillatory and oscillatory models are discusse

    SICNN optimisation, two dimensional implementation and comparison

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    The study investigates the process of optimisation, implementation and comparison of a Shunting Inhibitory Cellular Neural Network (SICNN) for Edge Detection. Shunting inhibition is lateral inhibition where the inhibition function is nonlinear. Cellular Neural Networks are locally interconnected nonlinear, parallel networks which can exist as either discrete time or continuous networks. The name given to Cellular Neural Networks that use shunting inhibition as their nonlinear cell interactions are called Shunting Inhibitory Cellular Neural Networks. This project report examines some existing edge detectors and thresholding techniques. Then it describes the optimisation of the connection weight matrix for SICNN with Complementary Output Processing and SICNN with Division Output Processing. The parameter values of this optimisation as well as the thresholding methods studied are used in software implementation of the SICNN. This-two dimensional SICNN edge detector is then compared to some other common edge detectors, namely the Sobel and Canny detectors. It was found that the SICNN with complementary output processing performed as well or better than the two other detectors. The SICNN was also very flexible in being able to be easily modified to deal with different image conditions

    Training Methods for Shunting Inhibitory Artificial Neural Networks

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    This project investigates a new class of high-order neural networks called shunting inhibitory artificial neural networks (SIANN\u27s) and their training methods. SIANN\u27s are biologically inspired neural networks whose dynamics are governed by a set of coupled nonlinear differential equations. The interactions among neurons are mediated via a nonlinear mechanism called shunting inhibition, which allows the neurons to operate as adaptive nonlinear filters. The project\u27s main objective is to devise training methods, based on error backpropagation type of algorithms, which would allow SIANNs to be trained to perform feature extraction for classification and nonlinear regression tasks. The training algorithms developed will simplify the task of designing complex, powerful neural networks for applications in pattern recognition, image processing, signal processing, machine vision and control. The five training methods adapted in this project for SIANN\u27s are error-backpropagation based on gradient descent (GD), gradient descent with variable learning rate (GDV), gradient descent with momentum (GDM), gradient descent with direct solution step (GDD) and APOLEX algorithm. SIANN\u27s and these training methods are implemented in MATLAB. Testing on several benchmarks including the parity problems, classification of 2-D patterns, and function approximation shows that SIANN\u27s trained using these methods yield comparable or better performance with multilayer perceptrons (MLP\u27s)

    GPU-based implementation of real-time system for spiking neural networks

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    Real-time simulations of biological neural networks (BNNs) provide a natural platform for applications in a variety of fields: data classification and pattern recognition, prediction and estimation, signal processing, control and robotics, prosthetics, neurological and neuroscientific modeling. BNNs possess inherently parallel architecture and operate in continuous signal domain. Spiking neural networks (SNNs) are type of BNNs with reduced signal dynamic range: communication between neurons occurs by means of time-stamped events (spikes). SNNs allow reduction of algorithmic complexity and communication data size at a price of little loss in accuracy. Simulation of SNNs using traditional sequential computer architectures results in significant time penalty. This penalty prohibits application of SNNs in real-time systems. Graphical processing units (GPUs) are cost effective devices specifically designed to exploit parallel shared memory-based floating point operations applied not only to computer graphics, but also to scientific computations. This makes them an attractive solution for SNN simulation compared to that of FPGA, ASIC and cluster message passing computing systems. Successful implementations of GPU-based SNN simulations have been already reported. The contribution of this thesis is the development of a scalable GPU-based realtime system that provides initial framework for design and application of SNNs in various domains. The system delivers an interface that establishes communication with neurons in the network as well as visualizes the outcome produced by the network. Accuracy of the simulation is emphasized due to its importance in the systems that exploit spike time dependent plasticity, classical conditioning and learning. As a result, a small network of 3840 Izhikevich neurons implemented as a hybrid system with Parker-Sochacki numerical integration method achieves real time operation on GTX260 device. An application case study of the system modeling receptor layer of retina is reviewed

    Role of homeostasis in learning sparse representations

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    Neurons in the input layer of primary visual cortex in primates develop edge-like receptive fields. One approach to understanding the emergence of this response is to state that neural activity has to efficiently represent sensory data with respect to the statistics of natural scenes. Furthermore, it is believed that such an efficient coding is achieved using a competition across neurons so as to generate a sparse representation, that is, where a relatively small number of neurons are simultaneously active. Indeed, different models of sparse coding, coupled with Hebbian learning and homeostasis, have been proposed that successfully match the observed emergent response. However, the specific role of homeostasis in learning such sparse representations is still largely unknown. By quantitatively assessing the efficiency of the neural representation during learning, we derive a cooperative homeostasis mechanism that optimally tunes the competition between neurons within the sparse coding algorithm. We apply this homeostasis while learning small patches taken from natural images and compare its efficiency with state-of-the-art algorithms. Results show that while different sparse coding algorithms give similar coding results, the homeostasis provides an optimal balance for the representation of natural images within the population of neurons. Competition in sparse coding is optimized when it is fair. By contributing to optimizing statistical competition across neurons, homeostasis is crucial in providing a more efficient solution to the emergence of independent components

    A Biomimetic Model of the Outer Plexiform Layer by Incorporating Memristive Devices

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    In this paper we present a biorealistic model for the first part of the early vision processing by incorporating memristive nanodevices. The architecture of the proposed network is based on the organisation and functioning of the outer plexiform layer (OPL) in the vertebrate retina. We demonstrate that memristive devices are indeed a valuable building block for neuromorphic architectures, as their highly non-linear and adaptive response could be exploited for establishing ultra-dense networks with similar dynamics to their biological counterparts. We particularly show that hexagonal memristive grids can be employed for faithfully emulating the smoothing-effect occurring at the OPL for enhancing the dynamic range of the system. In addition, we employ a memristor-based thresholding scheme for detecting the edges of grayscale images, while the proposed system is also evaluated for its adaptation and fault tolerance capacity against different light or noise conditions as well as distinct device yields

    A VHDL model of a digi-neocognitron neural network for VLSI

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    Optical character recognition is useful in many aspects of business. However, the use of conventional computers to provide a solution to this problem has not been very effective. Over the past two decades, researchers have utilized artificial neural networks for optical character recognition with considerable success. One such neural network is the neocognitron, a real-valued, multi-layered hierarchical network that simulates the human visual system. The neocognitron was shown to have the capability for pattern recognition despite variations in size, shape or the presence of deformations from the trained patterns. Unfortunately, the neocognitron is an analog network which prevents it from taking full advantage of the many advances in VLSI technology. Major advances in VLSI technology have been in the digital medium. Therefore, it appears necessary to adapt the neocognitron to an efficient digital neural network if it is to be implemented in VLSI. Recent research has shown that through preprocessing approximations and definition of new model functions, the neocognitron is well suited for implementation in digital VLSI. This thesis uses this methodology to implement a large scale digital neocognitron model. The new model, the digi-neocognitron, uses supervised learning and is trained to recognize ten handwritten numerals with widths of one pixel. The development of the neocognitron and the digi-neocognitron software models, and a comparison of their performance will be discussed. This is followed by the development and simulation of the digital model using the VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHDL). The VHDL model is used to demonstrate the functionality of the hardware model and to aid in its design. The model functions of the digi-neocognitron are then implemented and simulated for a 1.2 micrometers CMOS process

    Brain-inspired methods for achieving robust computation in heterogeneous mixed-signal neuromorphic processing systems

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    Neuromorphic processing systems implementing spiking neural networks with mixed signal analog/digital electronic circuits and/or memristive devices represent a promising technology for edge computing applications that require low power, low latency, and that cannot connect to the cloud for off-line processing, either due to lack of connectivity or for privacy concerns. However, these circuits are typically noisy and imprecise, because they are affected by device-to-device variability, and operate with extremely small currents. So achieving reliable computation and high accuracy following this approach is still an open challenge that has hampered progress on the one hand and limited widespread adoption of this technology on the other. By construction, these hardware processing systems have many constraints that are biologically plausible, such as heterogeneity and non-negativity of parameters. More and more evidence is showing that applying such constraints to artificial neural networks, including those used in artificial intelligence, promotes robustness in learning and improves their reliability. Here we delve even more into neuroscience and present network-level brain-inspired strategies that further improve reliability and robustness in these neuromorphic systems: we quantify, with chip measurements, to what extent population averaging is effective in reducing variability in neural responses, we demonstrate experimentally how the neural coding strategies of cortical models allow silicon neurons to produce reliable signal representations, and show how to robustly implement essential computational primitives, such as selective amplification, signal restoration, working memory, and relational networks, exploiting such strategies. We argue that these strategies can be instrumental for guiding the design of robust and reliable ultra-low power electronic neural processing systems implemented using noisy and imprecise computing substrates such as subthreshold neuromorphic circuits and emerging memory technologies