422 research outputs found

    Learning with mobile devices : a comparison of four mobile learning pilots in Africa

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    Abstract: This paper compares the mixed-methods evaluation findings of the ukuFUNda Virtual School (UVS) with evaluations of three different mobile learning (m-learning) programmes in Africa: the information and communication technologies for rural education (ICT4RED); the Kenya Primary Math and Reading (PRIMR) study and the Nokia Mobile Mathematics (MoMath) evaluation. The comparison applies a conceptual model based on m-learning affordances and configurations (Strigel & Pouezevara, 2012), as well as on uptake, use, and responses by program beneficiaries; and on stakeholder learning. The findings show varied successes across all four programs and highlight important lessons for stakeholders with particular reference to scaling up of m-learning interventions in an African context

    Gaming in Action

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    The «Gaming in Action» project, which brought the publicaion of this book, involved institutions from different countries that deal with adult education. For almost three years, the partners worked with teachers and trainers who applied innovative pedagogical scenarios of game-based learning and gamification, all oriented from a rigorous pedagogical perspective. The project's main goal was to increase the acquisition of pedagogical innovation skills in these models and incorporate them into their pedagogical practices. The project searched to highlight the need for quality pedagogical training in a new, technologically digital, era: in this, education has less to do with reproducing information passively and has more to do with the development of creativity, critical thinking, problem- solving and decision-making.Erasmus Plus "Gaming in Action – engaging adult learners with games and gamification" Project number: 2018-1-TR01-KA204-05931

    Uudenlaiset arvonluontitavat verkostoissa – Tapaustutkimuksia joukkoistamisesta, parvityöstä ja pelillistämisestä

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    For years, value creation has been a hot topic in both academic and business literature. Perceptions of value and value creation have changed over time in parallel with economic changes and technological developments. In the early 21st century, we are approaching towards digital service economy where businesses and organizations are increasingly seeking new ways to benefit from business opportunities mostly enabled by the Internet and Web 2.0 technologies. However, due to the novelty and vast number of different concepts not much is known about value creation through social media and recently emerged ICT-based approaches. The purpose of this study was to increase general understanding on social media and ICT-related value creation by exploring different novel value creation approaches in intercompany networks. The study was conducted as a qualitative business research with theoretical and empirical parts. The theoretical part consisted of an extensive literature review focusing on the two key aspects of the study: value creation and novel social media and ICT-based value creation approaches. The empirical part consisted of a multiple case study with three different cases: Konecranes GrabCAD Challenge, xTune and Kaleva Innopinion Campaign. The data was collected with a netnography including participant observations and focused interviews. The participant observations were conducted in case-related online environments and we interviewed four different persons from the case organizations. As a result, this research identified the current trends in value creation and described how they differ from more traditional views by exploring different characteristics that epitomize novelty. The study also introduced several frameworks and models for analyzing and visualizing value creation in networked environments. In addition, the research identified several recently emerged novel value creation approaches that essentially build on social media and other ICT-based approaches, and focused more intensively on crowdsourcing, swarm-work and gamification through the case studies. In conclusion, the case studies revealed that social media and modern ICT are in essential role in enabling value creation and several characteristics of novelty in the cases


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    The traditional method of learning has been widely criticised for its limitations and inflexibility to application in non-educational settings. These observations about the traditional modes of learning have necessitated the contemplation and discovery of new approaches embracing technological tools that advances better learning experiences. Hence, new technological innovations, such as Stronger Game or Serious Games (SGs) have been embraced as more effective methods of achieving deep learning. The application of serious game has indeed, gained traction in both the formal educational and human resource (HR) settings, especially for employees’ training and development. Thus, the core question of this PhD research is hinged on whether the SGs are more effective in creating deep learning in adult learners, compared to the more traditional teaching methods. To respond to this query, the study examines the traditional and SGs learning approaches, in order to ascertain which is more effective in creating deep learning in adults, in addition to achieving human resource training and development. To guide the design and development of SGs to support adult DL, this research proposes a pedagogical framework referred to as the Game ELC+ framework that comprises four learning theories namely: The Game (Elements) within the Yu Kai Chou's Octalysis Framework; Bloom Taxonomy’s Player (Learning) Levels; (Cognitive) Theory of Multimedia Learning; and the Ruskov’s four evidence of Deep Learning (+). This framework provides the standard for measuring DL in the design of SGs. The research instruments developed include a traditional andragogical test which uses e-Learning materials containing ten different learning scenarios in the context of workplace HR scenarios, and a digital Serious Game using exactly the same content and scenarios with the traditional andragogical test. ANOVA was utilized as the data analytical approach for comparing the mean score of learners using serious games and the tradition eLearning platforms. The study hypothesised that deep learning can be achieved through the SGs and that it is more effective than the traditional andragogy. It further asserts that participants who used the SGs achieved a higher learning outcome than participants in traditional process. Participant observation during the testing phase suggests that the participants interacting with the SGs demonstrated high level of engagement and curiosity, when compared to participants who used the traditional eLearning platform. The study findings validate the hypotheses. By implication, the SGs designed according to the Game ELC+ framework results in improved learning outcomes. In summary, the findings claim that incorporating SG elements in HR training and development can improve professional practices and mitigate some of the challenges experienced by human resource in the traditional learning environment

    The Impact of Gamification on Employee Engagement in a Complex System of Human Resource Management Processes

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    Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusPromocijas darba mērķis ir izpētīt spēļošanu kā rīku, ko izmanto personālvadības procesu kompleksā sistēmā, un tās potenciālu ietekmēt augstāku darbinieku iesaisti šajos procesos, kā arī izstrādāt rekomendācijas spēļotu un iesaisti veicinošu personālvadības procesu dizainam. Pētījums piedāvā hipotēzi, ka, ņemot vērā spēļu vides augsti iesaistošo raksturu, darbinieku iesaiste dažādos personālvadības procesos tiek pozitīvi ietekmēta, izmantojot spēļu elementus, kas veicina izmērāmu šo procesu rādītāju paaugstināšanos. Darba zinātniskā novitāte izpaužas spēļošanas definīcijā ar fokusu uz personālvadības procesiem, kā arī pienesumā vadībzinātņu teorijas attīstībai: izstrādāts 10-soļu modelis iesaisti veicinošai personālvadības procesu spēļošanai. Darba ietvaros izstrādātā metodoloģija spēļošanas ietekmes izpētei uz darbinieku iesaisti var tikt izmantota gan viena uzņēmuma vai uzņēmumu grupas ietvaros, gan pārrobežu pētījumiemThe aim of this study is to explore gamification as a tool used within a complex system of human resource management processes and its potential to achieve higher employee engagement with these processes, as well as to develop recommendations for gamified and engagement-positive design of the said processes. Hypothesis defended throughout the thesis argues that given highly engaging character of the game environment employee engagement with various human resource management processes can be positively influenced through the application of game elements, thus promoting improvement of the process indicators. Scientific novelty of the doctoral thesis lies in developed gamification definition with a focus on human resource management processes, as well as in contribution to the management theory development: thesis offers 10-steps model for the engagement positive gamification of human resource management processes. Methodology for research of the impact of gamification on employee engagement can be used within any business enterprise or group of enterprises, as well as for the crossborder research

    Using open ended, ill formed problems to develop and assess Engineering Mathematics competencies.

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    The purpose of this paper is to report upon how an engineering mathematics class was used to provide a vehicle for students to develop mathematical competencies and hence higher order thinking skills within the broader field of engineering education. Specifically it provided students with the opportunities to think mathematically, reason mathematically, pose and resolve mathematical problems, to use technology to model resolutions, interpret and handle mathematical symbolism and to communicate their resolutions to peers and staff. Using the report produced by the Mathematics Working Group of SEFI (European Society for Engineering Education), which details a framework for mathematics curricula in engineering education (SEFI, 2013), a methodology was identified. This methodology was also based on work previously undertaken by the author (Peters, 2017; Peters, 2015). In section 2.1 (p 13) the report lists and describes a set of eight mathematical competencies: (1) Thinking mathematically, (2) reasoning mathematically, (3) posing and solving mathematical problems, (4) modelling mathematically, (5) representing mathematical entities, (6) handling mathematical symbols and formalism, (7) communicating in, with, and about mathematics and, (8) making use of aids and tools. The report also points out the importance of developing assessment procedures pertinent to competency acquisition (p7). The evidence from this investigation concludes that the majority of students found the experience challenging but worthwhile. They considered they had learnt important skills including the ability to form assumptions, persistence, time management, project management and an enhancement of their mathematical skills in relation to engineering

    The role and potential of ICT in the visitor attractions sector: the case of Scotland’s tourism industry

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